"Pelaksanaan kegiatan TRIAS UKS yang meliputi Pendidikan Kesehatan, Pelayanan Kesehatan dan Lingkungan sekolah sehat di sekolah yang dibina oleh Tim Pembina UKS secara berjenjang mulai dari TP UKS Kecamatan, TP UKS Kabupaten/Kota, TP UKS Propinsi dan TP UKS Pusat, merupakan kegiatan lintas program dan lintas sektor yang harus dikoordinasikan secara baik.
Pada kenyataannya TP UKS Propinsi Sumatera Barat terdapat masalah dalam melaksanakan koordinasi TP UKS. Untuk itu penulis ingin mengetahui gambaran pelaksanaan koordinasi TP UKS Propinsi Sumatera Barat dalam pembinaan dan pengembangan program UKS tahun 2000.
Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, Data diperoleh melalui penelusuran data yang terdokumentasi, observasi dan wawancara mendalam terhadap 13 informan TP UKS dan Sekretariat TP UKS Propinsi Sumatera Barat. Informan ini adalah orang-orang yang masuk namanya dalam 5K No.441.5-119-1999 tentang Tim Pembina UKS Propinsi dan memahami serta mengetahui TP UKS dan Sekretariat.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan koordinasi TP UKS Propinsi Sumatera Barat dalam pembinaan dan pengembangan program UKS belum efektif. Mengingat koordinasi antar sektor terkait dalam wadah TP UKS Propinsi belum mencapai hasil yang efektif, maka untuk memperoleh daya guna dan hasil guna kegiatan TP UKS Propinsi yang maksimal, disarankan untuk dapat melakukan penyempurnaan SK TP UKS dan Sekretariat serta mengajak para ketua untuk selalu ikut berpartisipasi aktif dalam semua kegiatan TP UKS Propinsi, karena disadari bahwa peran ketua merupakan salah satu kunci keberhasilan koordinasi. Dalam rangka otonomi daerah, tentu diperlukan tenaga profesional dari masing-masing instansi terkait untuk duduk di TP UKS Sekretariat.
Analysis Coordination of Health School Advisory Team Province in Health School Guidance and Improvement, West Sumatera Province, 2000School Health Program activities consist of health education, health services and healthy school environment. Hierarchical advisory teams supervise implementation of these activities according to level of administration, i.e. central, province, district and subdistrict. As an integrated activity, School Health Program needs a close of both inter-programs and inter-sectors coordination.
Implementation of School Health Program in West Sumatera province shows provincial advisory team's lack of coordination. The researcher intends to explore thoroughly coordination aspects of the School Health Program in West Sumatera province during the year 2000.
Design of this research is a case study by using qualitative approach. Data was collected from several sources such as documented reports, observations and in-depth interviews to thirteen informants who were member of advisory team and/or secretariate of the School Health Program of West Sumatera Province. Those informants are listed in governor decree as stated in SK. No. 441.5-119-1999 with regard to Advisory Team of the School Health Program of West Sumatera Province. They know very well the program activities as well team's performance.
This study reveals an ineffectiveness of implementation and development of the School Program in West Sumatera Province. Lack of inter-sectors coordination within West Sumatera Province School Health Program advisory team has been the major cause of this less optimum program effectiveness. To overcome the problem, it is recommended to revise the governor decree and to update the advisory team member. In addition, it is very important to motivate better involvement of the school head in the program. The school head play a major role in program success. Tn the day of a greater local autonomy, the School Health Program demands a lot of professionals staff of many relevant disciplines to organize Secretariate of West Sumatera Province School Health Program Advisory Team."