ABSTRAKInterioritas yang diinjeksi melalui metode blurring adalah pertanyaan dan penekanan
yang akan dikaji dalam tulisan ini. Penelitian diawali dengan eksplorasi minat photo
transfer yaitu memindahkan tinta foto dari satu media ke media lainnya. Proses transfer
yang membutuhkan overlap media air, gel medium, dan kertas menentukan dasar metode
dalam mengintervensi persepsi manusia. Hasil photo transfer menunjukkan bahwa
komposisi overlap media membuat sebuah foto terlihat blurring. Blurring kemudian
dijadikan dasar sebagai pendekatan riset interioritas. Eksplorasi trigger kinetika
memberikan rules pada living machine dimana komponen antar ruang didalamnya saling
bekerja sama dan saling berinteraksi secara reversible. Stasiun Manggarai berpotensi bagi
aplikasi blurring melalui projection yang merupakan hasil eksplorasi riset. Hasil akhir
tulisan ini dapat memberikan alternatif rutinitas baru bagi pengguna Manggarai. Proyeksi
sebagai komponen utama instalasi sebagai proposisi sistem dalam ruang dapat membuka
diskusi baru mengenai pembentukan interioritas.
ABSTRACTInteriority that is injected through blurring method is the question and the emphasis that
will be examined in this paper. Examination begins with photo transfer as trigger for
exploration of transferring the ink from one media to the other media. Overlaping media
requirements; water, gel medium, and papers made the transferring as the basic method to
intervene human perception. The results showed that the overlaping composition of the
media makes photo looked blured. The mechanism to make photo blured is being used as
the approaching method of interiority. Kinetics exploration provide rules on living
machine where the components inside could work together and have reversible
interaction in it or with their context. Manggarai Station has the potential for injecting
blurring through projection as the components based on exploration research result. The
final result can provide a new routine alternative for the user of Manggarai Station.
Projection as a main component of installation as system proposition in space could open
new discussion about forming interiority."