The objectives of this research are to 1) find out the profile of student’s learningmotivation in Physics class measured by aspects such as Attention, Relevation, Confidence,and Satisfaction; and 2) measure the percentage of each learning motivation aspect suchas Attention, Relevation, Confidence, and Satisfaction contributed to students’ learningmotivation in Physics class. The sample of this research is 90 students from XI class ofScience Program. The data was collected through questionnaire and observation. Thequestionnaire was analyzed using descriptive quantitatively while the observation sheetwas analyzed qualitatively. The results show that: 1) the student’s learning motivationcan be categorized into high, average, and low; and 2) the percentage of each learningmotivation aspects are Attention (59,86%), Relevance (57,08%), Confidence (55,28%),and Satisfaction (60,14%). To conclude, the average level of students’ learning motivationfor Physics is in the medium and low category caused by the lack of students’ interest inlearning Physics.