ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis keselarasan visi, misi dan nilai perusahaan tahun 2013, menganalisis hasil dari strategi perusahaan tahun 2011- 2013, dan memberikan rekomendasi strategi melalui pendekatan balanced scorecard. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode studi kasus, wawancara, dan studi literatur. Visi, misi dan nilai PT. Indosat Tbk telah mengandung unsur keselarasan. Hasil strategi PT. Indosat Tbk pada tahun 2013 adalah belum berhasil dalam melakukan efisiensi biaya, dan berhasil dalam meningkatkan jumlah pelanggan. Rekomendasi strategi yang diberikan adalah melakukan riset dan pengembangan pencegahan gangguan interkoneksi, mengembangkan sistem pencegahan serangan cyber, optimalisasi aset, melakukan efisiensi biaya operasional, dan membangun win-win relationship dengan pemasok dan distributor.
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to analyze the alignment of company?s vision, mission and value in 2013, analyze the result of company?s strategies in 2011- 2013, and give strategy recommendations through balanced scorecard approach. The methods of this research are case study, interview, and literature study methods. There is element of alignment between PT. Indosat Tbk?s vision, mission, and value. Indosat Tbk has not yet succeed in doing cost efficiency, and have succeed in raising number of customer. Strategy recommendations are doing interconnection disruption research and development, preventing cyber disruption, asset optimization, doing operational cost efficiency, and building win-win relationship with customer and distributor.;The purpose of this research is to analyze the alignment of company?s vision, mission and value in 2013, analyze the result of company?s strategies in 2011- 2013, and give strategy recommendations through balanced scorecard approach. The methods of this research are case study, interview, and literature study methods. There is element of alignment between PT. Indosat Tbk?s vision, mission, and value. Indosat Tbk has not yet succeed in doing cost efficiency, and have succeed in raising number of customer. Strategy recommendations are doing interconnection disruption research and development, preventing cyber disruption, asset optimization, doing operational cost efficiency, and building win-win relationship with customer and distributor.;The purpose of this research is to analyze the alignment of company?s vision, mission and value in 2013, analyze the result of company?s strategies in 2011- 2013, and give strategy recommendations through balanced scorecard approach. The methods of this research are case study, interview, and literature study methods. There is element of alignment between PT. Indosat Tbk?s vision, mission, and value. Indosat Tbk has not yet succeed in doing cost efficiency, and have succeed in raising number of customer. Strategy recommendations are doing interconnection disruption research and development, preventing cyber disruption, asset optimization, doing operational cost efficiency, and building win-win relationship with customer and distributor., The purpose of this research is to analyze the alignment of company’s vision, mission and value in 2013, analyze the result of company’s strategies in 2011- 2013, and give strategy recommendations through balanced scorecard approach. The methods of this research are case study, interview, and literature study methods. There is element of alignment between PT. Indosat Tbk’s vision, mission, and value. Indosat Tbk has not yet succeed in doing cost efficiency, and have succeed in raising number of customer. Strategy recommendations are doing interconnection disruption research and development, preventing cyber disruption, asset optimization, doing operational cost efficiency, and building win-win relationship with customer and distributor.]"