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Cassedy, Edward S.
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000
333.794 CAS p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Interdisciplinary in its approach and global in its perspective, Energy Systems and Sustainability: Power for a Sustainable Future, Second Edition, provides a contemporary exploration of the economic, social, environmental, and policy issues raised by current systems of energy use. Emphasizing the important issue of sustainability, it analyzes the historical evolution of the world's energy systems, the principles underlying their use, and their present status and future prospects. Beginning with a survey of basic energy concepts, the book describes the magnitude and patterns of human energy needs at various levels. It moves on to an overview of the fossil and nuclear-fuelled energy that, together with hydroelectric power and traditional biofuels, supply most of the world's commercial energy needs. Sections on economics describe the basic methods through which the monetary costs of energy are calculated, also considering the "external" costs of energy production. Finally, the book looks at the sustainability issues associated with both fossil- and nuclear-fuel use--and considers the technological advancements and social developments that might solve these problems. Providing a truly interdisciplinary approach, Energy Systems and Sustainability: Power for a Sustainable Future, Second Edition, is ideal for undergraduate engineering students and undergraduates studying policy making. "
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012
333.79 ENE
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Donny Triana
"Kebutuhan energi meningkat seiring pertumbuhan penduduk dan aktivitas ekonomi. Energi fosil masih mendominasi, menyebabkan peningkatan polusi udara. Kontribusi energi terbarukan yang ramah lingkungan masih minim dalam bauran energi nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji potensi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) atap ditinjau dari aspek tekno-ekonomi, sosial-ekonomi dan lingkungan, dengan contoh kasus di Jakarta. Pertama, estimasi luas atap potensial yang tersedia untuk memasang sistem PLTS atap PV dihitung dengan menganalisis data spasial penggunaan lahan dan tapak bangunan menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis dan menghitung potensi daya listrik yang dapat dibangkitkan dari luas atap potensial. Kedua, menghitung faktor reduksi emisi CO2 dengan memanfaatan listrik PLTS atap PV serta mengkaji kelayakan ekonomi skala rumah tangga. Terakhir, mengevaluasi difusi PLTS atap PV melalui simulasi model system dynamics untuk menghasilkan rekomendasi kebijakan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diketahui, potensi listrik PLTS atap di Jakarta dapat memenuhi 69-135% dari kebutuhan listrik saat ini, menurunkan emisi CO2 per tahun 24,43-33,58 juta ton CO2-eq. Sistem PLTS atap PV skala rumah tangga di Jakarta dengan kapasitas 2 kW ke atas telah mencapai nilai keekonomian.

Energy demand increase along with population growth and economic activity. Fossil energy still dominates, causing an increase in air pollution. The contribution of environmentally friendly renewable energy is still minimal in the national energy mix. This study aims to examine the potential of rooftop photovoltaics solar power generation in terms of techno-economic, socio-economic, and environmental aspects, with case study of Jakarta. First, an estimate of the potential available roof area for installing a rooftop PV system is calculated by analyzing the spatial data of land use and building footprint using a Geographic Information System and calculating the potential electrical power can be generated from the potential roof area. Second, calculating the CO2 emission reduction factor by utilizing PV rooftop PLTS electricity and assessing the economic feasibility of household scale. Finally, evaluating the diffusion of PV rooftop solar through system dynamics model simulations to generate recommendations. Based on the analysis, it is known that the electricity potential of rooftop PLTS in Jakarta able to fulfil 69-135% of the current electricity demand, reducing CO2 emissions per year by 24.43-33.58 million tonnes of CO2-eq. The household-scale PV rooftop solar system in Jakarta with a capacity of 2 kW and above has achieved economic value."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dincer, Ibrahim
"This is a research-based textbook, in the area of sustainable energy systems and aimed to address some key pillars, better efficiency, better cost effectiveness, better use of energy resources, better environment, better energy security, and better sustainable development. It also includes some cutting-edge topics, such hydrogen and fuel cells, renewable, clean combustion technologies, CO2 abatement technologies, and some potential tools (exergy, constructal theory, etc.) for design, analysis and performance improvement."
New York: Springer, 2011
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sabrina Nurul Hidayah
Pemerintah Indonesia telah membuat kebijakan terkait energi nasional dengan menargetkan bauran EBT sebesar 23% pada 2025 mendatang dan 31% pada tahun 2030. Guna mencapai target tersebut, pemerintah telah mengambil langkah utama yang salah satunya dengan menambah penyediaan akses energi modern di perdesaan. Upaya tersebut juga bertujuan untuk mempercepat peningkatan rasio elektrifikasi dan akses infrastruktur energi. Walaupun implementasi dari program elektrifikasi tersebut bersifat aktif, namun hanya beberapa unit penghasil listrik yang dapat beroperasi dikarenakan rusak, diabaikan, atau bahkan keberadaan teknologi tersebut belum diperhatikan sama sekali. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa keberlanjutan program elektrifikasi pedesaan yang sudah dilakukan di Indonesia dan mengembangkan kerangka dan strategi program elektrifikasi pedesaan yang berkelanjutan. Dalam mencapai tujuan tersebut, metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah peneltian kualitatif dengan menggunakan data sekunder yaitu video dan berita online. Analisa konten kualitatif dan kuantitatif dilakukan terlebih dahulu untuk mengetahui sudah sejauh mana performa keberlanjutan program
elektrifikasi, dan variabel keberlanjutan apa saja yang paling ditekankan pada data. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa dari 20 program elektrifikasi perdesaan di wilayah Indonesia, mayoritas sudah memiliki performa keberlanjutan yang baik. Permintaan listrik masyarakat dapat terpenuhi, listrik telah digunakan untuk kegiatan perekonomian warga,
memberikan peluang anak-anak untuk dapat belajar dan membantu warga desa dalam beraktivitas khususnay di malam hari. Meskipun demikian, permasalahan teknis merupakan isu yang paling banyak dilaporkan pada beberapa wilayah. Pengembangan kerangka elektrifikasi pedesaan dapat dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan indikatorindikator yang penting dan ditekankan guna mencapai keberlanjutan. Indikator keberlanjutan teknis yaitu layanan listrik dapat diandalkan, sistem terpelihara dengan baik, kepuasan pengguna terhadap sistem EBT. Keberlanjutan ekonomi khususnya pangsa listrik yang digunakan untuk kegiatan perekonomian, keterjangkauan layanan, terpenuhinya biaya operasi dan pemeliharaan. Keberlanjutan sosial, adanya subsidi, pinajman atau hibah yang ditawarkan, bertambahnya waktu pembelajaran di rumah, berkurangnya kerepotan pengguna, pemerataan manfaat listrik, dan peningkatan telekomunikasi. Keberlanjutan lingkungan khususnya listrik dari pembangkit telah menggantukan sumber energi lainnya. Keberlanjutan institusional berfokus pada partisipasi pemangku kepentingan dan masyarakat setempat.

The Indonesian government has made a policy related to national energy by targeting the renewable energy mix by 23% in the coming 2025 and 31% in 2030. To achieve this target, the government has taken the main steps, one of which is by increasing the provision of access to modern energy in rural areas. The effort also aims to accelerate the increase in electrification ratios and access to energy infrastructure. Although the implementation of the electrification program is considered active, only a few electricitygenerating units can operate due to damage, neglect, or even the existence of the technology that has not been considered at all. The purpose of this study is to analyze the sustainability of rural electrification programs that have been carried out in Indonesia and develop a framework for sustainable rural electrification programs. In achieving these objectives, the research method used is qualitative research using secondary data, namely video and online news. Qualitative and quantitative content analysis is carried out in advance to find out the extent to which the electrification program's sustainability performance is, and what sustainability variables are most emphasized in the data. The results show that, out of the 20 rural electrification programs in the territory of Indonesia, the majority already have good sustainability performance. The demand for community electricity can be fulfilled, electricity has been used for rural dwellers' economic activities, providing opportunities for children to be able to learn and help villagers doing
activities at night. Nevertheless, technical issues are the most widely reported issues in several rural regions. The development of the rural electrification framework can be carried out by considering important and emphasized indicators to achieve sustainability. Indicators of technical sustainability are reliability of electricity service, well maintained system, and user satisfaction with the adapted technology. Economic sustainability is emphasized in the share of electricity used for economic activities, affordability of the service, and fulfilled operational and maintenance costs. Social sustainability consists of
the existence of subsidies, loans or grants offered, increased learning time at home, reduced user inconvenience, equitable distribution of electricity benefits, and telecommunications improvements. Environmental sustainability focuses on electricity from plants has replaced other energy sources while institutional sustainability on the
participation of stakeholders and local communities."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naufalya Nur Azizah
"Pada dasarnya ide konsep fasad bioreaktor mikroalga ini muncul karena isu pemanasan global yang mengacu pada peningkatan emisi gas rumah kaca. Diketahui sektor pembangunan mengkonsumsi hingga 40% dari total konsumsi energi dan berkontribusi hingga 30% dari emisi gas rumah kaca tahunan secara global, dan diperkirakan akan berlipat ganda selama 20 tahun kedepan. Mikroalga sebagai mikroorganisme penghasil biomassa, yang berpotensi untuk menghasilkan energi terbarukan dan kemampuannya dalam menyerap karbon dioksida (CO₂), diintegrasikan ke dalam bentuk fasad bangunan untuk menjadikan bangunan berkinerja tinggi yang tanggap iklim.
Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kinerja dari fasad bioreaktor mikroalga dan bagaimana dampak yang dipengaruhinya, baik dalam bangunannya sendiri dan kelestarian lingkungan. Tujuan dari penulisan ini dicapai melalui analisa studi kasus The BIQ House di Jerman, sebagai bangunan pertama di dunia yang menerapkan sistem fasad bioreaktor mikroalga. Secara umum, konsep dari bangunan The BIQ House ini didasarkan pada gagasan pemanfaatan proses biokimia fotosintesis dari mikroalga dalam bioreaktor untuk merancang bangunan hemat energi. Berdasarkan dari data penelitian yang ada, setelah hampir satu tahun bangunan ini beroperasi, sistem pada fasad ini telah mencapai efisiensi konversi dengan total 58%, dengan 10% untuk biogas dan 48% untuk pemanas. Dengan besar energi yang dihasilkan adalah sekitar 4.500 kWh listrik per tahun dan 6000 kWh energi panas per tahun, bangunan The BIQ House mampu mengoperasikan bangunannya dengan energi tersebut. Sistem fasad ini juga mampu mereduksi emisi karbon dioksida (CO₂) 6 ton per tahunnya. Dengan demikian fasad bioreaktor mikroalga ini tidak hanya memiliki peran penting bagi sumber energi terbarukan yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk operasional bangunannya, namun berperan penting juga sebagai skema percontohan untuk bangunan rendah karbon sebagai kontribusi terhadap kelestarian lingkungan.

Basically the idea of ​​the microalgae bioreactor facade concept arose because of the issue of global warming which refers to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions. It is known that the development sector consumes up to 40% of total energy consumption and contributes up to 30% of annual greenhouse gas emissions globally, and is expected to double over the next 20 years. Microalgae as biomass-producing microorganisms, which have the potential to produce renewable energy and their ability to absorb carbon dioxide (CO₂), are integrated into the form of building facades to make high-performance buildings that are climate responsive.
This writing aims to find out how the performance of the microalgae bioreactor facade and how the impact it affects, both in the building itself and environmental sustainability. The purpose of this paper is achieved through the analysis of a case study of The BIQ House in Germany, as the first building in the world to implement a microalgae bioreactor facade system. In general, the concept of The BIQ House is based on the idea of ​​utilizing the biochemical process of photosynthesis from microalgae in bioreactors to design energy-efficient buildings. Based on the existing research data, after almost a year of operation of this building, the system on this facade has achieved a total conversion efficiency of 58%, with 10% for biogas and 48% for heating. With the amount of energy produced is around 4,500 kWh of electricity per year and 6000 kWh of heat energy per year, The BIQ House building is able to operate its building with this energy. This facade system is also able to reduce carbon dioxide (CO) emissions by 6 tons per year. Thus the facade of this microalgae bioreactor not only has an important role for renewable energy sources that can be utilized for building operations, but also plays an important role as a pilot scheme for low-carbon buildings as a contribution to environmental sustainability.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Medved, Saso
"This book presents cutting-edge work on the energy efficiency and environmental sustainability of buildings, examining EU policies, regulations and technologies for complex systems such as passive buildings, sustainable buildings and, as part of the Energy Performance of Building Directive (EPBD), nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB) requirements. It explores a wide range of topics, including indoor environment requirements, building physics, in-situ experiments to determine the thermal properties of buildings, nZEB requirements, building service technology, and methods of evaluating energy efficiency and environmental impacts. It also provides an overview of the best available technologies for nZEB, including those for the rational use of energy, utilization of renewable energy sources, EPBD systems and calculation methods. This book is a valuable resource for students, researchers and practitioners of urban planning, and architecture, civil and mechanical engineering."
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Inderwildi, Oliver, editor
"Energy, transport, & the environment : addressing the sustainable mobility paradigm brings together leading figures from business, academia and governments to address the challenges and opportunities involved in working towards sustainable mobility. Key thinkers and decision makers approach topics and debates including, energy security and resource scarcity, greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions, urban planning, transport systems and their management, governance and finance of transformation, the threats of terrorism and climate change to our transport systems. Energy, transport, & the environment is divided into six sections. These sections address and explore the challenges and opportunities for energy supply, road transport, urban mobility, aviation, sea and rail, as well as finance and economics in transport. Possible solutions, ranging from alternative fuels to advanced urban planning and policy levers, will be examined in order to deepen the understanding of currently proposed solutions within the political realities of the dominating economic areas.
London : Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book gathers the main scientific outputs of POREEN, a four-year project on partnering opportunities between Europe and China in the renewable energy and environmental industries. It investigates the main challenges and opportunities related to Sino-European dialogue and cooperation in the green sector with a focus on sustainable growth."
United Kingdom: Emerald, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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