Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi UTAUT2 dan Hedonic Motivation, Price Value dan Perceived Risk berpengaruh secara langsung dan tidak langsung terhadap use intention pada pengguna QRIS. Desain survei digunakan untuk menguji 4 hipotesis penelitian yaitu pengaruh interactivity terhadap konstruk UTAUT2 dan habit, Pengaruh intelligent terhadap konstruk UTAUT2 dan Habit, Pengaruh convenience terhadap konstruk UTAUT2 dan habit, Pengaruh konstruk UTAUT2 dan Hedonic Motivation, Price Value dan Perceived Risk terhadap use intention. Dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, data dikumpulkan dari 324 responden yang belum pernah menggunakan QRIS. Selanjutnya, model penelitian dianalisis menggunakan PLS-SEM. Hasil pengolahan data memperlihatkan 4 hipotesis signifikan. Terbukti bahwa interactivity memiliki dampak langsung terhadap konstruk UTAUT2 dan habit. Intelligent terbukti memiliki dampak langsung terhadap konstruk UTAUT2 dan habit. Convenience terbukti memiliki dampak langsung terhadap konstruk UTAUT2 dan habit. Selanjutnya UTAUT2 dan Hedonic Motivation, Price Value dan Perceived Risk terbukti berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap use intention produk QRIS. Dengan demikian, hasil ini memberikan wawasan penting bagi pengembangan dan pemasaran produk QRIS, menyoroti pentingnya memperhatikan faktor-faktor seperti performance expectancy, effort expectancy, subjective norms, facilitating conditions, habit, hedonic motivation, price value, dan perceived risk dalam merancang strategi yang efektif untuk meningkatkan adopsi dan penggunaan QRIS. Selain itu, fitur-fitur seperti interaktivitas, kecerdasan, dan kenyamanan juga dapat dianggap sebagai faktor penting yang berkontribusi pada peningkatan penerimaan dan penggunaan QRIS.
The aim of this research is to identify UTAUT2 and Hedonic Motivation, Price Value and Perceived Risk which have a direct and indirect influence on use intention of QRIS users. A survey design was used to test 4 research hypotheses, namely the influence of interactivity on the UTAUT2 construct and habit, the influence of intelligence on the UTAUT2 and Habit constructs, the influence of convenience on the UTAUT2 construct and habit, the influence of the UTAUT2 construct and Hedonic Motivation, Price Value and Perceived Risk on use intention. Using purposive sampling techniques, data was collected from 324 respondents who had never used QRIS. Next, the research model was analyzed using PLS-SEM. The results of data processing show 4 significant hypotheses. It is proven that interactivity has a direct impact on the UTAUT2 construct and habit. Intelligent is proven to have a direct impact on the UTAUT2 construct and habits. Convenience is proven to have a direct impact on the UTAUT2 construct and habit. Furthermore, UTAUT2 and Hedonic Motivation, Price Value and Perceived Risk were proven to have a positive and significant effect on use intention for QRIS products. Thus, these results provide important insights for the development and marketing of QRIS products, highlighting the importance of paying attention to factors such as performance expectancy, effort expectancy, subjective norms, facilitating conditions, habit, hedonic motivation, price value, and perceived risk in designing effective strategies to increase the adoption and use of QRIS. Additionally, features such as interactivity, intelligence, and convenience can also be considered important factors contributing to the increased acceptance and use of QRIS