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Humprey A. Russel
The Balkan conflict which shocked the international community during the 1990's has now marked history as one of the greatest humanitarian tragedies during of that decade. The basic principle of self-determination by the republic states within the Yugoslav Federation was responded with armed conflict by the ruling Serbs. Bosnia Herzegovina as one of the many republic states that attempted to separate itself from the Yugoslav Federation, faced direct military aggression from the Serbian-controlled Yugoslavian National Army (JNA), desperately trying to maintain integrity of the disintegrating Yugoslavian Federation.
This military aggression instigated ethnic conflict within the territories of Bosnia Herzegovina into the following opposite ethic factions: Bosnian Serbs, Bosnian Croats and Bosnian Muslims. The escalating conflict gained the attention of the international community, which opted to mediate a peaceful solution for the conflicting parties. The European Community, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Western European Union (WEU) were the key regional organizations in Europe that supported the United Nations (UN) effort of peacekeeping operations in the Bosnian conflict area.
History has recorded the UN peacekeeping operations in Bosnia as a continued polemic in regard to its effectiveness and implementation. The internal bureaucracy of the United Nations, specifically the UN Security Council and its mandates has shown ambiguities affecting the overall outcome of the peacekeeping operations.
This thesis attempts a qualitative study to further analyze the dynamics within the United Nations, and its effectiveness in implementing peacekeeping operation efforts during the Balkan crisis in Bosnia."
T 20651
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dimas Seti Adtya
"Tesis ini dikerjakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian yaitu apa yang menyebabkan UNPROFOR Dutch Battalion gagal dalam melindungi warga sipil di Srebrenica. Konsep yang digunakan adalah konsep Just War, yaitu pada konsep Jus In Bello, sebagai konsep yang menemukan rules of engagement dalam konflik, terutama untuk perlindungan terhadap warga sipil dan juga konsep mengenai pasukan penjaga perdamaian. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan, maka ditemukan bahwa kegagalan UNPROFOR Dutch Battalion dalam melindungi warga sipil di Srebrenica karena adanya mandat yang saling berseberangan dan tidak adanya kerjasama yang baik dengan pihak-pihak yang terkait.

This thesis was done to answer the research question, what factors that caused UNPROFOR Dutch Battalion failed to protect the civilians in Srebrenica. Concept that uses in this thesis is the Just War concept, and Jus In Bello concept, as a concept that found the rules of engagement in a conflict, particularly, the protection for the civilians, and the concept about peacekeeping forces. From the research that has been done, find that the failure of the UNPROFOR Dutch Battalion in protecting the civilians in Srebrenica because there was two different mandate, and there was no good cooperation between UNPROFOR Dutch Battalion and the headquarter of UNPROFOR."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Malcolm, Noel
London: Macmillan, 1994
949.742 MAL b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book critically examines the response of the United Nations (UN) to the problem of sexual exploitation in UN Peace Support Operations. It assesses the Secretary-General?s Bulletin on Special Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (2003) (SGB) and its definition of sexual exploitation, which includes sexual relationships and prostitution. With reference to people affected by the policy (using the example of Bosnian women and UN peacekeepers), and taking account of both radical and ?sex positive? feminist perspectives, the book finds that the inclusion of consensual sexual relationships and prostitution in the definition of sexual exploitation is not tenable. The book argues that the SGB is overprotective, relies on negative gender and imperial stereotypes, and is out of step with international human rights norms and gender equality. It concludes that the SGB must be revised in consultation with those affected by it, namely local women and peacekeepers, and must fully respect their human rights and freedoms, particularly the right to privacy and sexuality rights."
Heidelberg : Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Filipovie, Zlata
Jakarta: Gramedia, 1994
920.049 742 FIL jx (1);920.049 742 FIL jx (2)
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The UNPKO has an important role in dealing with conflict resolution in many part of the world and bring the security back to normal. In this regards, the constitutional basis of the UNPKO can be seen in Chapter Six and Seven of the UN Charter. A a country which embraces value of liberty and in order to creat orderliness and worldpeace, Indonesia has been actively involved in the UNPKO since 1957. Based on this, it can be argued that Indonesia's role in the UNPKO is relevant with the constitution of the republic."
JPUPI 2:2 (2012)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kholidah Tamami
Invasi Israel ke Libanon membuat Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa membuat misi
perdamaian internasional yang diberi nama UNIFIL (United Nations Interim
Force in Lebanon. Untuk menyusun pasukan-pasukan dari negara-negara
anggotanya agar tergabung dalam UNIFIL, PBB melakukan seleksi terhadap
negara-negara anggotanya untuk berpartisipasi dengan cara memberian mandat
melalui Resolusi DK PBB 1701. Indonesia merupakan negara yang dimandatkan
oleh PBB setelah sebelumnya pasukan UNIFIL hanya diisi oleh negara-negara
anggota NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization).
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menekankan metode
studi kasus dari peristiwa yang terjadi di Libanon Selatan yang melibatkan
Indonesia sebagai pasukan pemelihara perdamaian (peacekeeper). Adapun
praktek pemeliharaan perdamaian (peacekeeping) yang dilakukan Indonesia
sesuai dengan landasan Politik Luar Negeri RI (Polugri).
Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan fakta historis dimana pada tahun-tahun
militer Indonesia tergabung dalam UNIFIL telah membangun citra positif
Indonesia khususnya di Libanon. Hal tersebut berdasarkan temuan-temuan
mengenai banyaknya prestasi yang diperoleh Kontingen Garuda yang dibuktikan
dengan berbagai macam penghargaan baik oleh pemerintah Indonesia, pemerintah
Libanon maupun Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa sehingga menjadi kebangaan
tersendiri bagi Indonesia.
Namun demikian, pemerintah Indonesia sepertinya tidak lantas berpuas diri
dengan prestasi yang telah dicapai oleh tentara militernya. Dengan posisi militer
Indonesia yang masuk dalam lima belas besar peringkat dunia, Indonesia masih
menginginkan masuk dalam posisi sepuluh besar peringkat militer dunia sehingga
untuk mencapai tujuan itu pemerintah terus melakukan upaya pembenahan
didalam tubuh militer, penambahan jumlah personil yang dilengkapi dengan skill,
penambahan anggaran yang menyesuaikan serta menjalin kerja sama dengan
aktor-aktor peacekeeping lainnya.

Israeli invasion to Southern Lebanon was responsed by the United Nations (UN)
to make the international peace mission called UNIFIL (United Nations Interim
Force in Lebanon). To prepare troops from member countries that are members of
UNIFIL, the UN undertook the selection by the UN Resolution called mandate.
Indonesia is one of UN members countries which is mandated by the UN after the
previous UNIFIL troops only be filled by the member countries of NATO (North
Atlantic Treaty Organization). A pride for Indonesia because through Tentara
Nasional Indonesia (TNI) in the name of nation internationally, but it is contrast
with what Indonesia’s had with alutsista is uncomplete.
This study used a qualitative approach by emphasizing the study method of the
ectivity that occurred in South Lebanon as involving Indonesian peacekeepers.
The practice of maintaining peace (peacekeeping) are conducted in accordance
with the foundation of Indonesian Politics of Foreign Affairs (Polugri), Concept
of Military Operations Other Than War (MOOTW) and defensive military
doctrine and form of implementation of International Cooperation.
This study was conducted based on the historical facts in the years in which the
Indonesian military have joined the UNIFIL build a positive image of Indonesia,
especially in Lebanon. It is based on the findings of the many achievements in
Garuda Contingent as evidenced by the various awards by the Indonesian
government, the Lebanese government and the United Nations so that it becomes
a moment of pride for Indonesia.
However, the Indonesian government seems not necessarily satisfied with the
achievements by military troops. By entering the Indonesian military position in
the world rankings fifteen, Indonesia still wanted inside the top ten world ranking
military so as to achieve the purpose that the government continues to make
efforts to reform the military in the body, increasing the number of personnel who
are equipped with skills, adding adjust budget and collaborate with other
peacekeeping actors."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The dynamics of the post cold war era has triggered changes in the pattern of war, from interstate into interstate conflicts which are increasingly complex and multi-dimensional. It is required for the UN to be involved in international peace operations. These conditions pose challenges for the UN and international community. Those challenges are environmental, political capacity, and the overarching challenges; which are all challenges for future peace operations. Indonesia as one of the permanent member of Troops Contributing Countries for the UN is required to perform anticipatory measures in order to face such challenges. Therefore the role of PMPP TNI, as the executor in field. This study discusses about PMPP TNI's response to anticipate future challenges of the UN through managing its component capabilities. The research method is a qualitative with analytical descriptive. PMPP TNI response requires synergy and right strategy both in operational and strategic level to achieve TNI readiness for the future peacekeeping operation"
JPUPI 2:3 (2012)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deliah Nur Satarida Yusardi
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa female peacekeepers dan keterlibatan negara-negara Uni Eropa dan agenda misi perdamaian dunia dalam prespektif kemanan dan politik. Resolusi Dewan Keamanan PBB (UNSCR) 1325 tentang Perempuan, Perdamaian dan Keamanan (WPS) yang minim kontribusi. Tujuan dari agenda WPS salah satunya adalah memperhatikan keterwakilan female peacekeepers dalam perdamaian dan keamanan, termasuk dalam operasi perdamaian multilateral Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif dengan sumber data skunder yang diambil dari referensi dan literatur yang berhubungan dengan konsep peacekeeping force dengan Teori collective security. Berdasarkan data yang didapat melihat lima negara zero contribution pada female peacekeepers menandakan bahwa apa yang dimandatkan belum dapat terlaksana, dengan melihat faktor-faktor yang salah satunya kontribusi peacekeeping force 5 negara terendah tersebut juga minim dalam kontribusi pengiriman peacekeeping force hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa negara-negara anggota Uni Eropa di dalam negerinya masih memerlukan pembentukan dan juga belum tercapainya pemenuhan pasukan dalam negeri, sehingga baik Polisi, Militer maupun Sipil tidak dapat sepenuhnya ikut dikirimkan dalam misi PBB sendiri.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the female peacekeepers and the involvement of EU countries and the agenda of world peace missions in a security and political perspective. UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) is of little contribution. One of the objectives of the WPS agenda is to pay attention to the representation of female peacekeepers in peace and security, including in multilateral peace operations This research uses a qualitative approach method with skunder data sources taken from references and literature related to the concept of peacekeeping force with the theory of collective security . Based on the data obtained, looking at the five zero contribution countries in female peacekeepers indicates that what is mandated has not been able to be carried out, by looking at factors, one of which is the contribution of the peacekeeping force of the 5 lowest countries is also minimal in the contribution of peacekeeping force delivery The results of this study found that the european union member states in their country still need the formation and also have not achieved the fulfillment of domestic forces, so that neither the Police, Military nor Civilian can fully participate in the UN mission itself."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Landry Ingabire
"The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is a country with the most prolonged rebel conflict of the 21st century. This thesis analyses the causes of the UN's difficulties in finding a solution to the crisis of rebel groups that threaten security in the DRC, particularly in its eastern part. Most of the existing work on the subject under study states that peacekeeping missions' failure in the DRC is due to various factors such as mandate, strength, complexity of violence, etc. However, existing studies have not analysed the work of MONUSCO as a regime and why this regime is ineffective. In approaching the theory of the international regime, this study uses the internal and external factors of the regime to analyses the causes of this ineffective peacekeeping mission in the DRC. The research applies qualitative methods with primary and secondary data obtained from official MONUSCO documents, books, journals, and online news. This study shows that the rebel crisis in the DRC is due to various internal problems. In addition, MONUSCO principles and rules are ineffective in eradicating the rebel groups, which cause insecurity, deterring peace in the DRC.

Republik Demokratik Kongo (D.R.C.) adalah negara dengan konflik pemberontakan terpanjang pada abad ke-21. Artikel ini menganalisis penyebab kesulitan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (P.B.B.) dalam mencari solusi atas krisis kelompok pemberontak yang mengancam keamanan di D.R.C., khususnya yang terjadi di wilayah bagian timur. Sebagian besar tulisan yang sudah ada mengenai subjek yang diteliti menyatakan bahwa kegagalan misi penjaga perdamaian di D.R.C. disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor seperti mandat, kekuatan, kompleksitas kekerasan, dan lain-lain. Namun, penelitian-penelitian terdahulu belum pernah menganalisis Misi Stabilisasi P.B.B. di D.R.C. (MONUSCO) sebagai rezim dan mengapa rezim ini tidak efektif. Dengan pendekatan teori rezim internasional, artikel ini menggunakan faktor internal dan eksternal rezim untuk menganalisis penyebab tidak efektifnya misi pemeliharaan perdamaian di D.R.C. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan data primer dan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari dokumen resmi MONUSCO, buku, jurnal, dan berita online. Studi yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa krisis pemberontak di DRC disebabkan oleh berbagai masalah internal dan bahwa prinsip dan aturan MONUSCO tidak efektif dalam memberantas kelompok pemberontak sehingga menyebabkan ketidakamanan yang menghalangi perdamaian di DRC."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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