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Hutagalung, Errol Untung
"Periosteal osteosarkoma merupakan tumor ganas tulang yang jarang didapat, dibentuk dari sarkoma tulang dengan didominasi komponen tulang rawan yang berdiferensiasi dan tumbuh pada permukaan tulang. Penelusuran kepustakaan tidak banyak menyebutkan mengenai kasus ini. Laporan kasus ini terakhir dilaporkan oleh Klinik Mayo tahun 1999. Kami laporkan satu kasus periosteal osteosarkoma pada penderita laki-laki berusia 17 tahun. Penderita menjalani tindakan pembedahan berupa prosedur ?limb salvage?, dengan pra dan pasca bedah penderita mendapat kemoterapi (neo-ajuvan dan ajuvan). Tidak ditemukan rekurensi lokal dan metastasis di paru, pada follow up sampai dengan 14 bulan pasca bedah. (Med J Indones 2003; 12: 166-70)

Periosteal osteosarcoma is a rare type of malignant bone neoplasm, with predominantly cartilaginous component and arising on the bone surface. Reports of the case in the literature were rare. Last case was reported by Mayo Clinic in 1999. We report a case of periosteal osteosarcoma in a 17-year-old male, who was treated surgically with a limb salvage procedure, neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy were also given to the patient. There was no local recurrence and lung metastases up to 14 months after surgery. (Med J Indones 2003; 12: 166-70)"
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Goenawan Slamet
Makalah ini dibuat untuk meninjau lebih jauh kepustakaan yang ada sampai saat ini, di mana dibicarakan mengenai terapi amputasi, limb salvage dan ajuvan terapi yang diberikan sebelum atau sesudah terapi bedah, di mana semua hal tersebut ditujukan untuk meningkatan survival rate pada penderita osteosarkoma. Seperti kita ketahui, amputasi sampai saat ini merupakan pilihan utama dalam terapi bedah. Beberapa penulis mengemukakan bahwa sejak dua dekade terakhir ini reseksi menjadi populer. Kemudian W. F. Enneking pada tahun 1980 mengajukan staging untuk neoplasms muskulo skeletal, di mana penyusunan staging tersebut mempunyai maksud untuk menggolongkan faktor-faktor prognosa yang berarti penyusunan implikasi spesifik untuk terapi pembedahan, dan petunjuk untuk melengkapi terapi tambahan. Makalah ini juga berisi ilustrasi penderita-penderita yang berobat di Bagian Bedah RSCM, periode Januari 1980 s/d Desember 1981, yang mempunyai masalah lain di samping masalah diatas.
Bahan Dan Cara, Dikumpulkan status penderita osteo sarkoma yang berobat 1981 semuanya berjumlah delapan orang. Dikumpulkan kepustakaan yang ada, dan kemudian mencoba membandingkannya.
Kepustakaan, Osteosarkoma merupakan tumor tulang primer, menurut klasifikasi AEGERTER (1968) digolongkan dalam " True neoplasma of bone ", jenis " Osteogenic sarcoma ". Neoplasma ini berasal dari sel mesensimal primitif, serf osteoblastik, di daerah metafisis tulang panjang. Etiologi neoplasma ini belum dapat dijelaskan secara pasti, akan tetapi ditemukan oleh pengarang-pengarang, bahwa neoplasma ini dapat terjadi pada satu keluarga, setelah radiasi, bersama neoplasma lain, timbul dari neoplasma lain, setelah trauma , dan oleh virus. Neoplasma ini umumnya menyerang penderita usia antara deka de 1-2 pada metafisis tulang panjang, dan penderita lakilaki lebih banyak dari pada wanita. Insidens di Amerika Serikat 1 : 100.000, dan di Inggris 1: 75.000. Di dalam deretan tumor tulang primer, menempati urutan kedua setelah plasma sel yeloma. Diagnosis ditegakkan dengan pemeriksaan klinis, radiologis dan patologi anatomis.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manurung, Mikhael Dito
"Walaupun masih kontroversial, jenis kelamin dan umur diduga sebagai faktor prognostik yang mempengaruhi angka kesintasan osteosarkoma (suatu keganasan tulang yang umum terjadi pada anak-anak dan dewasa muda). Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui angka kesintasan pasien osteosarkoma di RSCM selama periode waktu enam tahun (2006-2011) dan mengaitkannya dengan umur dan jenis kelamin. Studi potong-lintang ini menggunakan rekam medis 167 pasien osteosarkoma di Departemen Ortopedi dan Traumatologi Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM).
Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa usia lebih muda saat didiagnosis berkaitan dengan respon yang lebih baik terhadap kemoterapi (p=0,028). Jenis kelamin perempuan berkaitan secara signifikan dengan stadium penyakit yang lebih rendah (p=0,04), respon yang lebih baik terhadap kemoterapi (p=0,016), dan berkurangnya risiko metastasis (p=0,008). Median waktu kesintasan pada studi ini adalah 12 bulan, yang disebabkan oleh pendeknya masa pemantauan pasien. Walaupun terdapat keterbatasan, angka kesintasan pasien perempuan lebih baik secara signifikan daripada pasien laki-laki. Angka kesintasan pada golongan usia yang lebih muda menunjukkan kecenderungan lebih baik, walau tidak signifikan secara statistik. Hasil uji multivariate tidak menunjukkan bukti tentang adanya keterkaitan stadium penyakit, respon kemoterapi, dan metastasis terhadap kesintasan. Sebagai kesimpulan, jenis kelamin perempuan berkaitan dengan tumor yang lebih favourable dan angka kesintasan yang lebih tinggi.

In order to improve the plateaued average 70% survival of osteosarcoma patients, prognostic factors has to be identified to improve adjustment according to patient's characteristics. Female gender and younger age at diagnosis have been suggested as good prognostic factors though inconclusive. Therefore, this study aims to determine the survival rate of osteosarcoma patients admitted to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from 2006 to 2011 and correlate it with age and gender. This cross-sectional study used the medical records of osteosarcoma patients admitted in the department of Orthopedics and Traumatology Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Records of 167 patients were retrieved for this study.
This study shown that younger age was associated with better chemotherapeutic response (p=0,028). Meanwhile, female gender was associated with less advanced disease at presentation (p=0,04), better chemotherapeutic response (p=0,016), and less risk for metastasis (p=0,008). The median survival in this study was 12 months, an underestimation due to short followup duration. Still, female patients survived longer than males. We showed a trend of better survival for younger patients, however the result was not significant. Multivariate analysis failed to show any correlation between various tumor-related variables with survival.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteraan Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Fauzi Kamal
"Latar belakang: Teknik radiasi ekstrakorporeal merupakan alternatif tindakan pembedahan penyelamatan ekstremitas pada kasus osteosarkoma khususnya di pusat layanan dengan keterbatasan endoprostesis dan alograf. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi hasil tindakan pembedahan penyelamatan ekstremitas dengan otograf yang diradiasi secara ekstrakorporeal pada pasien-pasien osteosarkoma yang datang ke RSCM.
Metode: Studi ini menggunakan desain kohort retrospektif yang dilakukan pada 20 pasien osteosarkoma stadium IIB yang diterapi dengan pembedahan penyelamatan ekstremitas dengan otograf yang diradiasi secara ektrakorporeal selama periode 1995-2008. Dilakukan evaluasi terhadap angka kesintasan, rekurensi lokal, metastasis, komplikasi, lamanya unifi kasi, dan skor fungsional menurut sistem skor Musculoskeletal Tumor Society Scoring System (MSTS). Metode Kaplan-Meier digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan kesintasan, angka rekurensi lokal, kesintasan bebas tumor, dan kesintasan bebas metastasis. Hubungan variabel-variabel seperti usia, jenis kelamin, lokasi tumor, ukuran tumor, tipe osteosarkoma, kadar alkali fosfatase serum, jenis biopsi, dan klasifi kasi Huvos dianalisis dengan uji log rank. Uji chi-square digunakan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara skor MSTS dan karakteristik pasien, angka rekurensi, metastasis, serta komplikasi.
Hasil: Kesintasan 5 tahun 54,97 ± 9,8%, kesintasan bebas rekurensi lokal 5 tahun 66,5 ± 7,6%, dan kesintasan bebas metastasis 5 tahun 57,13 ± 10,04%. Enam pasien meninggal dunia, lima disebabkan oleh metastasis ke paru dan satu karena toksisitas kemoterapi. Tiga pasien menjalani konversi amputasi karena rekurensi lokal. Kurva Kaplan-Meier menunjukkan Huvos (III,IV) selalu memberikan angka kesintasan, kesintasan bebas rekurensi lokal, dan kesintasan bebas metastasis yang lebih baik daripada Huvos (I, II). Kadar alkali fosfatase serum yang normal selalu memberikan kesintasan bebas rekurensi lokal yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kadar alkali fosfatase serum yang meningkat. Angka unifi kasi rata-rata 8,13 bulan. Skor MSTS dengan hasil baik (70,63%) dijumpai pada pasien yang bebas osteosarkoma pasca terapi, tetapi skor MSTS dengan hasil buruk dijumpai pada pasien dengan rekurensi lokal (p=0,025), metastasis (p=0,01), pasien dengan komplikasi (p=0,03), dan kombinasi ketiganya (p=0,001).
Kesimpulan: Luaran fungsional dengan skor MSTS baik (70,63%) didapatkan pada pasien yang bebas osteosarkoma pasca terapi, skor MSTS buruk dijumpai pada pasien dengan rekurensi lokal, metastasis, pasien dengan komplikasi, dan kombinasi ketiganya. (Med J Indones 2011; 20:131-7).

Background: Extracorporeally irradiated (ECI) technique is an alternative of limb salvage procedure in treating osteosarcoma regarding limitation of endoprosthesis and allograft. This study evaluated the outcomes of limb salvage surgery using extracorporeally irradiated (ECI) autograft and its correlation with patientâ??s characteristics.
Methods: Retrospective cohort design was performed to study 20 patients with stage IIB osteosarcoma treated by ECI autograft from 1995 to 2008. Survival, local recurrence, metastases, complications, union time and functional score based on Musculoskeletal Tumor Society scoring system-(MSTS) were evaluated. Kaplan-Meier method was used to describe survival, local recurrence free survival, and metastases free survival. The correlation among patientâ??s characteristics that were age, gender, duration, site of tumor size, type of osteosarcoma, SAP (serum alkaline phosphatase) level, type of biopsy, and type of Huvos were analyzed by Log rank test. Chi-square test was used to analyze the correlation between MSTS score and patientâ??s characteristics, local recurrence, metastases, complications.
Results: Five-year survival was 54.97 ± 9.8 %, fi ve-year local recurrence free survival was 66.5 ± 7.6%, and fi ve year metastasis-free survival was 57.13 ± 10.04%. Six patients died, fi ve were due to lung metastases and one due to complication of chemotherapy. Three underwent amputation after local recurrence. Kaplan-Meier curve showed that a good type of Huvos (III, IV) always gave better survival, local recurrence free survival, and metastases free survival than poor type of Huvos (I,II). Normal SAP level gave better local recurrence free survival compare to increased level of SAP. Mean of union rate was 8.13 months. MSTS mean score was good (70.63%) in patients with no evidence of disease. MSTS score was poor in patients with local recurrence (p=0.025), metastases (p=0.01), complications (p=0.03), and the combined of those three outcomes (p=0.001).
Conclusions: Functional outcome was poor in patients with local recurrence, metastases, and complications. SAP level and type of Huvos could be studied further as predictive factors for the outcomes (survival, local recurrence, metastases). (Med J Indones 2011; 20:131-7).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Sari Oethia Vathonati
"Latar belakang : Osteosarkoma merupakan tumor ganas primer tulang yang paling banyak ditemukan pada anak dan dewasa muda. Patogenesisnya melibatkan berbagai perubahan gen yang kompleks. Jalur utama yang berperan dalam patogenesis antara lain jalur protein Retinoblastoma (Rb). p16 bekerja sebagai tumor suppressor pada jalur Rb dalam menghambat pembelahan sel tumor. Salah satu faktor prognosis osteosarkoma adalah respon kemoterapi yang dinilai melalui pemeriksaan histopatologik berdasarkan luasnya nekrosis tumor. Obat kemoterapi dan p16 keduanya bekerja sama didalam menghambat pembelahan sel dan memicu apoptosis. Beberapa penelitian menyebutkan hilangnya fungsi p16 berkaitan dengan tingginya progresivitas sel tumor dan respon terapi yang buruk. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mencari hubungan antara ekspresi p16 dengan respon histologik kemoterapi neoadjuvan pada penderita osteosarkoma konvensional.
Metode: Penelitian menggunakan metode potong lintang. Sampel terdiri atas 33 kasus di Departemen Patologi Anatomik FKUI/RSCM tahun 2013 sampai 2018, 8 kasus (24,2%) memiliki respon histologik baik (nekrosis >90%) dan 25 kasus (75,8%) memiliki respon buruk (nekrosis <90%). Dilakukan pulasan imunohistokimia p16 pada setiap kasus biopsi yang belum diberi kemoterapi neoadjuvan, dihitung persentase sel tumor yang positif. Ekspresi p16 positif ditentukan berdasarkan inti sel tumor terpulas sedang atau kuat pada > 30% sel tumor. Hasil perhitungan dikelompokkan menjadi ekspresi positif  dan negatif kemudian dikorelasikan dengan luas nekrosis dari reseksi tumor setelah kemoterapi neoadjuvan.
Hasil : Ekspresi positif ditemukan sebanyak 10 kasus (30,3%) dan ekspresi negatif 23 kasus (69,7%). Pada ekspresi positif, 6 dari 10 kasus memiliki respon kemoterapi baik dan pada ekspresi negatif, 21 dari 23 kasus memiliki respon kemoterapi buruk.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekspresi imunohistokimia p16 berhubungan signifikan dengan respon histologik baik kemoterapi neoadjuvan (p=0,004) dengan prevalence ratio 6,90 (95% confidence interval, 1,672-28,480;  p = .004)
Kesimpulan : Ekspresi p16 positif berhubungan dengan respon histologik baik kemoterapi neoadjuvan pada osteosarkoma konvensional.

Background : Osteosarcoma is the most common primary malignant bone tumor in children and young adult. Its pathogenesis has been linked to alterations in several genes. The high percentage is found involving Retinoblatoma (RB) pathway.  p16 plays as a tumor suppressor in RB pathway to controll proliferation of the tumor cell. The degree of neoadjuvan chemotherapy histological necrosis response is related to prognosis of patients with osteosarcoma. Chemotherapy and p16 both synergic in inhibit the cell tumor proliferation and support apoptotic. Loss of p16 function is related to progressiveness of the tumor.
Methods : The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of p16 expression in pretreatment osteosarcoma to pathologic necrotic histological response after neoadjuvan chomotherapy. This is a cross sectional study. p16 stainning was done  and count the positive expression tumor cell in percentage. Positive was defined as strong and medium nuclear stainning in 30% or greater. The samples is catagorized into positive and negative expression then it is correlated into tumor necrotic area based on grade of Huvos.
Results : Samples consist of 33 cases. Positive stainning was found in 10 cases (30,3%), 6 of 10 cases had good chemotherapy response. Negative stainning was found in 23 cases and 21 of 23 cases had poor chemotherapy response. A significant association was noted between p16 expression and histological necrotic response to neoadjuvan chemotherapy (p=0,004) with prevalence ratio 6,90 (95% confidence interval, 1,672-28,480; p = .004)
Conclusion : The result showed that p16 expression associate significantly with histological necrotic response to neoadjuvan chemotherapy in conventional osteosarcoma (p=0,004)."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ras Adiba Riza
Osteosarcoma adalah keganasan tulang tersering yang ditemukan pada usia muda. Terdapat beberapa faktor prognosis yang mempengaruhi, antara lain, staging, jenis kelamin dan usia. Pada osteosarcoma sel ganas menghasilkan alkaline fosphatase dan laktat dehidrogenase yang dihasilkan dari metabolisme sel kanker. Serum alkalin fosphatase (SAP) dan laktat dehidrogenase (LDH) dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu faktor prediktor prognosis.
Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah SAP dan LDH dapat dijadikan faktor prediktor prognostik dan memperkirakan angka kesintasan pasien osteosarcoma.
Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode potong-lintang untuk melihat hubungan antara usia, jenis kelamin, dan angka kesintasan 1 tahun dengan SAP dan LDH pada pasien osteosarcoma.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Departemen Orthopedi dan Traumatologi dan Departemen Patologi Anatomi FKUI/RSCM. Dari 303 pasien yang didiagnosis dengan osteosarcoma pada tahun 1995-2011, hanya 55 pasien yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi, terdiri atas 39 pasien laki-laki, 16 pasien perempuan dan umumnya berusia 20 tahun. Analisis dari penelitian ini menggunakan chi-square dan korelasi spearman. Dari hasil studi ini, tidak ditemukan asosiasi antara SAP dan LDH sebelum terapi dengan usia, jenis kelamin dan angka kesintasan 1 tahun.

Osteosarcoma is a bone malignancy that most commonly occurs in the young age. In this disease, there are many prognosis factor, hence, stage of the disease, gender and age.
Alkaline phosphatase enzyme is produced by osteosarcoma cells and thus, increase in this malignancy. Whereas, LDH involve in cancer cell metabolism. Currently, the use of both Serum alkaline phosphatase (SAP) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) can be used as a prognostic factor.
The research aims is to find out whether SAP and LDH, in addition to other prognostic factors, can be used to predict survivability of osteosarcoma patients. This research is a cross-sectional study and will discuss the association between age, gender, 1 year survival to the SAP and LDH in osteosarcoma patients.
This study was conducted in the Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology and Department of Pathology Anatomy FMUI/RSCM. There were 303 patients who are admitted to this hospital between the year 1995 to 2011, there were only 55 subjects included in this study that suit to the inclusion criteria. The analyses of this research was done using chi-square and spearman correlation.
The sample were predominated by male (n=39), female (n=16) and the majority was the age of 20.
In the results of this study, there were no association between pretreatment SAP and LDH with age, gender, and 1 year survival.
;Osteosarcoma is a bone malignancy that most commonly occurs in the young age. In this disease, there are many prognosis factor, hence, stage of the disease, gender and age.
Alkaline phosphatase enzyme is produced by osteosarcoma cells and thus, increase in this malignancy. Whereas, LDH involve in cancer cell metabolism. Currently, the use of both Serum alkaline phosphatase (SAP) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) can be used as a prognostic factor.
The research aims is to find out whether SAP and LDH, in addition to other prognostic factors, can be used to predict survivability of osteosarcoma patients. This research is a cross-sectional study and will discuss the association between age, gender, 1 year survival to the SAP and LDH in osteosarcoma patients.
This study was conducted in the Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology and Department of Pathology Anatomy FMUI/RSCM. There were 303 patients who are admitted to this hospital between the year 1995 to 2011, there were only 55 subjects included in this study that suit to the inclusion criteria. The analyses of this research was done using chi-square and spearman correlation.
The sample were predominated by male (n=39), female (n=16) and the majority was the age of 20.
In the results of this study, there were no association between pretreatment SAP and LDH with age, gender, and 1 year survival.
;Osteosarcoma is a bone malignancy that most commonly occurs in the young age. In this disease, there are many prognosis factor, hence, stage of the disease, gender and age.
Alkaline phosphatase enzyme is produced by osteosarcoma cells and thus, increase in this malignancy. Whereas, LDH involve in cancer cell metabolism. Currently, the use of both Serum alkaline phosphatase (SAP) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) can be used as a prognostic factor.
The research aims is to find out whether SAP and LDH, in addition to other prognostic factors, can be used to predict survivability of osteosarcoma patients. This research is a cross-sectional study and will discuss the association between age, gender, 1 year survival to the SAP and LDH in osteosarcoma patients.
This study was conducted in the Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology and Department of Pathology Anatomy FMUI/RSCM. There were 303 patients who are admitted to this hospital between the year 1995 to 2011, there were only 55 subjects included in this study that suit to the inclusion criteria. The analyses of this research was done using chi-square and spearman correlation.
The sample were predominated by male (n=39), female (n=16) and the majority was the age of 20.
In the results of this study, there were no association between pretreatment SAP and LDH with age, gender, and 1 year survival.
;Osteosarcoma is a bone malignancy that most commonly occurs in the young age. In this disease, there are many prognosis factor, hence, stage of the disease, gender and age.
Alkaline phosphatase enzyme is produced by osteosarcoma cells and thus, increase in this malignancy. Whereas, LDH involve in cancer cell metabolism. Currently, the use of both Serum alkaline phosphatase (SAP) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) can be used as a prognostic factor.
The research aims is to find out whether SAP and LDH, in addition to other prognostic factors, can be used to predict survivability of osteosarcoma patients. This research is a cross-sectional study and will discuss the association between age, gender, 1 year survival to the SAP and LDH in osteosarcoma patients.
This study was conducted in the Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology and Department of Pathology Anatomy FMUI/RSCM. There were 303 patients who are admitted to this hospital between the year 1995 to 2011, there were only 55 subjects included in this study that suit to the inclusion criteria. The analyses of this research was done using chi-square and spearman correlation.
The sample were predominated by male (n=39), female (n=16) and the majority was the age of 20.
In the results of this study, there were no association between pretreatment SAP and LDH with age, gender, and 1 year survival.
;Osteosarcoma is a bone malignancy that most commonly occurs in the young age. In this disease, there are many prognosis factor, hence, stage of the disease, gender and age.
Alkaline phosphatase enzyme is produced by osteosarcoma cells and thus, increase in this malignancy. Whereas, LDH involve in cancer cell metabolism. Currently, the use of both Serum alkaline phosphatase (SAP) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) can be used as a prognostic factor.
The research aims is to find out whether SAP and LDH, in addition to other prognostic factors, can be used to predict survivability of osteosarcoma patients. This research is a cross-sectional study and will discuss the association between age, gender, 1 year survival to the SAP and LDH in osteosarcoma patients.
This study was conducted in the Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology and Department of Pathology Anatomy FMUI/RSCM. There were 303 patients who are admitted to this hospital between the year 1995 to 2011, there were only 55 subjects included in this study that suit to the inclusion criteria. The analyses of this research was done using chi-square and spearman correlation.
The sample were predominated by male (n=39), female (n=16) and the majority was the age of 20.
In the results of this study, there were no association between pretreatment SAP and LDH with age, gender, and 1 year survival.
, Osteosarcoma is a bone malignancy that most commonly occurs in the young age. In this disease, there are many prognosis factor, hence, stage of the disease, gender and age.
Alkaline phosphatase enzyme is produced by osteosarcoma cells and thus, increase in this malignancy. Whereas, LDH involve in cancer cell metabolism. Currently, the use of both Serum alkaline phosphatase (SAP) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) can be used as a prognostic factor.
The research aims is to find out whether SAP and LDH, in addition to other prognostic factors, can be used to predict survivability of osteosarcoma patients. This research is a cross-sectional study and will discuss the association between age, gender, 1 year survival to the SAP and LDH in osteosarcoma patients.
This study was conducted in the Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology and Department of Pathology Anatomy FMUI/RSCM. There were 303 patients who are admitted to this hospital between the year 1995 to 2011, there were only 55 subjects included in this study that suit to the inclusion criteria. The analyses of this research was done using chi-square and spearman correlation.
The sample were predominated by male (n=39), female (n=16) and the majority was the age of 20.
In the results of this study, there were no association between pretreatment SAP and LDH with age, gender, and 1 year survival.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irsan Abubakar
"Osteosarkoma merupakan salah satu tumor ganas tulang primer yang paling sering ditemukan. Kemoterapi neoadjuvan merupakan salah satu alternatif terapi yang dapat meningkatan luaran dan kesintasan pasien. Studi ini dilakukan untuk menilai luaran klinis, histopatologis, dan radiologis pada pasien osteosarkoma yang menjalani kemoterapi neoadjuvan beserta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini merupakan suatu studi potong lintang yang menggunakan data pasien dengan diagnosis osteosarkoma yang telah menjalani kemoterapi neoadjuvan di RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo pada bulan Januari 2017 hinggal Juli 2019. Terdapat 58 subjek dalam penelitian ini. Sebanyak 38 (65,5%) subjek berjenis kelamin laki-laki dengan median usia seluruh subjek 16 (5 hingga 67) tahun. Sebanyak 10 (17,2%) subjek merupakan good responder kemoterapi neoadjuvan. Dari hasil analisis data didaapatkan perbedaan bermakna kadar laboratoris ALP (p=0,002), LED (p=0,002), dan NLR (p<0,001) sebelum dan sesudah kemoterapi. Derajat nekrosis berkorelasi negatif dengan perubahan nilai LDH sebelum dan sesudah kemoterapi (r=-0,354; p=0,006), namun tidak didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna dengan parameter lain seperti perubahan kadar ALP (r=-0,186; p=0,162) dan LED (r=-0,104;  p=0,437). Secara radiologis didapatkan peningkatan nilai ADC yang bermakna (p=0,028) setelah pemberian kemoterapi neoadjuvan, namun perubahannya tidak berhubungan dengan persentase nekrosis tumor (r=-0,300; p=0,433). Pada pasien osteosarkoma yang menjalani kemoterapi neoadjuvan di RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo bulan Januari 2017 hingga Juli 2019, didapatkan perbedaan bermakna kadar penanda inflamasi dan parameter radiologis berupa ADC sebelum dan sesudah pemberian kemoterapi adjuvan.

Osteosarcoma is one of the most prevalent primary tumors of the bone. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy has been administered in osteosarcoma cases to increase the survival rate and improve outcomes. This study is conducted to investigate the clinical, histopathological, and radiological outcome of osteosarcoma patients who underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy, as well as the various factors that contributes to said outcome. This study is a cross-sectional study that involves the data of patients diagnosed with osteosarcoma who underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy in RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo from January 2017 up to July2019. A total of 58 subjects was admitted in this study. Thirty-eight (65,5%) subjects are male, with the median age of all subjects being 16 years old (5 to 67). We found that 10 subjects (17,2%) is a good responder to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. From the data analysis, significant differences were observed in ALP (p=0,002), ESR (p=0,002) and NLR (p=<0,001) levels before and after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. The degree of necrosis is inversely correlated with the change in LDH level before and after neoadjuvant chemotherapy (r=-0,354; p=0,006), however, no significant correlation was observed in ALP (r=-0,186; p=0,162) dan ESR (r=-0,104;  p=0,437). Radiologically, there is an increase in ADC value (p=0,028) after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. However, this is not correlated with the degree of necrosis (r=-0,300; p=0,433) observed pathologically. There is a significant difference in inflammatory markers and radiological parameter (ADC) pre and post neoadjuvant chemotherapy among osteosarcoma patients in RSUPN dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo from January 2017 up to July 2019."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syahdi Farqani
"Pendahuluan: Pendekatan muskuloskeletal dalam bidang onkologi, dengan fokus khusus pada bedah ortopedi, telah mengalami kemajuan yang signifikan, menghasilkan strategi bedah baru dalam pengelolaan osteosarcoma. Keefektifan limb-saving surgery telah meningkat, seiring dengan peningkatan pada pencapaian hasil fungsional optimal, penutupan luka, dan hasil kosmetik, semuanya dengan mematuhi prinsip onkologi. Kami menekankan pentingnya mempertimbangkan berbagai faktor untuk menentukan pengobatan yang paling sesuai untuk osteosarkoma. Kami juga menggarisbawahi penggunaan alat penilaian seperti skala penilaian Musculoskeletal Tumor Society (MSTS) untuk evaluasi pasien dengan sarkoma ekstremitas.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan analitik observasional dengan desain cross-sectional untuk menganalisis pasien terdiagnosis osteosarkoma yang menjalani prosedur megaprostesis di rumah sakit tertentu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengambilan sampel total dan menetapkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi bagi para peserta, dengan fokus pada pasien yang menjalani Limb Salvage Surgery menggunakan teknik megaprosthesis dan mengecualikan mereka yang memiliki masalah infeksi atau informasi klinis yang tidak memadai.
Hasil: Pada penelitian ini, 32 pasien osteosarkoma menjalani operasi penyelamatan anggota tubuh dengan megaprostesis. Rata-rata usia pasien adalah 22,84 tahun dengan mayoritas berjenis kelamin laki-laki (59,4%). Lokasi tersering adalah femur distal (50%) diikuti tibia proksimal (40,6%). Tingkat rekurensi, metastasis, komplikasi dan survival rate masing-masing adalah 21,9%;43,8%;6,3%; dan 78,1%. Median Skor MSTS adalah 28. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, terdapat hubungan kuat antara LDH dengan skor MSTS, namun hubungan ini tidak signifikan secara statistik (p>0.05). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, terdapat hubungan antara usia dengan kejadian metastasis tumor, dimana hubungan ini signifikan secara statistik (p<0.05). Perbedaan rerata pada usia terhadap survival signifikan secara statistik (p<0,05). Terdapat hubungan antara durasi gejala dengan luaran survival tumor, dimana hubungan ini signifikan secara statistik (p<0.05).
Diskusi: Penelitian ini berfokus pada pemanfaatan Megaprostesis, yang masih relatif jarang dilakukan di Indonesia karena kendala biaya dan teknis. Penelitian ini mencatat karakteristik pasien, termasuk usia, jenis kelamin, lokasi tumor, ALP, dan tingkat LDH di antara pasien yang menderita osteosarkoma. Insiden yang lebih tinggi pada pria mungkin disebabkan oleh faktor hormonal, genetika, dan peningkatan risiko osteoporosis pada pria. Osteosarcoma biasanya muncul di dekat metafisis tulang panjang atau lempeng pertumbuhan, terutama di tibia proksimal dan femur distal. Peran LDH, yang mempengaruhi berbagai proses biologis seperti proliferasi sel, kelangsungan hidup, apoptosis, angiogenesis, metabolisme zat besi dan glukosa, juga dieksplorasi dalam kaitannya dengan osteosarkoma. Namun, terbatasnya ukuran sampel penelitian ini dapat menghambat kemampuan penelitian ini untuk secara akurat mewakili tren populasi yang lebih luas.
Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara usia dan angka kejadian metastasis osteosarcoma. Selain itu, ditemukan perbedaan rerata pada usia terhadap survival signifikan secara statistik.

Introduction: The field of musculoskeletal oncology, with a specific focus on orthopedic surgery, has witnessed notable progress, resulting in the development of novel surgical strategies for the management of osteosarcoma. The efficacy of limb-saving surgery has increased, as it now emphasizes the attainment of optimal functional outcomes, wound covering, and cosmetic results, all while adhering to oncologic principles. We emphasizes the significance of considering multiple factors in order to determine the most suitable treatment for osteosarcoma. We also underscores the utilization of assessment tools such as the Musculoskeletal Tumor Society rating scale (MSTS) for the evaluation of patients with extremity sarcoma.
Method: The study uses an observational analytical approach with a cross-sectional design to analyze patients diagnosed with osteosarcoma who underwent megaprosthesis procedure at specific hospitals. The study has employed total sampling method and defined inclusion and exclusion criteria for the participants, focusing on patients who had Limb Salvage Surgery using the megaprosthesis technique and excluding those with infection problems or insufficient clinical information.
Results: Thirty-two patients with osteosarcoma had limb-saving surgery using a megaprosthesis in this study. Patients' average age was 22.84 years, and 59.4% of them were men. The proximal tibia (40.6%) and distal femur (50%) were the most often reported locations. The rates of complications, recurrence, metastasis, and survival were, in order, 78.1%, 6.3%, 43.8%, and 21.9%. 28 is the median MSTS score. The study's findings indicate a substantial correlation between LDH and MSTS score, however this correlation is not statistically significant (p>0.05). Age and the incidence of tumor metastasis are related, according to the research findings, and this association is statistically significant (p<0.05). A statistically significant difference in survival was seen between the mean ages (p<0.05). There is a relationship between the duration of symptoms and tumor survival outcomes, where this relationship is statistically significant (p<0.05).
Dicussion: This study focused on the utilization of Megaprosthesis, which remains relatively rare in Indonesia due to cost and technical challenges. It examined patient characteristics, including age, gender, tumor location, ALP, and LDH levels among those with osteosarcoma. The higher incidence in males might be attributed to hormonal factors, genetics, and an elevated risk of osteoporosis in men. Osteosarcoma typically arises near long bone metaphysis or growth plates, notably in the proximal tibia and distal femur. The role of LDH, which influences various biological processes such as cell proliferation, survival, apoptosis, angiogenesis, iron and glucose metabolism, was also explored. However, the study's limited sample size may hinder its ability to accurately represent broader population trends.
Conclusion: Age is a key factor in the incidence of metastasis from osteosarcoma. Furthermore, a statistically significant variation in the mean age of survivors was discovered.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Waluyo Sugito
Pendahuluan. Pemahaman dan publikasi mengenai aspek biologi sel osteosarkoma manusia di Indonesia masih terbatas, sehingga dibutuhkan suatu penelitian tentang isolasi, kultur dan karakterisasi sel osteosarkoma manusia secara in vitro dan pada model hewan secara in vivo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah sel osteosarkoma manusia dapat diisolasi dan dikultur secara in vitro dan secara in vivo pada hewan model tikus Sprague Dawley (SD).
Metode Penelitian. Pada tahap pertama dilakukan isolasi dan kultur sel osteosarkoma dari 6 pasien pre-kemoterapi neoadjuvant dan 4 pasien telah mendapat kemoterapi neoadjuvant. Isolasi dan kultur dengan metode eksplant. Karakterisasi sel osteosarkoma dibuktikan dengan pemeriksaan morfologi sel, reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), immunofluorescence assay (IFA) dan imunositokimia. Tahap kedua menghasilkan model hewan tikus SD dengan inokulasi sel hasil kultur 1.106 sel per ekor ke intramedular femur distal (3 ekor) dan ke intramuskular gastroknemius dan soleus tibia proksimal (3 ekor). Pengukuran Alkali fosfatase serum dilakukan pada minggu ke-0, 4, dan 8, radiologi pada minggu ke-4 dan ke-8 dan histopatologi dilakukan pada minggu ke-8.
Temuan Penelitian. Sitologi menunjukkan sel tumor dengan inti yang pleiomorfik, hiperkromatik, letak di tepi dan anak inti nyata. Pemeriksaan RT-PCR menunjukkan ekspresi gen positif terhadap marker STAT3, Nanog, OCT3/4 dan CD 133. Pada pemeriksaan IFA didapatkan hasil positif terhadap antibodi osteokalsin, alkali fosfatase, dan CD 133. Pada pemeriksaan imunositokimia didapatkan hasil positif terhadap antibodi alkali fosfatase dan osteokalsin. Tahap kedua, evaluasi radiologi tidak menunjukkan gambaran destruksi tulang maupun tumbuhnya massa pada soft tissue. Pada histopatologi gambaran jaringan yang normal.
Simpulan. Sel osteosarkoma dapat diisolasi dan dikultur dari jaringan tumor pasien osteosarkoma serta menunjukkan karakterisasi sel sesuai gambaran osteosarkoma pada pasien penderita osteosarkoma. Belum dapat dilakukan pembuatan hewan model osteosarkoma dari hewan Tikus Sprague Dawley immunocompetent.

Introduction. Understanding and publications about biological aspect of human osteosarcoma cells in Indonesia are scarce, so study about isolation, culture and characterization of by in vitro or in vivo are needed. This study aimed to understand whether human osteosarcoma cells could be isolated and cultured by in vitro and in vivo for animal model Sprague Dawley (SD) rat.
Methods. First stage, isolation and culture of osteosarcoma cell from 6 patients with neoadjuvant prechemotherapy and 4 that already received neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Isolation and culture used explant method. Characterization used morphological examination of cells, reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), immunofluorescence assay (IFA) and immunocytochemistry. Objective of second stage was producing animal models experiment by inoculation of 1.106 cells intra medullary distal femur (3 animals) and to intramuscular gastrocnemius and soleus proximal tibia (3 animals). Serum alkaline phosphatase was checked at week 0,4 and 8, radiology week 4 and 8, and histopathology at week 8.
Results. Cytology showed tumor cell with pleiomorphic, hyperchromatic nucleus on the edge and conspicuous nucleoli. RT-PCR examination was positive for gene expression in STAT3 marker, Nanog, OCT 3/4 and CD 133. IFA was positive for osteocalcin, alkaline phosphatase, and CD 133 antibodies. In immunocytochemical examination there were positive result of alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin antibody. For second stage, radiology evaluation showed no bone destruction or mass growth in soft tissue. Histopathology showed normal tissue.
Conclusions. Osteosarcoma cell could be isolated and cultured from osteosarcoma?s patient and showed cell characterization that corresponded with the picture of osteosarcoma cell in patient with osteosarcoma. Animal model of osteosarcoma in immunocompetent SD rat could not be done.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rio Wikanjaya
"Latar Belakang: Osteosarkoma merupakan keganasan tulang primer dengan beragam
subtipe dan memerlukan pendekatan multidisiplin dalam diagnosis dan tatalaksananya.
Hingga saat ini belum ada alat diagnostik yang terbukti dapat mendekati
clinicopathological conference (CPC) sebagai standar baku emas. Keterbatasan fasilitas,
biaya, dan antrian pemeriksaan yang panjang sering kali menunda diagnosis
osteosarkoma. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat model sistem skoring berdasarkan
temuan klinis, laboratorium, radiografi konvensional, dan histopatologis untuk
mendiagnosis osteosarkoma secara cepat dan tepat.
Metode: Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua tahap. Tahap pertama bertujuan untuk
memformulasikan sistem skoring untuk mendiagnosis osteosarkoma menggunakan data
sekunder secara retrospektif di RS. Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo tahun 2016 hingga 2020.
Studi ini melibatkan semua pasien dengan suspek keganasan tulang primer dan
didiagnosis akhir berdasarkan CPC. Uji analisis dilakukan secara univariat, bivariat, dan
multivariat menggunakan regresi logistik backward stepwise dilanjutkan dengan uji
kalibrasi dan diskriminasi menggunakan uji Hosmer-Lemeshow dan kurva receiving
operator characteristic (ROC), serta menentukan titik potong pada model. Tahap kedua
ditujukan untuk mengevaluasi model sistem skoring yang diformulasi pada tahap pertama
secara prospektif menggunakan data primer sejak September 2022 hingga Desember
2022 di poliklinik Orthopaedi dan Traumatologi RS. Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo.
Hasil: Penelitian tahap pertama melibatkan 120 subjek dan menghasilkan dua model
sistem skoring, yaitu dengan mempertimbangkan riwayat pijat (model 1) dan tanpa
mempertimbangkan riwayat pijat (model 2). Dari hasil analisis multivariat, didapatkan
sembilan variabel yang dimasukan dalam model sistem skoring yaitu usia, indeks massa
tubuh (IMT), onset, riwayat pijat, lokasi tumor, kadar alkaline phosphatase (ALP), laktat
dehidrogenase (LDH), letak lesi berdasarkan radiografi konvensional, serta gambaran
histopatologis berdasarkan fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB). Uji kalibrasi model 1
dan 2 menunjukan kalibrasi yang baik (p=0,498 dan p=0,917). Uji diskriminasi pada
model sistem skoring menunjukan nilai area under the curve (AUC) 0,818 dengan nilai
p<0,001 pada model 1 dan 2. Titik potong pada model 1 dan 2 berturut-turut adalah 19
dan 11 poin. Penelitian tahap kedua melibatkan 34 subjek dan menunjukan sensitivitas,
spesifisitas, dan akurasi model 1 dan 2 berturut turut sebesar 81,25% dan 87,5%, 100%
dan 100%, dan 91,1% dan 94,1%.
Kesimpulan: Didapatkan dua model sistem skoring yang mampu mendiagnosis
osteosarkoma dengan cepat dan tepat dibandingkan dengan CPC. Lokasi tumor di lutut
dan gambaran sel pleiomorfik dengan atau tanpa matriks osteoid ganas merupakan faktor
yang paling berpengaruh terhadap diagnosis osteosarkoma.

Introduction : Osteosarcoma, being one of the most prevalent among the primary bone
malignancies, consists of multiple subtypes and requires a multidisciplinary approach for
proper diagnosis and treatment. Lately, there have not been a diagnostic tool that is able
to rival the accuracy of clinicopathological conference (CPC) as a gold standard in
determining the diagnosis and treatment of osteosarcoma. Limitations in budgeting, as
well as the time taken for each patient to undergo supporting examinations often leads to
a delayed diagnosis. This research aims to create a scoring system that is based on clinical
symptoms, laboratory results, conventional radiology, as well as histopathological results
to establish a quick and accurate diagnosis for osteosarcoma.
Method: This research was conducted in two stages; the first stage aims to formulate the
scoring system for diagnosing osteosarcoma by using a retrospective, secondary data
obtained from Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from 2016 up to 2020. This study
involved all patients with suspected bone malignancies that was eventually diagnosed
with osteosarcoma by means of CPC. The analysis was done with univariate, bivariate,
and multivariate analysis using backward stepwise logistic regression method followed
by calibration and discrimination test using Hosmer-Lemeshow test and receiving
operator characteristic (ROC) curve analysis, and determined the cut-off point in the
scoring system model. The second stage was aimed to prospectively evaluate the
previously formulated scoring system model in the first stage using primary data from
September 2022 to December 2022 at Orthopaedic and Traumatology outpatient clinic
Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.
Result: The first stage of the study involved 120 subjects and resulted two models of
scoring system, namely by considering massage history (model 1) and without
considering massage history (model 2). From multivariate analysis, nine variables were
included in the scoring system model, including age, body mass index (BMI), onset,
massage history, tumor location, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels, lactate
dehydrogenase (LDH), location of the lesion based on conventional radiography, and
histopathological finding based on fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB). Calibration
tests for models 1 and 2 showed good calibration (p=0.498 and p=0.917). The
discrimination test on the scoring system model showed an area under the curve (AUC)
value of 0.818 with a p-value <0.001 in both models 1 and 2. The cut-off points in model
1 and 2 were 19 and 11, respectively. The second stage of the study involved 34 subjects
with the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of models 1 and 2 showing 81.25% and
87.5%, 100% and 100%, and 91.1% and 94.1%, respectively.
Conclusion: This study has proposed two models of scoring systems that can be used
for a more rapid and accurate diagnosis of osteosarcoma when compared to CPC; the
location of the tumor mass in the knee joint and the appearance of pleomorphic cells, with
or without the appearance of malignant osteoids, both being significant factors in
diagnosing osteosarcoma
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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