Suatu tantangan yang dihadapi Komite Medik RSUP Fatmawati pada awal masa pembentukannya tahun 1993 adalah bagaimana membuat organisasi berjalan dan sasarannya tercapai dengan upaya yang wajar. Sebagai konsep baru yang diadopsi dari negara lain, beberapa petunjuk diberikan melalui SK Menkes 983 dan 551. Setelah periode kepengurusan pertama berakhir, ditemukan bahwa pencapaian hasil kerjanya tidak optimal dan sebagian besar upaya yang dilakukan adalah pengkajian tata organisasi tanpa penyelesaian yang berarti.
Disimpulkan bahwa ada hambatan dalam proses pengorganisasian Komite Medik periode I yang perlu diteliti. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi proses pengorganisasian Komite Medik periode I, Desember 93 - Desember 95, dengan desain studi kasus retrospektif pendekatan deskriptif analitik kualitatif.
Diidentifikasi proses dan faktor yang terkait pada proses. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dan telaah dokumen. Data proses adalah fakta yang digali melalui pengungkapan fakta oleh pelaku proses, data faktor adalah fakta yang digali melalui pendapat pelaku proses atas faktor. Analisa dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif, tidak dilakukan uji korelasi secara statistik.
Hasil yang didapat adalah: sebagian besar proses berjalan baik sesuai standar, sementara sebagian besar faktor dinilai tidak sesuai standar. Penelitian mengukur dan menilai kelengkapan ('appropriateness') proses, keadekuatan tidak dinilai.
Kesimpulan pokok adalah: proses pengorganisasian yang 'appropriate' hanya berkaitan dengan faktor: kebermaknaan tugas, komitmen dan kejelasan tujuan, tetapi tidak berkaitan dengan faktor: kemampuan, otonorni, umpanbalik, kejelasan tatacara pelaksanaan dan dukungan atasan.
Saran yang diajukan berupa upaya yang ditujukan untuk memperkecil faktor lemah, langsung maupun tidak, dengan: menyusun perundang-undangan Komite Medik, membuat prosedur yang perlu, membentuk satuan kerja administratif pendukung yang bertanggung jawab atas aspek manajemen dan administratif dari aktivitas Komite Medik. Disamping itu disarankan melakukan penelitian lebih jauh tentang efektifitas proses yang juga mencakup keadekuatan, dan penelitian korelasi proses dan faktor penentu efektifitas pada Komite Medik.
Challenge faced by the Fatmawati Hospital Medical Committee at the beginning of their establishment in 1993 is how to make the organization run and attain goals with a reasonable effort. As a new concept adopted from other country, several clues were set in the stipulation No.983 of the Minister of Health and No.551 released subsequently. At the end of the first period, an un optimal performance recognized, part of the effort done were to discuss issues concerning organizing process the committee assumed responsible for, with insignificant accomplishment, Constraint on the organizing process of the Fatmawati Hospital Medical Committee in their first period was concluded, which called for a research. The research identified the organizing process held during the first period, December 1993 - December 1995. The study design is a retrospective case study, qualitative approach. The process and the related factors were identified. The data collecting was held through in-depth interview and document study method. The data on the organizing process are facts as told by the persons involved. The data on the related factors are facts told through the perception of the persons involved on the factors. Analysis was carried out through qualitative method, no statistical con-elation test conducted. The result was : most of the process were carried out properly, consistent with standards. Most of the factors by contrast, were inconsistent with standard. Adequacy of the process was not under study. The main conclusion was : the appropriateness of the organizing process of the Medical Committee was related to such factors as: job significance, commitment and unvagueness purpose, while it was not related to such factors as: personnel competence, job autonomy, feedback, unvagueness method of task conducting, superior support. Suggestions were given to reduce negative factors, by: drafting a medical committee bylaws, procedures necessary, and set up an administrative support unit which may have the responsibility for assisting the medical committee in carrying out its function, especially on management and administrative aspects. It was suggested to conduct another research on the effectiveness of the organizing process included the adequacy, and a research on the correlation between the process and the factors attached as well.