Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat adalah dilaksanakannya Program Pemberantasan Penyakit Kusta dan kesepakatan global Eliminasi Kusta Tahun 2000. Kusta merupakan penyakit menular menahun dengan menimbulkan "sligina" dan dampak sosial negatif akibat cacat yang ditimbulkannya. Kabupaten Sumedang tidak terlepas dengan problematika kusta. Bila dibandingkan dengan kabupaten yang berbatasan dengan Kabupaten Sumedang yaitu Subang, Indramayu dan Majalengka cakupan penemuan kasus kusta masih rendah. Prevalensi kusta yang rendah di Kabupaten Sumedang mungkin belum menunjukkan angka yang sesungguhnya. Karena pada penemuan kasus baru, tipe multibasiler yang potensial sebagai sumber penularan juga disertai kecacatan tingkat 2, relatif lebih banyak daripada tipe pausibasiler.
Penelitian deskriptif analitik, menggunakan desain penelitian dengan metode pendekatan potong lintang serta pengukuran kuantitatif dan kualitatif, dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Sumedang. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh petugas pemberantasan penyakit kusta puskesmas di Kabupaten Sumedang.
Penelitian menghasilkan sebagian besar petugas mempunyai kinerja yang buruk. Dari 13 variabel bebas yang diteliti terdapat 3 variabel yang mempunyai hubungan bermakna dengan kinerja petugas, yaitu motivasi petugas, insentif yang didapat petugas dan pembinaan serta dukungan yang didapat petugas. Hubungan antara kinerja dan ketiga variabel bebas diatas secara simultan tidak bermakna.
Disarankan agar dalam meningkatkan kinerja petugas, memperhatikan faktor motivasi petugas, insentif bagi petugas dan pembinaan maupun dukungan terhadap petugas yang berkesinambungan.
The Program of Leprosy Control and the Global Plan of Action for the Elimination of Leprosy by the Year 2000 are efforts towards the improvement of public health. Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease causing stigma and generating negative social impact due to the deformities resulted. Sumedang shares problems attached to the leprosy, even though in comparison to the neighboring regencies : Subang, Indramayu and Majalengka, the number of leprosy cases is low. However, the low prevalence of leprosy in Sumedang cannot significantly be determined as an indication of the real number since new case findings suggest that more multibacillary types, which have the potential to become the source of contagion along with disability grade 2, have been found rather than the paucibacillary. This analytic descriptive research was conducted at the Sumedang Regency. The research was designed with a crsoss-sectional approach, and was quantitatively and qualitatively measured. The population of the research was all of the public health center fieldworkers of Leprosy Control Program in Sumedang. The hypothesis is that there is a correlation between the performance of the Public Health Center fieldworkers of Leprosy Control and the internal factors (individual) and the external factors (environment). Evidence reveals low performance among a large number of the fieldworkers. Out of 13 independent variables, 3 variables indicate significant correlation with the performance of the fieldworkers. The variables are motivation of the fieldworkers (p:0.04422), incentive received by the fieldworkers (p:0,01210), and guidance as well as support for the fieldworkers ( p:0,029-18). Nevertheless, from a simultant perspective, the correlation between the performance and the three variables is not significant. To improve performance of the fieldworkers, it is suggested that there should be more significant consideration towards factors of motivation, incentive, continuous guidance and support for the fieldworkers.