ABSTRAKJika dilakukan observasi, bentuk permukaan bumi setiap saat selalu berubah-ubah
atau mengalami deformasi. Hal ini dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor alam, manusia
ataupun gabungan dari keduanya. Beberapa perubahan bentuk ini dapat
menyebabkan bencana kalau tidak kerugian. Sehingga perlu adanya suatu metode
untuk melakukan pengukuran dan pemetaan deformasi permukaan tanah.
Pada penulisan ini dilakukan study-case pemetaan deformasi yang terjadi pada
area Bandung dan sekitarnya. Fokus dari percobaan adalah mengamati laju
deformasi pertahun pada area tersebut. Teknik PSInSAR dengan kerangka kerja
StaMPS digunakan untuk mengolah data citra PALSAR satelit ALOS menjadi
peta laju deformasi.
Pemetaan dengan citra radar dipilih karena kemampuan akuisisi citranya yang
dapat digunakan pada hampir semua kondisi. Sinyal sensor SAR dapat menembus
awan sehingga dapat mengatasi kesulitan dalam menganalisis kawasan yang
diselimuti awan, seperti Bandung. Sensor ini juga dapat bekerja siang-malam,
karena sensor bekerja secara aktif dalam memancarkan dan menangkap sinyalnya.
Ketelitian hingga ukuran mm per tahun dapat diperoleh dengan menggunakan
teknik SAR persistent scatterrer interferometry. Selain itu dengan melakukan
analisis ampitudo dan fase pada beberapa interferogram menggunakan kerangka
kerja StaMPS, pengukuran juga dapat dilakukan walaupun pada area yang
berkoherensi rendah. Misalnya sebagian besar area terselimuti oleh vegetasi
ataupun keadaan atmosfir yang menyelimuti, seperti kawasan Bandung dan
Dari hasil pemetaan dapat diamati bahwa terjadi penurunan permukaan tanah pada
hampir seluruh kawasan perkotaan Bandung. Penyusutan dengan nilai tertinggi
terjadi pada daerah Cimahi dan Bojong sebesar 13.5 cm per tahun. Diduga
penurunan muka tanah pada area perkotaan Bandung diakibatkan oleh pemakaian
air tanah yang berlebih terutama pada kawasan industri.
ABSTRACTIf the observation is made, it is observable that earth surface is always changing or
constantly undergo a deformation. This can be caused by natural factors, human,
or a combination of both. Some of these deformation can lead to disaster if not
losses. Because of that, it important to have method to measure and ultimately
map the ground surface deformation.
In this study-case, the map of deformation that occurs in Bandung and it
surrounding areas was made. The focus of the experiment was to observe the
deformation rate per year in these areas. PSInSAR technique with StaMPS
framework was used to processed PALSAR images of ALOS satellite.
Mapping with radar images was chosen because of radar imaging system have the
capabilities to operate at almost any condition. SAR sensor signal can penetrate
clouds this can be used to overcome the difficulties in analyzing the cloudy areas,
such as Bandung. This sensor can also work day and night, because it is active
sensor, it emit and recieve it's own signal.
Using the SAR persistent scatterrer interferometry technique, measurement
accuracy up to mm per year can be obtained. In addition, by analyzing amplitude
and phase of multiple interferograms using StaMPS framework, the measurement
even with low coherence image can be done. For example, most of the area-ofinterest
is covered by vegetation or randomly high atmosphere retardation at
surrounds area, such as Bandung and it?s surrounding areas.
Form the deformation map, can be observed that there was a subsidence in almost
all urban areas in Bandung. The highest value of ground shrinkage occurred in
Cimahi and Bojong with 13.5 cm per year. Suspected, land subsidence of urban
areas in Bandung was caused by excessive use of ground water, especially in the
industrial area.;If the observation is made, it is observable that earth surface is always changing or
constantly undergo a deformation. This can be caused by natural factors, human,
or a combination of both. Some of these deformation can lead to disaster if not
losses. Because of that, it important to have method to measure and ultimately
map the ground surface deformation.
In this study-case, the map of deformation that occurs in Bandung and it
surrounding areas was made. The focus of the experiment was to observe the
deformation rate per year in these areas. PSInSAR technique with StaMPS
framework was used to processed PALSAR images of ALOS satellite.
Mapping with radar images was chosen because of radar imaging system have the
capabilities to operate at almost any condition. SAR sensor signal can penetrate
clouds this can be used to overcome the difficulties in analyzing the cloudy areas,
such as Bandung. This sensor can also work day and night, because it is active
sensor, it emit and recieve it's own signal.
Using the SAR persistent scatterrer interferometry technique, measurement
accuracy up to mm per year can be obtained. In addition, by analyzing amplitude
and phase of multiple interferograms using StaMPS framework, the measurement
even with low coherence image can be done. For example, most of the area-ofinterest
is covered by vegetation or randomly high atmosphere retardation at
surrounds area, such as Bandung and it?s surrounding areas.
Form the deformation map, can be observed that there was a subsidence in almost
all urban areas in Bandung. The highest value of ground shrinkage occurred in
Cimahi and Bojong with 13.5 cm per year. Suspected, land subsidence of urban
areas in Bandung was caused by excessive use of ground water, especially in the
industrial area., If the observation is made, it is observable that earth surface is always changing or
constantly undergo a deformation. This can be caused by natural factors, human,
or a combination of both. Some of these deformation can lead to disaster if not
losses. Because of that, it important to have method to measure and ultimately
map the ground surface deformation.
In this study-case, the map of deformation that occurs in Bandung and it
surrounding areas was made. The focus of the experiment was to observe the
deformation rate per year in these areas. PSInSAR technique with StaMPS
framework was used to processed PALSAR images of ALOS satellite.
Mapping with radar images was chosen because of radar imaging system have the
capabilities to operate at almost any condition. SAR sensor signal can penetrate
clouds this can be used to overcome the difficulties in analyzing the cloudy areas,
such as Bandung. This sensor can also work day and night, because it is active
sensor, it emit and recieve it's own signal.
Using the SAR persistent scatterrer interferometry technique, measurement
accuracy up to mm per year can be obtained. In addition, by analyzing amplitude
and phase of multiple interferograms using StaMPS framework, the measurement
even with low coherence image can be done. For example, most of the area-ofinterest
is covered by vegetation or randomly high atmosphere retardation at
surrounds area, such as Bandung and it’s surrounding areas.
Form the deformation map, can be observed that there was a subsidence in almost
all urban areas in Bandung. The highest value of ground shrinkage occurred in
Cimahi and Bojong with 13.5 cm per year. Suspected, land subsidence of urban
areas in Bandung was caused by excessive use of ground water, especially in the
industrial area.]"