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"This research aims to explore the social construction of mobile phone as a form of new media. It was conducted under constructionist perspective, employing Giddens' structuration theory to analyze the interplay between the use of mobile phone as a form of new medium, and the communication culture of millennial teenagers. Qualitative method and phenomenological research tradition are applied in this research based on the perspective of the millenniah teengers. This research concluds that even though mobile telepohone is a technological device, the use of mobile phone is a social construction, that in turn will construct values and communication culture of its users."
Thesis: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Komunikasi, V (3) September-Desember 2006: 111-132, 2006
TJPI-V-3-SeptDes 2006-111
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohadi Prasetyo
"Dengan pesatnya pertumbuhan kepemilikan dan penggunaan telepon seluler di seluruh dunia, gangguan telepon seluler telah menjadi ancaman nyata bagi pejalan kaki. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana gangguan telepon seluler di kalangan pejalan kaki. Observasi lapangan dan wawancara digunakan untuk mencatat gangguan telepon seluler, perilaku pejalan kaki yang tidak aman, dan aktivitas pejalan kaki menggunakan telepon seluler. Uji chi-square Pearson dan uji eksak Fisher dilakukan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara gangguan ponsel dan perilaku tidak aman pejalan kaki serta pengaruh faktor sosio-demografis terhadap gangguan ponsel. Selain itu, Cramer's V digunakan untuk mengukur seberapa kuat variabel-variabel tersebut terkait. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa pejalan kaki yang melihat ponsel saat mendekat cenderung tidak melihat ke kiri dan ke kanan (lalu lintas) sebelum menyeberang dibandingkan dengan gangguan ponsel lainnya. Selain itu, SMS dan telepon mendorong pejalan kaki untuk menyeberang di luar penyeberangan yang telah ditentukan dibandingkan dengan gangguan lainnya. Selain itu, melihat notifikasi merupakan aktivitas paling umum di kalangan pejalan kaki yang mengganggu perhatian mereka saat menyeberang.

With the rapid growth of mobile phone ownership and usage worldwide, mobile phone distraction has become a real threat to pedestrians. This research aimed to examine the extent of mobile phone distraction among pedestrians. Field observations and interviews were employed to record mobile phone distractions, unsafe pedestrian behaviours, and pedestrians’ activities on mobile phones. The Pearson chi-square and Fisher’s exact test were performed to analyse the association between mobile phone distractions and pedestrian unsafe behaviours and the influence of socio-demographic factors on mobile phone distractions. In addition, Cramer’s V was employed to measure how strongly the variables are associated. The result of the research revealed that pedestrians who were looking at a mobile phone when approaching tend to not look left and right (traffic) before crossing compared to other mobile phone distractions. Moreover, texting and calling encourage pedestrians to cross outside the designated crosswalk compared to other distractions. In addition, seeing a notification was the most common activity among pedestrians that distracted them when crossing."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yeremia Nikanor Nugroho
Teknologi jaringan telekomunikasi seluler merupakan cara paling umum untuk berkomunikasi, khususnya melalui akses internet. Teknologi seluler digital pertama yang memungkinkan akses terhadap internet yaitu pada generasi kedua (2G) bernama GPRS yang merupakan pengembangan dari GSM. Kebutuhan akan akses internet progresif meningkat. Kini, teknologi seluler generasi keempat (4G), LTE, telah komersial dan masif digunakan masyarakat. Evolusi tersebut melibatkan antara lain pemisahan struktur menjadi jaringan akses dan jaringan inti, pemisahakan jalur protokol untuk kontrol dan akses data, serta pengalamatan setiap elemen dalam jaringan berbasis pengalamatan IP.

Pembentukan jaringan telekomunikasi seluler dapat dilakukan menggunakan sebuah komputer. OpenBTS dan OpenAirInterface (OAI) merupakan alternatif membangun jaringan seluler GPRS dan LTE secara portabel dengan bantuan USRP B210 yang dapat mengimplementasikan sistem radio secara fleksibel. Aplikasi open source tersebut memungkinkan modifikasi atau kustomisasi pada source code untuk ekstensibilitas fungsi dalam evaluasi eksperimental. Bekerja berdasarkan standarisasi yang ada, termasuk OAI sepenuhnya berdasarkan Release 10 sehingga memungkinkan pembentukan berbagai komponen seperti UE, eNB, MME, HSS, SGW dan PGW pada peralatan komputasi standar berbasis Linux.

Penelitian berfokus pada studi untuk melakukan evaluasi kinerja komparatif terhadap perkembangan teknologi seluler untuk akses internet. Evaluasi meliputi throughput, delay, jitter, dan persentase packet loss dengan nilai masing-masing untuk GPRS yaitu 62,34 KBps, 1,03 s, 433,47 ms, dan 5,20% sedangkan untuk LTE yaitu 2,17 MBps, 54,44 ms, 12,48 ms, dan 3,12%. Penggunaan GPRS untuk layanan saat ini seperti akses video dan penelusuran tidak dimungkinkan. Hasil persentase kualitas LTE untuk browsing sebesar 69,96% dan streaming sebesar 83,80%.  LTE mengoptmasi QoS dibandingkan GPRS hingga 3492% untuk throughput, 1904% untuk delay, 3473% untuk jitter, dan 166% untuk packet loss.

Mobile telecommunications network technology is the most common way to communicate, especially through Internet access. The first digital cellular technology that allows access to the internet is in the second generation (2G) called GPRS, which is the development of GSM. The need for progressive internet access is increasing. Now, fourth generation cellular technology (4G), LTE, has been commercially and massively used by the public. The evolution involves, among others, the separation of structures into access networks and core networks, the separation of protocol paths for data control and access, and addressing each element in the network based on IP addressing.

The formation of cellular telecommunications networks can be done using a computer. OpenBTS and OpenAir Interface (OAI) are an alternative to building portable GPRS and LTE cellular networks with the help of USRP B210 to implement flexible radio systems. This open source application allows modification or customization of the source code for the extension of functions in experimental evaluations. Work based on existing standards, including OAI is fully based on Release 10, allowing the formation of various components such as the EU, eNB, MME, HSS, SGW and PGW on standard Linux-based computing equipment.

The research focuses on studies to conduct comparative performance evaluations of the development of cellular technology for internet access. Evaluation includes throughput, delay, jitter, and percentage of packet loss with their respective values for GPRS, which are 62.34 KBps, 1.03 s, 433.47 ms, and 5.20% while those for LTE are 2.17 MBps, 54 , 44 ms, 12.48 ms, and 3.12%. The use of GPRS for current services such as video access and search is not possible. The percentage results of LTE quality for browsing were 69.96% and streaming was 83.80%. LTE optimizes QoS compared to GPRS up to 3492% for throughput, 1904% for delay, 3473% for jitter, and 166% for packet loss.

UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alya Hafidza
Indonesia secara geografis merupakan negara yang memiliki potensi bencana gempa bumi yang besar. Hal tersebut membuat Indonesia harus memiliki sistem manajemen bencana yang baik antar lembaga lembaga yang terlibat pada tanggap darurat bencana. Penggunaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi sudah banyak digunakan untuk manajemen bencana di seluruh dunia, terlebih teknologi berbasis mobile phone. Aplikasi mobile phone saat proses tanggap bencana dapat sangat membantu untuk meningkatkan waktu respon, pencarian korban, sampai ke penempatan alat berat serta personil Search and Rescue (SAR) saat proses tanggap darurat bencana. Aplikasi mobile phone ini akan meningkatkan persentase korban selamat dengan variabel variabel yang diukur berupa notifikasi gempa bumi real time, pengetahuan menghadapi bencana gempa bumi, dan panggilan ke tenaga medis gawat darurat. Variabel variabel tersebut didapat dari studi literatur, kemudian setelah itu didapatkan fitur fitur yang akan ditambahkan di dalam aplikasi. Setelah itu, survey dilakukan kepada masyarakat untu menentukan apakah kedua fitur yang ditambahkan dapat berpengaruh dalam menambah keamanan dan keselamatan korban bencana.

Indonesia is a country that has enormous geographical potential for earthquake disasters. This makes Indonesia must have a good disaster management sistem between the institutions involved in disaster response. The use of information and communication technology has been widely used for disaster management throughout the world, primarily mobile phone based technology. Mobile phone applications during the disaster response process can significantly increase response times, search for victims, and the placement of heavy equipment and Search and Rescue (SAR) personnel during the emergency response process. This mobile phone application will increase the percentage of survivors with variables measured in real time earthquake notifications, knowledge of dealing with earthquake disasters, and calls to emergency medical personnel. These variables are obtained from literature studies; then, features added into the application. After that, a survey was conducted to the community to determine whether the two added features could affect disaster victims' security and safety.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Along with the development of information technology in recent era, a number of new applications emerge, especially on mobile phones. The use of mobile phones, besides as communication media, is also as media of learning, such as translator application. Translator application can be a tool to learn a language, such as English to Bahasa Indonesia translator application. The purpose of this research is to allow user to be able to translate English to Bahasa Indonesia on mobile phone easily. Translator application on this research was developed using Java programming language (especially J2ME) because of its advantage that can run on various operating systems and its open source that can be easily developed and distributed. In this research, data collection was done through literature study, observation, and browsing similar application. Development of the system used object-oriented analysis and design that can be described by using case diagrams, class diagrams, sequence diagrams, and activity diagrams. The translation process used rule-based method. Result of this research is the application of Java-based translator which can translate English sentence into Indonesian sentence. The application can be accessed using a mobile phone with Internet connection. The application has spelling check feature that is able to check the wrong word and provide alternative word that approaches the word input. Conclusion of this research is the application can translate sentence in daily conversation quite well with the sentence structure corresponds and is close to its original meaning."
621 COMMIT 8 (1-2) 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Catra Evan Ramadhani
"The proliferation of mobile phones in developing countries has significant implications for those countries. Although numerous studies have examined the various advantages of mobile phone use, the relationship between mobile phone access and the economic welfare of households has received comparatively little attention. This paper examines the effects of mobile phone on household expenditures in 2007 and 2014 utilising the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) combined with Potential Village Survey (PODES). Ordinary Least Square (OLS), Endogenous Treatment Regression (ETR), quantile regression, and two-way fixed effect estimations are used to identify the homogeneous and heterogeneous effects of mobile phone use. According to the estimated results, mobile phone access and signal quality significantly increases household expenditure. According to the results of quantile regression, mobile phone access has the greatest effect on the upper expenditure distributions. It is highlighting the importance of promoting a policy that increases mobile phone and the supporting infrastructure on the lower expenditure distributions."
Jakarta: Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (BAPPENAS), 2023
330 JPP 7:1 (2023)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Okti Primurianti Zakaria
"Seiring dengan kemajuan di bidang teknologi dan komunkasi, Jaringan 3G adalah salah satu sumberdaya terbatas yang sangat diperlukan bagi industri telekomunikasi. Pemerintah dituntut untuk mengatur dan mengawasi pemakaian sumberdaya alam tidak terbatas tersebut, salah satunya dengan mekanisme perizinan dalam Undang-undang Telekomunikasi. Perizinan merupakan salah satu bagian dari hukum administrasi negara. Sanksi administrasi yang diangap kurang efektif membuat sanksi pidana akhirnya menjadi jalan untuk penegakan norma hukum administrasi negara, yang dikenal dengan administrative penal law. Kurangnya pemahaman aparat penegak hukum mengenai administrative penal law membuat kebingungan disaat terjadi kasus pelanggaran terhadap administrative penal law yang juga memenuhi unsur tindak pidana korupsi. Kasus semacam itu di satu sisi dapat digolongkan sebagai concurus idealis, tapi disisi lain ketentuan Pasal 63 ayat (2) yang menyangkut asas lex speclialis derogat legi generalisdalam kasus ini asas lex systematische specialiteit mengingat Undang-undang Telekomunikasi dan Undang-undang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi merupakan aturan pidana khusus-juga perlu diperhatikan untuk menentukan ketentuan mana yang harus diterapkan.

Along with the advances of technology and communication, the 3G network become one of most needed limited resources for telecomunication industry. Government forced to manage and control the usage of that limited resources, one of them is the licensing mechanism on Telecomunication Act. Licensing is one kind of administrative law. The uneffectiveness of administrtative sanctions made penal sanctions be the way to enforce the administrative norm, also known as administrative penal law. Lack of understanding about administrtive penal law by the law enforcement officers made confusion when there?s case that a violation of adinistrative penal law, in the same time breaking the law of Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption. A case like this can categorized as concursus idealis, but in the other side, we can?t avoid the provision of article 62 (2) of The Book of penal Code (KUHP) about lex specialis derogat legi generalis-in this case, lex systematische specialiteit, becasuse both of the Telecomunication Act and Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption are special rules of criminal offences-also need to be considered to determine which provisions should be applied.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitri Andriyani
"[Komunikasi merupakan salah satu kebutuhan manusia yang paling dasar. Salah satu teknologi yang digunakan untuk membantu kelancaran komunikasi adalah telepon seluler. Namun, pada kenyataannya ada faktor ? faktor yang dapat menghalangi kelancaran proses telekomunikasi seluler. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kuat sinyal dengan faktor ? faktor yang mempengaruhinya seperti ketinggian tempat, tinggi BTS, arah hadapan lereng, dan jarak dari BTS. Penggunaan analisis keruangan secara kuantitatif menghasilkan suatu model keruangan kualitas sinyal telepon seluler di Kabupaten Temanggung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas sinyal yang baik terdapat pada daerah yang dekat dengan BTS dengan lereng yang menghadap BTS.;Communication is one of the most basic human needs. One of the technology that are used to help smooth communication is mobile phone. However, in reality there are many factors that can obstruct the smooth process of mobile telecommunications. This study aims to determine the relationship between a signal strength by the influencing factors such as altitude, elevation of BTS, the direction of the level before the slope, and the distance from the base stations. The use of quantitative spatial analysis produced a spatial model of cell phone signal quality at Temanggung Regency. The results showed that the good signal quality present in the area near the BTS with a slope overlooking the BTS.;Communication is one of the most basic human needs. One of the technology that are used to help smooth communication is mobile phone. However, in reality there are many factors that can obstruct the smooth process of mobile telecommunications. This study aims to determine the relationship between a signal strength by the influencing factors such as altitude, elevation of BTS, the direction of the level before the slope, and the distance from the base stations. The use of quantitative spatial analysis produced a spatial model of cell phone signal quality at Temanggung Regency. The results showed that the good signal quality present in the area near the BTS with a slope overlooking the BTS., Communication is one of the most basic human needs. One of the technology that are used to help smooth communication is mobile phone. However, in reality there are many factors that can obstruct the smooth process of mobile telecommunications. This study aims to determine the relationship between a signal strength by the influencing factors such as altitude, elevation of BTS, the direction of the level before the slope, and the distance from the base stations. The use of quantitative spatial analysis produced a spatial model of cell phone signal quality at Temanggung Regency. The results showed that the good signal quality present in the area near the BTS with a slope overlooking the BTS.]"
Depok: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Over the last decade, mobile telecommunications has grown dramatically, from a niche technology to a massive industry. As the mobile phone becomes ubiquitous and the divisions between PCs, personal digital assistants, mobiles phones and other mobile devices becomes blurred, the security both of the information handled by these devices and the devices themselves becomes increasingly important. The book consists of 17 chapters covering current developments in security for mobility; underlying technologies; network security; mobile code issues; application security; and the future."
London: Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2009
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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