Roro atau @rorororo_line (Instagram) merupakan brand apparel lokal bertema “playful pieces from traditional Indonesian fabrics”. Roro menggunakan kain yang diambil langsung dari para pengrajin tenun tradisional di Indonesia untuk dijadikan pakaian ready to wear dengan bentuk yang sesuai dengan tren fashion wanita. Dengan kondisi pasar brand apparel lokal yang banyak bermunculan dengan menjual produk sejenis, pemasaran serupa, dan harga yang sama, brand apparel Roro harus memperkuat positioning brand agar unggul dibanding kompetitor dengan pembangunan brand foundation. Brand foundation tersebut akan diimplementasikan pada program komunikasi pemasaran digital "Travel through Fabrics" yang akan memberikan konsumen pengalaman cerita traveling melalui pakaian yang dikenakan. Kampanye ini dieksekusi dengan memperhatikan rangkaian AISAS dengan program content marketing, participative marketing, dan influencer marketing. "Travel through Fabrics" akan berjalan selama empat bulan dengan thematical plan yang terdiri dari The Story of Roro, The Story of our Product, Wear Your Journey, dan Travel with Roro. Tujuan dari kampanye ini adalah untuk meningkatkan awareness & engagement khalayak sasaran terhadap brand apparel Roro.
..... Roro or @rorororo_line (Instagram) is a local apparel brand with the theme “playful pieces from traditional Indonesian fabrics”. Roro uses fabrics taken directly from traditional weaving craftsmen in Indonesia to make ready-to-wear clothes with shapes that match women's fashion trends. With the market conditions for local apparel brands that have sprung up by selling similar products, similar marketing, and the same prices, Roro must strengthen its brand positioning to compete with its competitors by building a brand foundation. The brand foundation will be implemented in the digital marketing communication program "Travel through Fabrics" which will provide a traveling experience to consumers through the clothes they wear. This campaign is executed by using AISAS with the implementation of content marketing, participative marketing, and influencer marketing programs. "Travel Through Fabrics" will run for four months with a thematic plan consisting of The Story of Roro, The Story of our Product, Wear Your Journey, and Travel with Roro. The purpose of this campaign is to increase brand awareness & brand of Roro.