UI - Tesis Membership :: Kembali

UI - Tesis Membership :: Kembali

Kepemimpinan etis, iklim organisasi, budaya organisasi dan pengaruhnya terhadap integritas polisi di polresta bekasi kota yang berpredikat wilayah bebas korupsi (WBK) dan wilayah birokrasi bersih melayani (WBBM) = ethical leadership, organizational climate, organizational culture, and their effects on police integrity in bekasi city police resort as a corruption-free area (WBK) and clean serving bureaucratic area (WBBM)

Agus Ady Wijaya; Surya Dharma, supervisor; Athor Subroto, examiner (Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2021)


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi pengaruh kepemimpinan etis, iklim organisasi dan budaya organisasi terhadap integritas polisi di Polresta Bekasi Kota yang berpredikat Wilayah Bebas Korupsi (WBK) dan Wilayah Birokrasi Bersih Melayani (WBBM). Integritas polisi merupakan fenomena penting dan strategis dalam lembaga kepolisian untuk mewujudkan akuntabilitas, kualitas pelayanan keamanan, serta keteraturan sosial dalam masyarakat.
Penelitian menggunakan teori kepemimpinan etis, teori iklim organisasi, teori budaya organisasi, serta teori integritas polisi dari Klockars, dkk (2006), serta konsep Model Burke Litwin (2014) untuk menggambarkan perubahan mikro organisasi pada kepolisian melalui pemodelan pembangunan WBK dan WBBM pada unit-unit organisasi kepolisian strategis sebagai model zona integritas polisi, yang bertumpu kepada kepemimpinan etis, iklim organisasi dan budaya organisasi dalam membangun kinerja polisi yang berintegritas secara idividu maupun organisasional.
Penelitian melibatkan sekitar 280 anggota polisi sebagai responden yang dipilih secara klaster random sampling proporsional dari berbagai fungsi kepolisian di Polresta Bekasi Kota. Analisis data untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian menggunakan teknik SEM dengan menampatkan budaya organisasi sebagai variabel interverning terhadap integritas polisi.
Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kepemimpinan etis berpengaruh terhadap integritas polisi secara signifikan (r=0.126; p=0,044<0.05); iklim organisasi berpengaruh terhadap integritas polisi (r=0.218; p=0.034<0.05); budaya organisasi berpengaruh terhadap integritas polisi (r=0.329; p=0.000<0.05); kepemimpinan etis berpengaruh terhadap budaya organisasi (r=0.231; p=0.000<0.05), iklim organisasi berpengaruh terhadap budaya organisasi (r=0.533; p=0.000<0.05); kepemimpinan etis berpengaruh terhadap budaya organisasi dan integritas polisi (r=0,076; p=0,022<0.05); dan iklim organisasi berpengaruh terhadap budaya organisasi dan integritas polisi (r=0,0175; p=0.000<0.05).
Secara keseluruhan bahwa iklim organisasi mempunyai pengaruh yang paling kuat terhadap budaya organisasi, dilanjutkan dengan pengaruh budaya organisasi ditemukan juga memiliki pengaruh kuat terhadap integritas polisi. Begitu juga iklim organisasi dan kepemimpinan etis berpengaruh kuat terhadap integritas polisi.

The study aims to examine the effects of ethical leadership, organizational climate and organizational culture on police integrity at Bekasi City Police Resort that has been awarded the predicates of Corruption-Free Zone (WBK) and Clean Serving Bureaucratic Zone (WBBM). Police integrity is, indeed, an important and strategic phenomenon in police institutions in realizing accountability, quality of security services, and social order in society.
The study employs ethical leadership theory, organizational climate theory, organizational culture theory, and police integrity theory from Klokars, et al., (2006) and the Burke Litwin (2014) model concept to describe the micro organizational changes in police organizations through modelling the development of WBK and WBBM in police organizational strategic units as a model of police integrity zone, which relies on ethical leadership, organizational climate and organizational culture in building police performance with integrity, both individually and organizationally.
The study involves about 280 police officers as respondents who are selected by proportional random sampling clusters from various police functions at Bekasi City Police Resort. In order to answer the research questions, data are analysed using SEM technique by placing organizational culture as an intervening variable on police integrity.
The study finds out that ethical leadership significantly affects police integrity (r = 0.126; p = 0.044 < 0.05); organizational climate affects police integrity (r = 0.218; p = 0.034 < 0.05); organizational culture affects police integrity (r = 0.329; p = 0.000 < 0.05); ethical leadership affects organizational culture (r = 0.231; p = 0.000 < 0.05), organizational climate affects organizational culture (r = 0.533; p = 0.000 < 0.05); ethical leadership affects organizational culture and police integrity (r = 0.076; p = 0.022 < 0.05); and organizational climate affects organizational culture and police integrity (r = 0.0175; p = 0.000 < 0.05).
Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that organizational climate has the strongest influence on organizational culture, followed by organizational culture that also has a strong effect on police integrity. Similarly, organizational climate and ethical leadership strongly affect police integrity.

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Tesis Membership
No. Panggil : T-pdf
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Penerbitan : Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2021
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer
Tipe Carrier : online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : 449
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI
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