Siburian, Togardo
"This article tries to foster a multi-civilization rmas dialogue to religious society that faces humanity crisis due to extremism. Study through library research found that there is an axiom that religion and society is a necessity in human life. In reality these two dimensions is closely related and may resulted in sharp conflicts between culture and civilization. Inter-religious studies, including inter-religion dialogue, are developed to overcome these conflicts. Unfortunately, the differences in comparative religions study are widened, although in the hazy as we form such as multi-culturalism ideas which contain interreligious cept aspect. The ideas of multi-religionism in the intra and inter- tegal religion dialogue become an important principle, since it looks upon One God as a source of religious existence in human. It is necessary to exceep the multi-religion principle which deals with warp other factors such as race, culture, social, politics, economy, technology, and education of modern person. An innovative hia concept is needed that combines all existing elements in global dialogue, by considering global factors such as multi-civilization human rights, democracy, civil society, and world ethics. This universal multi-civilization concept can be declared as a discourse to overcome crises today comprehensively."
Jakarta: Pusat Pengkajian Reformed, 2014
SODE 1:1 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library