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Penerapan learning organization melalui pendekatan budaya : studi kasus pada Biro Administrasi & Kepegawaian dan Biro Kesekretariatan Pimpinan Setjen DPR RI.

Hernadi; Ihsanuddin Usman, supervisor (Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004)


Seiring dinamika perubahan konstelasi politik yang dinamis dan tuntutan masyarakat terhadap kinerja Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, maka diperlukan kesiapan dan dukungan jajaran staf dalam hal ini Sekretariat Jenderal DPR yang mempunyai skill, kapasitas dan integritas. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan staf yang mempunyai keahlian, kemampuan dan responsiv terhadap perubahan, maka diperlukan adanya pembelajaran organisasi. Learning organization dibentuk atas lima aspek yaitu pembelajaran, organisasi, manusia, pengetahuan dan teknologi. Kelima aspek tersebut menjadi satu kesatuan yang tak dapat dipisahkan. Namun dalam pelaksanaannya proses learning organization sering mengalami kendala. Salah satu kendadala klasik dalam pembelajaran organisasi adalah budaya organisasi yang tidak kondusif.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat penerapan learning organization di lingkungan Biro Administrasi & Kepegawaian dan Biro Kesekretariatan Pimpinan Setjen DPR RI ditinjau dari 5 aspek sistem pembelajaran yaitu dinamika pembelajaran, transformasi organisasi, pemberdayaan manusia, pengelolaan pengetahuan dan penerapan teknologi. Disamping itu penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauhmana budaya organisasi (culture of learning) telah mendukung diterapkannya learning organization di lingkungan Biro Administrasi & Kepegawaian dan Biro Kesekretariatan Pimpinan Setjen DPR RI.
Model penelitian menggunakan pendekatan deskriftif korelasional dengan metode studi kasus dan analisis deskriftif kualitatif. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kuisioner dengan jumlah responden masing-masing biro sebanyak 30 orang yang terdiri dari pejabat eselon II, eselon III eselon IV dan staff. Alasan mengambil Biro Administrasi & Kepegawaian karena Biro ini berhubungan langsung dengan pengembangan sumberdaya manusia dan kebijakan pembelajaran sedangkan Biro Kesekretariatan Pimpinan karena biro tersebut berhubungan langsung dengan pelayanan agenda agenda kegiatan Pimpinan dan Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat.
Instrumen yang digunakan adalah Learning Organization Profile untuk mengukur tingkat penerapan learning organization dan instrument culture of learning untuk mengukur tingkat dukungan budaya terhadap penerapan learning organization. Untuk mengukur variable-variabel tersebut digunakan kuisioner dengan model skala Likert. Sedangkan analisis yang dipakai menggunakan LOP (learning organization profile) dari M.Marquardt untuk mencari nilai rata rata penerapan learning organization Setjen DPR RI kemudian dibandingkan dengan hasil penelitian Marquardt atas 500 organisasi di dunia. Untuk menganalisis budaya organisasi (culture of learning) dilihat dari prosentase jawaban responden terhadap pertanyaan sejauhmana dukungan budaya terhadap penerapan learning organization.
Dari analisis atas hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden berpendapat penerapan learning organization di Biro Administrasi & Kepegawaian dan Biro Kesekretariatan Pimpinan sudah diterapkan pada bagian - bagian tertentu dengan hasil nilai rata-rata adalah 20.08 dan berada pada range katagori cukup/fair walaupun masih dibawah rata-rata hasil penelitian Marquardt yaitu 22.00. Sedangkan untuk hasil analisis budaya menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden setuju bahwa budaya belajar sudah cukup baik/kondusif untuk penerapan learning organization.

Application of Learning Organization by Cultural Approach, Case study at the Bureau of Administration and Personnel and the Bureau of Leadership secretariat of the Secretariat General of the House of Representatives Along with the dynamic changes of political constellation and people's demand to good performance of the House of Representatives, it is needed readiness and support from the employee line of the Secretariat General of the House of Representatives with a certain exent of skills, capacity and integrity. In order to fulfill the needs of providing employees who are skillful, capable and responsive to the changes, it should conduct learning organization. Learning organization is formed by five aspects, namely learning, organization, human being, knowledge and technology. The five aspects assemble as a unity which is inseparable. In its implementation, the process of learning organization is hindered. One of the classic obstacles to the learning organization is an unconducive culture of organization.
The research intends to analyze what extent of application of learning organization at the Bureau of Administration and Personnel and the Bureau of Leadership secretariat of the Secretariat General of the House of Representatives by implementing the five aspects of learning system, i.e. dynamic of learning, transformation of organization, human empowerment, knowledge management and application of technology. The research is also aimed at comprehending to what extent of culture of learning has supported the application of learning organization at the Bureau of Administration and Personnel and the Bureau of Leadership secretariat of the Secretariat General of the House of Representatives.
The research utilized a model of correlational-descriptive approach accompanied by a method of case study and a qualitative descriptive analysis. The research was carried out by disseminating questionnaires to a number of respondents at the two Bureaus. From each Bureau, 30 employees were treated as a sample, comprising the officials of Second, Third and Forth levels and the staffs. The reason why the Bureau of Administration and Personnel was chosen as an area of sample because the Bureau performed the works related directly to the human resources development services and the learning policies. While the Bureau of Leadership secretariat performed the works related directly to the services of setting up the Agenda of activities to the Leadership of the House and to the members of the House of Representatives.
The instrument used by the research was Learning Organization Profile which was applied as tools to measure the level of application of learning organization and the instrument of culture of learning was used as tools to measure the level of cultural support to the application of learning organization. To measure the variables, it used the questionnaires of the Likert scale model. The analysis of LOP (learning organization profile) of M. Marquardt was used as tools to seek the median of learning organization applied at the Secretariat general of the House of Representatives, then it was compared to the result of research conducted by Marquardt to 500 organizations in the world. While the culture of learning was analyzed through the percentage of response conveyed by the respondents to the questions of what extent of the cultural may support the application of learning organization.
Based on the analysis to the results of the research, it showed that most of respondents were of the opinion that the Bureau of Administration and Personnel and at the Bureau of Leadership secretariat have applied learning organization at certain sections, with median of 20.08 and it stayed at the "fair" range category. It is below the average median of 22.00 resulted by the research conducted by Marquardt. While the analysis to the culture showed that most of respondents agreed to the opinion that the culture of learning at the two Bureaus has been good/conducive to the application of learning organization.

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Tesis Membership
No. Panggil : T 13903
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Penerbitan : Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
Bahasa : ind
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
No. Panggil No. Barkod Ketersediaan
T 13903 15-17-451946140 TERSEDIA
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