Praktik klinik Keperawatan merupakan proses pembelajaran yang perlu mendapat perhatian dan upaya peningkatan agar menghasilkan lulusan D II] Keperawatan yang bermutu. Untuk mengetahui mutu proses praktik klinik dapat dilihat dad kemampuan pembimbing institusi dan instmktur klinik, penggunaan peralatan, pengunaan metode, penggunaan bahan dan Iingkungan praktik klinik.
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk memperoleh infomtasi tentang rendahnya mutu praktik klinik Keperawatan , populasi peneiitian adalah sernua Mahasiswa Akper Depkes Jambi tingkat H dan tingkat III yang telah mengikuti praktik klinik (total sampel). Penelitian merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan rancangan cross sectional data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara menggunakan kuesioner kepada responden mahasiswa tingkat II dan tingkat III.
Hasil penelitian memberikan informasi bahwa sebagian besar pencapaian kompetensi kurang baik temtama unit mata ajaran Keperawatan Kesehatan Ibu (unit 214)) dan unit mata ajaran Keperawatan Kesehatan Anak (unit 321) serta Keperawatan Kesehatan Mental Psikiatri (unit 322). Kemampuan lnstruktur Klinik, penggunaan metode praktik , penggunaan bahan praktik dan lingkungan praktik sebagian besar kurang baik pada mala ajaran Keperawatan semua tingkat usia (unit 217), sedangkan kemampuan pembimbing institusi, penggunaan metode praktik dan lingkungan praktik sebagian besar kurang baik pada mata ajaran Keperawatan Medikal Bedah (unit 320), dan penggunaan peralatan praktik sebagian besar kurang baik pada mata ajaran Keperawatan Kesehatan Komuniti (unit 213), mata ajaran Keperawatan Medikal Bedah (unit 320) dan keperawatan Kesehalan anak (unit 321).
Kesimpulan penelitian adalah bahwa di tingkat III kernampuan pembimbing institusi yang kurang baik merupakan faktor yang berhubungan dengan rendahnya pencapaian mutu praktik klinik, sedangkan di tingkat II faktor penggunaan metode, penggunaan bahan praktik dan pengunaan peralatan yang kurang baik secara bersama berhubungan dengan rendahnya mutu praktik.
Kepada Kepala Pusat Pendidikan Tenaga Kesehatan Depkes RI disarankan agar pelatihan bimbingan klinik menjadi salah satu prioritas program, selain tetap memperhatikan alokasi anggaran untuk penambahan peralatan praktik. Disamping itu pengelola institusi Politeknik Kesehatan Depkes Jambi Jumsan Keperawatan agar melakukan pertemuan berkaia guna meningkatkan mutu proses praktik klinil.
Nursing Clinic practice is a leaming process that needs attention and improvement effort as to produce a qualified nursing diploma III graduate. ln order to lind the quality of clinic practice, it can be seen from the capability ofthe institution supervisor and clinic instructor, the use of tools, the use of method, the use of material and clinic practice environment.
The purpose of this research is to gain information about the cause ofthe low quality of nursing clinic practice, the population of the research is all students on second and third grade of Nursing Academy Department of Health Jambi, who have passed through clinic practice, sampling was not done because all students on second and third grade become research respondent. The research is a quantitative research using cross sectional design; data is gained by interview lo students on second and third grade respondent by using questionnaire.
The result of the research infomis that, most of competence achivement are not good enough, mostly in the subject of Mgjhgfs Health Nursing (unit 214) and, Paediatric Nursing (unit 321), and Psvchiatric Mental Nursing (unit 322). 'lite ability of clinic instructor, the use of practice method, practice material and practice environtment are not good enough, mostly in the subject All Ages Nging (unit 217), otherwise the ability of institution instructor, the use of practice method and practice environtment are not good enough, mostly in Surggg Medical Nursing (unit 320), while the use of pratice tools is mostly not good enough in the subject of Community Health Nursing (unit 213), Surgery Medical Nursing (unit 320), and Paediatric Nursing (unit 321)
The conclusion of the research is that on the third grade, the ability of institution supervisor which is not good enough is a related factor with the low achievement of clinic practice quality, while on the second grade, factor of method using, practice material using, and tools using which are not good enough, have caused the low of clinic practice quality.
The researcher suggested that the Head of Medical Staff Education Centre Department of Health Rl makes clinic guidance training to be one of program priority, and also keep giving attention to budget allocation to the practice tools addition. Moreover, the management of the institution Health Polytechnic Department of Health Jambi majoring in Nursing should hold liequent meeting as to improve the quality of clinic practice activity process.