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Stania Puspawardhani
"Kepemilikan media di Amerika Serikat telah mengerut dalam beberapa dekade terakhir ini karena kebijakan pemerintah yang memperbolehkan sebuah perusahaan menguasai banyak media. Hal ini menimbulkan kekahwatiran mengenai isi pemberitaan yang terdistorsi oleh kepentingan bisnis atau kebijakan pemerintah.
Radio dukungan pendengar merupakan sebuah konsep radio publik baru yang diajukan oleh Lewis Kimball Hill pada tahun 1949 sebagai alternatif terhadap struktur media saat itu. Meskipun uang yang diperoleh dari pendengar seringkali tidak cukup untuk membiayai ongkos produksi keseluruhan, ide Hill masih dapat kita lihat sampai saat ini. Yayasan Pacifica yang didirikan HiII telah mengembangkan jaringannya dari stasiun KPFA di Berkeley, California, menjadi lima stasiun di seluruh Amerika Serikat. Konstituten utama radio ini adalah pendengarnya, karena itu kepentingan utama programnya adalah memenuhi kebutuhan pendengar. Hal ini sejalan dengan etika jurnalistik dimana salah satu prinsipnya adalah untuk melayani kepentingan publik.
Untuk melihat perbedaan isi yang diproduksi oleh media, saya mengkaji bagimana media arus utama (mainstream) dan media alternatif di Amerika Serikat menarasikan Perang Irak. Saya mengumpulkan hasil kajian yang dilakukan oleh lembaga-lembaga sebelumnya mengenai narasi media TV, radio dan cetak. Narasi yang saya bandingkan adalah berita the Washington Post dengan berita radio yang diproduksi Pacifica. Dengan analisis teks kritis, kedua media ini ternyata memiliki karakterisasi berbeda. Saya menemukan bahwa the Washington Post mendukung perang, sementara Pacifica menyuarakan anti-perang.

The thriving number of media ownership in United States has contracted in the couple of decades due to government policy to allow big corporations dominate most media outlets in the country. This creates concerns on the content of the media which is assumed distorted by business interest and/or government stance.
Listener-sponsored radio is a new public radio concept proposed by Lewis Kimball Hill in 1949 to be alternative of the current media structure. Although the money generated from listeners are often not sufficient to fund the whole radio operation, Hill's experiment is still exist and alive today. The Pacifica foundation enlarges their radio affiliation from KPFA station in Berkeley, California to five radio stations across United States. Main constituents of this radio is their listeners, and thus the content will be based on the listener interest. This seems in accordance with journalism ethics, which is to serve fair and correct information to the public.
To see the difference content produced by media, I examine how mainstream and alternative media in United States narrate Iraq War. I collect studies done by several organizations on media narration in TV, radio and print. I also compare the narration between mainstream media, which is the Washington Post with the alternative one, produced by Pacifica. Using the critical text analysis, these media have different characterization in their articles.I found out that the Washington Post voices the pro war stance in their editorials and article, while Pacifica voices the anti war aspiration.
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jurriens, Edwin
"This article is about community radio in Indonesia. This type of radio developed as an alternative to both public radio and commercial radio after the fall of Soeharto in 1998. Two important features of community radio are that it provides all community members with equal access to information, and also enables them to participate actively in management and production. Both features enhance people's self-awareness and sense of belonging to a community. This article compares the way in which community radio creates communal feelings with Bertolt Brecht 's ideas on theatre and radio, and Walter Benjamin's theory of mass media. In the second part of the article, the conceptual tools generated by this comparative framework are used for the discussion of the ideas and practices of community radio practitioners in Central Java. The stations discussed comprise two types of community radio: one based on geographical or professional grounds, the other tied to the interests of students at university campuses (so-called campus radio). The theoretical discussion of community radio as well as the description of the Central Javanese radio stations make it clear that community radio has a democratic right and duty to exist in Indonesian society, as it enables social groups to express themselves without interference of other parties, and contributes to the variety of the Indonesian media scene."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ressi Dwiana
"Disertasi ini membahas bagaimana para pendukung radio komunitas berusaha mempertahankan eksistensi penyiaran tersebut di tengah kondisi regulasi yang mempersulit penyiaran komunitas. Regulasi, berupa produk hukum dan proses implementasinya, diasumsikan sebagai penyebab utama kemunduran radio komunitas. UU Penyiaran No. 32 Tahun 2002 adalah regulasi yang mengakui keberadaan penyiaran komunitas. Meskipun demikian, di dalam UU tersebut, radio komunitas dituntut agar menjadi penyiaran yang utopis: bersifat independen, tidak komersial, dan melayani kepentingan komunitasnya. Di sisi lain, tidak ada dukungan nyata dari negara, bahkan dalam aturan-aturan pelaksanaan, pemerintah membuat batasan-batasan yang sangat ketat sehingga mempersulit kehidupan radio komunitas. Persoalan-persoalan yang muncul akibat regulasi yaitu terkait masalah perizinan, keuangan, alokasi frekuensi, pembatasan kekuatan jangkauan dan siaran, dan pencapaian tujuan radio komunitas. Selain tekanan regulasi, radio komunitas juga kehilangan dukungan dari kelompok masyarakat sipil karena perkembangan teknologi media dan polarisasi kepentingan masing-masing kelompok. Dalam iklim regulasi yang menekan dan gerakan masyarakat sipil yang semakin lemah, upaya para praktisi untuk mempertahankan eksistensi radio komunitas dilakukan dengan berbagai cara. Upaya-upaya tersebut ada yang berhasil membuat radio komunitas dapat terus bertahan. Namun, akar permasalah utama radio komunitas, yaitu regulasi, tidak pernah terselesaikan.
This dissertation discusses about how community radio supporters try to maintain the existence of this media in the midst of regulatory conditions that complicate community broadcasting. Regulation and its implementation process, are assumed to be the main cause of the decline of community radio. Broadcasting Law No. 32/2002 is the regulation that recognizes the existence of community broadcasting. However, community radio required to be a utopian broadcast: independent, noncommercial, and serves the interests of its community. On the other hand, there is no real support from the state, even in the implementing regulations, the government makes very strict restrictions that complicate the life of community radio. Problems that arise as a result of regulation are related to licensing, finance, frequency allocation, limitation of coverage and broadcast power, and achievement of community radio goals. Apart from regulatory pressure, community radio also lost support from civil society groups due to developments in media technology and the polarization of interests in civil society. In a climate of oppressive regulations and a weakening civil society movement, practitioners' efforts to maintain the existence of community radio are carried out in various ways. Some of these efforts have succeeded in making community radio sustainable. However, the root of the main problem of community radio, regulation, has never been resolved."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deddy Satria Mangkuwinata
"Tesis ini membahas tentang perkembangan radio komunitas di Aceh pasca tsunami yang berlangsung dalam masa tanggap darurat. Titik fokus peneiitian ini pacia program Ayeh Emergency Radio Network (AE.RNet), dimana radio komunitas Samudera FM adalah salah sam dari lima radio yang didirikan dalam masa tanggap darurat tarsebut.
Penelitian ini mengunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang menggunakan studi kasus dan bersifat longitudinal (waklu tertentu). Hal ini dilakukan untuk mendapalkan fakta atau informasi tentang perkembangan radio komunitas di masa tanggap darurat bcncana. Tipe dari penclitian ini bersifat deskriptif yakni penelitian yang menggunakan variabel masa lalu dan masa kini berupa penjelasan dari responden sebagai key irjzman.
Dari hasil temuan penelitian bahwa kehadiran radio komunitas di Aceh pasca tsunami bukan atas inisiatif warga komunitas melainkan bei-kat bantuan dari lembaga diluar komunilas ilu sendiri yang bergerak dalam pengembangan media komunitas, khususnya radio. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini ingin melihat prospek dan kendala perkembangan radio komunitas dalam mendukung proses penanggulangan bencana terutama peran dan fungsi radio komunitas dalam mengisi kekosongan informasi ditcngah situasi tanggap damrat.
Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa radio kornunitas di Aceh walaupun berperan dalam masa tanggap darurat namun memiliki kelemahan dalam hal partisipasi warga. Disamping itu secara keiembagaan masih hams diberi pendampingan. Radio komunitas juga ikut memainkan peran sebagai media tanggap darurat untuk saling berkomunikasi dan berbagi informasi antara sesama korban tsunami, baik tentang lingkimgannya maupun di luar lingkungannya. Dengan demikian Iingkunganlah yang mcmbawa infomiasi yang kemudian diterima media massa. Sehingga radio komunitas di daerah bencana dapat berfungsi sebagai media early warming system terhadap sualu pcristiwa.

The thesis discusses about community radio development in Aceh during emergency response period after the tsunami. Tl1e focus ofthe research was on the program of Ayeh Emergency Radio Network (AERNet), in which the Samudera FM community radio was one of the tive radios founded over the emergency response period.
The research used qualitative approach that applied ease study and had longitudinal characteristic (at a particular time). It was done in order to gather facts or information on the community radio development during the disaster emergency response period. Type of the research is descriptive in which the research uses the past and fixture variable collected fiom the respondents explanation as key informants.
From the result of the research, it was found that the radio community in Aceh after the tsunami was not founded based on the initiative of the people in the community, but it was an aid from an institution beyond the commtmity itself that focused on the community media development, especially radio. That was why the research was aimed to find the prospect and obstacles of the community radio development in order to support the process on overcoming disaster, especially its role and timction as the community radio in filling the lack of information in the middle of emergency situation.
The gathered result showed that even though the community radio in Aceh played its role in the emergency response period, it still had a weakness in people’s participation. Besides, as an institution, it still needed a support. The community radio played its role as an emergency response media as well, that was used to communicate each other and share information among the victims of the tsunami, whether it was about the circumstances in their own area or beyond. So that the people in the spot area became the ones who carried out the information received by the mass media. That is why the radio community in the disaster area can have its function as a media ofthe early waming system towards a particular event.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Nusa Tenggara Barat yang terkenal dengan istilah Bumi Gora karena berhasil mengembangkan pola tanam dengan sistem Gogo Rancah pada daerah lahan kering atau tadah hujan, sampai saat ini terdapat tidak kurang dari 100 stasiun radio komunitas,puluhan radio swasta dan publik...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Internews Indonesia, 2000
384.54 RAD
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Bina Aksara, 1982
621.384 1 SUW t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Roberts, R.S.
Jakarta: Elex Media Komputindo, 1981
R 384.5 Rob k
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arman Djohan Diponegoro
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1993
UI - Laporan Penelitian  Universitas Indonesia Library
Izyumov, N.
Moscow: MIR Publishers, 1980
621.384 IZY f
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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