Telah dilakukan penelitian secara potong lintang terhadap pasien sirosis hati di poli Hepatologi dan IRNA B ruang penyakit dalam Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional Cipto Mangunkusumo di Jakarta, periode Januari 2000 sampai Juli 2000. Penelitian tersebut bertujuan untuk mengukur kadar endotoksin endogen pada penderita sirosis hati non alkoholik yang sedang dalam keadaan stabil serta melihat adakah hubungannya dengan derajat beratnya sirosis. Pengukuran kadar endotoksin menggunakan metode spesifik dengan alat toxinometer yang berdasarkan metode turbidimetri kinetik, telah dilakukan pada 45 kasus sirosis hati non alkoholik, dua puluh kasus termasuk klasifikasi Child-Pugh A, tujuh belas kasus termasuk Child-Pugh B sedangkan delapan kasus termasuk Child-Pugh C. Pada penelitian ini tidak didapatkan adanya peningkatan kadar endotoksin di vena perifer yang melebihi nilai normal pada semua kasus. Walaupun terlihat adanya sedikit peningkatan pada penderita sirosis hati Child-Pugh C dibandingkan pada yang ChildPugh B atau A. Namun peningkatan tersebut secara perhitungan statistik tidak bermakna.
A cross-sectional study has been conducted on liver cirrhosis patients at the Hepatology and IRNA B polyclinic in the internal medicine room of the Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central General Hospital in Jakarta, the period of January 2000 to July 2000. The study aims to measure endogenous endotoxin levels in patients with non-alcoholic liver cirrhosis who are in a stable state and see if there is The relationship is with the severity of cirrhosis. Endotoxin levels were measured using a specific method with a toxinometer based on the kinetic turbidimetry method, which has been carried out in 45 cases of non-alcoholic liver cirrhosis, twenty cases including Child-Pugh A classification, seventeen cases including Child-Pugh B while eight cases included Child-Pugh C. In this study, there was no increase in endotoxin levels in the periver veins that exceeded normal values in all cases. Although there was a slight increase in patients with Child-Pugh C liver cirrhosis compared to ChildPugh B or A. However, the increase was statistically meaningless.