Tesis ini membahas tentang Biro Umum Sekretariat Jenderal Kementerian Dalam Negeri yang merupakan salah satu unit kerja yang melaksanakan tugas layanan dukungan internal. Biro Umum dituntut untuk dapat selalu melaksanakan pelayanan secara prima dan meningkatkan kinerja agar dapat mewujudkan tugas Biro Umum yaitu “Mengelola urusan rumah tangga, sarana dan prasarana perkantoran, arsip, persuratan, keamanan dalam, serta layanan pengadaan barang dan jasa”. Penelitian ini menganalisis kinerja Biro Umum Sekretariat Jenderal Kementerian Dalam Negeri yang didasarkan pada balanced scorecard dengan mempertimbangkan aspek Customer Perspectives, Internal Processes Perspectives, Learning and Growth Perspectives dan Financial Perspectives. Adapun dalam menganalisis data menggunakan studi deskriptif kualitatif dengan memanfaatkan data kualitatif yang dijabarkan secara deskriptif dan pendekatan post-positivism. Dalam penemuan jawaban atas pertanyaan penelitian yang diajukan dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui survei, studi dokumen, dan wawancara. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut menemukan bahwa kinerja Biro Umum Setjen Kemendagri berdasarkan teori Balance Scorecard belum seimbang dengan mempertimbangkan beberapa elemen yaitu Customer Perspectives bernilai “Baik”, Internal Processes Perspectives bernilai “Baik”, Learning and Growth Perspectives bernilai “Cukup” dan Financial Perspectives bernilai “Baik”.
Bureau of General Affairs of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Home Affairs is one of the work units that carries out internal support service tasks. Bureau of General Affairs is required to always be able to provide excellent service and improve performance in order to realize the General Bureau's duties, namely "Managing household affairs, office facilities and infrastructure, archives, correspondence, internal security, as well as goods and services procurement services". This research analyzes the performance of Bureau of General Affairs of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Home Affairs which is based on a balanced scorecard by considering aspects of Customer Perspectives, Internal Processes Perspectives, Learning and Growth Perspectives and Financial Perspectives. Meanwhile, analyzing the data uses a qualitative descriptive study by utilizing qualitative data which is described descriptively and with a post-positivist approach. In finding answers to research questions posed using data collection techniques through surveys, document studies and interviews. From the results of this research, it was found that the performance of Bureau of General Affairs of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Home Affairs based on the Balance Scorecard theory was not balanced by considering several elements, namely Customer Perspectives with a value of "Good", Internal Process Perspectives with a value of "Good", Learning and Growth Perspectives with a value of "Adequate" and Financial Perspectives with a value of "Good".