Low Performance Presenteeism (LPP) atau presenteisme dengan kinerja rendah sering terjadi, di mana karyawan tetap bekerja meskipun memiliki masalah kesehatan, sehingga mempengaruhi produktivitas dan meningkatkan biaya perawatan kesehatan. Di industri kelapa sawit Indonesia, terutama di Jambi, data mengenai LPP di antara pekerja pertanian masih jarang. Satu perkebunan melaporkan tingkat penyakit bulanan 11-28%, yang menunjukkan potensi presenteisme. Gangguan muskuloskeletal (MSDs) seperti sindrom carpal tunnel (CTS), nyeri punggung bawah (LBP), dan nyeri leher umum terjadi di sektor ini. Studi ini menyelidiki hubungan antara MSD dan LPP di antara pekerja perkebunan kelapa sawit di Provinsi Jambi. Sebuah studi cross-sectional dilakukan pada Mei 2024 bekerja sama dengan klinik kesehatan perusahaan. Kuesioner SPS-6 menilai LPP di antara pekerja pemanen yang dipilih melalui stratified random dan convenience sampling. Variabel independen termasuk MSD (CTS, LBP, nyeri leher), faktor demografis (usia, jenis kelamin), dan faktor pekerjaan (masa kerja, status pekerjaan). Data dikumpulkan dari 150 subjek di 9 departemen, mayoritas laki-laki dengan usia rata-rata >37 tahun. Sebagian besar memiliki masa kerja >7 tahun dan pekerja kontrak. Prevalensi MSD termasuk nyeri leher (38%), LBP (33,3%), dan CTS (24%). Analisis regresi logistik mengungkapkan hubungan signifikan antara LPP dan CTS, LBP, nyeri leher, serta masa kerja ≥7 tahun. MSD dan masa kerja yang lebih lama muncul sebagai prediktor penting LPP di industri kelapa sawit Jambi.
Low performance presenteeism (LPP) is prevalent, where employees work despite health issues, impacting productivity and increasing healthcare costs. In Indonesia's palm oil industry, primarily in Jambi, data on LPP among agricultural workers is sparse. One plantation reported monthly illness rates of 11-28%, suggesting potential presenteeism. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) such as carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), low back pain (LBP), and cervical pain are common in this sector. This study investigates the relationship between MSDs and LPP among palm oil plantation workers in Jambi Province. A cross-sectional study was conducted in May 2024 in collaboration with a company health clinic. The SPS-6 questionnaire assessed LPP among harvesting workers selected through stratified random and convenience sampling. Independent variables included MSDs (CTS, LBP, cervical pain), demographic factors (age, gender), and job-related factors (tenure, employment status). Data were collected from 150 subjects across 9 departments, predominantly male, with a mean age >37 years. Most had tenures >7 years and held non-permanent positions. MSD prevalence included cervical pain (38%), LBP (33.3%), and CTS (24%). Logistic regression revealed significant associations between LPP and CTS, LBP, cervical pain, and tenure ≥7 years. MSDs and longer tenure emerged as crucial predictors of LPP in Jambi's palm oil industry.