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UI - Tesis Membership :: Kembali

Pengetahuan keanekaragaman tumbuhan dan pemanfaatan satuan lansekap masyarakat etnis dayak di Taman Nasional Bentuang Karimun dan sekitarnya

Supardiyono; Herwasono Soedjito, supervisor; Eko Baroto Walujo, supervisor; Nisyawati, examiner; Soekarja Somadikarta, examiner; Wahyuning Ramelan, examiner; Budhihartono, examiner (Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1999)


Five Dayak ethnic groups : Iban, Tamambaloh, Kantu', Bukat and Punan are residing inside the Bentuang Karimun National Park and its vicinity. Most Dayak members are earning their life as farmers, hunters, poachers and collective of forest products either for commercial or personal purposes. They live harmoniously with their surrounding.
Research on "Biodiversity of plants and the utility of landscape by communities of Dayak ethnics at Bentuang Karimun National Park and its vicinity", were carried out from November 1996 to May I997. The result had been presented in a thesis, which is composing of two subjects.
First subject, concerning with "The indigenous knowledge and the landscape usage of the Dayak". This study is separated into two consecutive chapters.
Data were collected by using exploration and square methods. Diversity index are obtained by using Shanon & Wiener formula 1949 (Kreb, 1989); Equation of plant community are calculated using Jaccard (Greig-Smith, 1983) and Cluster analysis is performanced by Ludwig & Reynolds formulation (1988).
The result of the research shows that each ethnic group has particular characteristic as follows :
a. Housing
Sadap village (Dayak Iban), and Sungai Ulu' Palin ViIIage (Dayak Tamambaloh) have long and single house. The other villages such as Nanga Potan (Dayak Kantu'), Along Hovat (Dayak Bukat) and Nanga Bungan (Dayak Punan) do not have. Sadap village is the only village that has water pipe system, while other four villages do not. They get water from the river and from the rain water for drinking. At Along Hovat and Nanga Bungan village, the road has been made from concrete base, while the other three villages have not. Sungai Ulu' Palin village of the Dayak ethnic has the highest population, which. consisted of 92 families or 403 persons, while Nanga Potan village of the Dayak has the lowest, which consisted only 10 families or 45 persons.
b. Home garden
Based on the plant composition of the home garden at the five villages we visited that the Dayak practice different type of home garden . At Sadap village and Sungai Ulu' Palin village : the Iban and Tamambaloh prefer to grow industrial plants such as rubber Ffevea brasilliensis), while at Nanga Potan and along Hovat : Kantu' and Bukat prefer to grow fruits plants, such as jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) and durian (Dario zibethinus). However, the Punan at Nanga Bungan does not practice home garden , therefore, there is no any special plants in their garden.
c. Variaton of plants at the active field
Generally, at the five villages there are about 27 varieties of glutinous rice and 77 varieties of rice. Beside the main plant, they also grew the supplementary plants such as cucumber (Cucumis melo), cassava (Manihot esculenta), egg plant (Soiwnan sp.), small chili (Capsicum frutescens), "katuk" (Sauropus albicans), ginger (Zingiber officinale) and "paria" (Momordica charantia).
d. Vegetation of the abandoned field.
The composition of the plants at the abandoned garden has variation. The abandoned garden for 1 - 5 years were dominated by wild plants such as Themeda gigantea and Melastoma malabathricum. The abandoned garden for 5 - 10 years, were dominated by secondary plants such as Macaranga gigantea, A. trilaba, M lapadanta, and Threma orientalis. The abandoned field of more than 20 years are primarily dominated by Dipterocarpaceae.
e. Cluster analysis
Based on what we observed , we categorize three stages of growth such as "belta" , "trees", and "seedling" stadium on the field. There is an indication that the factor of human activities influence the plant's growth.
Second subject, "Me indigenous knowledge and the utility of plant diversity of Dayak ethnic at the Bentuang Km-isms National Park and its vicinity". The purpose of the research was to study how the communities around the National Park benefing the landscape of the park. The data obtained by interviewing members of the community.
a. The using of plants
Categorization of plant use in five villages communities :
1. Edible plants : consisted of 129 species, 94 genus, and 42 families.
2. Housing materials : consisted of 63 species. 21 genus_ and 14 families.. And tfor agricultural tool consisted of 23 species, 13 genus, and 9 families.
3. Medicinal purposes : consisted of 55 species. 51 genus. and 34 families,
4. Ceremonials and rituals : consisted of 21 species, 19 genus, and 17 families.
5. Clothing : consisted of 7 species, 6 genus, and 5 families.
6. Utensils,rope and braid consisted of 27 species. 14 genus, and 9 families.
7. Dyes : consisted of 7 species, 7 genus, and 6 families.
8. Firewood consisted of 19 species, 11 genus and 9 families
9. Ornamental or decoration : consisted of 7 species, 6 genus, and 5 families.
10. Poison and toxic ingredient : consisted of 4 species, 3 genus, and 2 families.
b. The indigenous knowledge
The indigenous knowledge of plants of the communities among the ethnics shows varies from one to another. The differences in the knowledge between those of the male and those of the female were tested using the proportional test.

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Tesis Membership
No. Panggil : T-Pdf
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Program Studi :
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Penerbitan : Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1999
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer
Tipe Carrier : online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xiv, 182 pages ; illustration : 30 cm
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
No. Panggil No. Barkod Ketersediaan
T-Pdf 15-18-460675354 TERSEDIA
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