Diabetic neuropathy is a complication of diabetes mellitus that is often overlooked, since there are often no subjective complaints during initial stages, and sensory deficit is often only found after objective examination.
Diabetic neuropathy is defined by the San Antonio Concensus of 1988 as "clinical or subclinical neural disturbance that occurs in diabetes mellitus, with no signs of other peripheral neuropathy. Neuropathy may manifest on the somatic, peripheral, as well as autonomicic nervous systems."
The incidence rate of diabetic neuropathy is reported to be 10-90%. Such high variation is due to differences in the diagnostic criteria or method to establish the diagnosis.
Reports of peripheral neuropathy from various hospitals in Indonesia are as follows: Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital / Jakarta (1989) 68.16%, Hasan Sadikin Hospital (1989) 12.2%, Dr. Sutomo Hospital / Surabaya (1990) 52.21%, Dr. Pirngadi Hospital / Medan (1996) 18.05%, Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital / Ujung Pandang (1997) 57.81%. Asril Bahar, Jakarta (1985), reported an incidence rate for parasympathetic autonomicic neuropathy of 11.9%, while Harsinen Sanusi, Ujung Pandang (1989) reported an incidence rate of 66.7%.