UI - Tesis Membership :: Kembali

UI - Tesis Membership :: Kembali

Berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan kebijakan AMDAL di DKI Jakarta (periode 1993-1997)

Jeje Nurjaman; Bhenyamin Hoessein, supervisor; Retno Soetarjono, supervisor ([Publisher not identified] , 2000)


DKI Jakarta merupakan salah satu propinsi di Indonesia yang sangat diminati oleh banyak investor haik asing maupun nasional, untuk mendirikan dan mengembangkan usahanya dalam bentuk perusahaan Penanaman Modal Asing/Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri (PMA/PMDN). Dalam rangka menarik investasi PMA/PMDN, Pemerintah telah menerbitkan berbagai kebijaksanaan yang berkaitan dengan Penanaman Modal, yang terakhir dengan diterbitkannya SK Presiden RI No. 117 Tahun 1999 tentang Perubahan kedua atas Keputusan Presiden No. 97 Tahun 1993 tentang Tata Cara Penanaman Modal, berdasarkan Keputusan tersebut di atas ditetapkan bahwa permohonan persetujuan dan perizinan pelaksanaan Penanaman Modal dilimpahkan kepada Ketua BKPMD atas nama Gubernur sebagai Kepala Daerah. Berdasarkan banyaknya jumlah proyek dan investasi dari perusahaan PMA/PMDN yang umumnya berskala menengah dan besar, penanaman modal di DKI Jakarta secara langsung berdampak positif dalam memperluas kesempatan kerja dan meningkatkan peluang berwirausaha atau berusaha skala kecil, namun perlu upaya pencegahan dini (preventiv) dengan instrumen-instrumen penataan ruang, AMDAL, penetapan bahan mutu lingkungan ekonomi dan audit lingkungan yang mekanisme pengaturannya dilakukan melalui perizinan pembangunan.
Sesuai dengan identifikasi masalah, penelitian ini difokuskan pada masalah berbagai paktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan kebijakan AMDAL di DKI Jakarta. Berdasarkan pada pembatasan masalah, maka masalah yang akan diteliti untuk dipecahkan dan didapatkan jawabannya adalah seberapa jauh hubungan antara peranan BKPMD dengan pelaksanaan kebijakan AMDAL di DKI Jakarta. Sedangkan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk :
  1. menjelaskan pertumbuhan PMA/PMDN di DKI Jakarta dalam kurun waktu tahun 1993 sampai dengan tahun 1997.
  2. menelaah dampak pertumbuhan PMAIPMDN terhadap lingkungan hidup.
  3. menganalisis hubungan antara BKPMD dengan tidak efektifnya pelaksanaan AMDAL di DKI Jakarta selama tahun 1993 hingga tahun 1997.
Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian post facto. Dalam penelitian post facto, peneliti tidak memanipulasi variable babas, lebih tepatnya variabel babas ditentukan terlebih dahulu. Lokasi penelitian lapangan di DKl Jakarta antara lain Kawasan industri Pulogadung, Kawasan Berikat Nusantara, serta lokasi-lokasi lainnya dimana perusahaan PMA/PMDN melakukan kegiatannya dalam berproduksi, sebanyak 15 (lima belas) perusahaan.
Analisis kuantitatif untuk pengujian hipotesis penelitian (ha) dilakukan dengan menetapkan variabel penelitian menjadi 3 {tiga) variabel babas yakni kebijakan AMDAL, peranan BKPMD, dan perilaku perusahaan PMA/PMDN serta 1 (satu) variabel terikat yaitu tidak efektifnya pelaksanaan kebijakan AMDAL. Adapun 3 (tiga) hipotesis penelitian (ha) untuk diuji berdasarkan koefisien korelasi urutan jenjang Spearman Rho (p), masing-masing adalah:
  1. terdapat hubungan antara kebijakan AMDAL dengan tidak efektifnya pelaksanaan kebijakan AMDAL, yang ditunjukan oleh angka P= -0,678.
  2. terdapat hubungan antara peranan BKPMD dengan tidak efektifnya pelaksanaan kebijakan AMDAL. yang menghasilkan angka p = - 0,534.
  3. terdapat hubungan antara perilaku perusahaan PMA/PMDN dengan tidak efektifnya pelaksanaan kebijakan AMDAL, berlandaskan 2 (dua) tolok ukur di mana :
    • perilaku mencerminkan partisipasi, menunjukkan angka p = -0,713.
    • perilaku mencerminkan tekad dan persetujuan, menunjukkan angka p = -0,538.
Penanaman modal di DKI Jakarta pada periode tahun 1993 sampai dengan tahun 1997 untuk perusahaan PMA/PMDN, masing-masing mencapai jumlah persetujuan PMA terendah pada tahun 1994 yakni 98 Proyek dengan rencana 1,290,830.20 (Ribu US $) dan jumlah persetujuan PMA tertinggi pada tahun 1996 yakni 294 Proyek dengan rencana investasi sebesar 3,752,123.50 Ribu US $ sedangkan nilai persetujuan PMDN terendah pada tahun 1993 dengan 123 proyek dan jumlah rencana investasi sebesar 7,652.394.10 (Rp. Juta) dan jumlah persetujuan tertinggi PMDN pada tahun 1996 dengan jumlah proyek 193 dan jumlah tertinggi rencana investasi sebesar 16,660,415.60 (Rp. Juta). Terjadinya pencemaran dan kerusakan lingkungan selama tahun 1997 yakni 345 kasus pencemaran. Jumlah di atas mencerminkan kasus pencemaran lingkungan belum dapat sepenuhnya ditekan agar mencapai jumlah minimal. Kasus pencemaran/kerusakan lingkungan di DKI Jakarta terlihat dengan jelas bahwa kecenderungannya stabil pada Tahun 1993-1994, tetapi pada Tahun 1996-1997 mengalami kenaikan yang drastis, meskipun pada Gambar Grafik 14 dan 15 jumlah investasi mengalami penurunan.
Untuk mengatasi masalah pencemaran dan kerusakan lingkungan, serta mengantisipasi berbagai isu pokok berkaitan dengan masalah lingkungan di DKI Jakarta, telah ditempuh langkah langkah melalui berbagai program yakni melalui Program Kali Bersih (Prokasih), program Penataan Daerah Pengaliran Sungai (DPS) ini dititik beratkan pada penertiban sumber limbah yang berada didekat badan sungai, seperti penertiban lokasi pembuangan sampah sementara (LPS) dan penertiban MCK gantung di sisi sungai, agar sumber limbah tersebut dapat mengurangi beban limbah di dalam sungai dimaksud, program Penghijauan dan Keindahan Kota, penghijauan taman kota pada jalur jalur jalan, bantaran sungai serta program sejuta pohon oleh Pemerintah Daerah atau juga melalui kerjasama dengan masyarakat setempat balk Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM) tertentu maupun organisasi lainnya. BKPMD DKI Jakarta merupakan salah satu aparatur pembina dan pengawas dalam pencegahan pencemaran dan perusakan lingkungan, dengan titik berat tugas dan tanggung jawab pada pengembangan penanaman modal (investasi) utamanya PMA/PMDN, sehingga penanaman modal meningkat dan pengelolaan lingkungan berjalan sebagaimana mestinya atau sesuai ketetapan perizinan. Tugas dan tanggung jawab BKPMD DKI Jakarta untuk mengembangkan penanaman modal dan pengelolaan lingkungan, sehubungan dengan hal tersebut di atas, BKPMD DKI Jakarta bersama instansi terkait di lingkungan Pemda DKI Jakarta antara lain Bapedalda khusus dalam perianganan AMDAL, menjaga dan menghilangkan berbagai kesan negatif misalnya :
  1. proses penyelesaian AMDAL relatif berlarut-larut, sehingga sering terdengar AMDAL menghambat iklim investasi;
  2. AMDAL yang semula bertujuan untuk mengendalikan dampak lingkungan, justru hanya dijadikan sebagai persyaratan administratif dalam rangka perizinan;
  3. tidak jarang ditemui suatu kegiatan investasi (kegiatan bisnis) yang sudah dilengkapi dokumen AMDAL, namun ternyata terus berlangsung pencemaran lingkungan sebagai akibat kegiatan bisnis tersebut.
BKPMD DKI Jakarta berperan di dalam pelaksanaan AMDAL, melalui pemberian izin prinsip PMAIPMDN, pengawasaan di lapangan, juga terlibat di dalam Tim Komisi AMDAL, sehingga mempunyai posisi yang sangat srtategis di dalam penerbitan izin utamanya bagi perusahaan PMA/PMDN yang akan berinvestasi di DKI Jakarta, sesuai dengan kebijakan Pemda DKI Jakarta bahwa Industri yang diperbolehkan investasi di Jakarta adalah yang tidak membutuhkan lahan terlalu banyak, tidak terlalu banyak menyerap air tanah, tidak menimbulkan polusiltidak mencemarai lingkungan, berteknologi tinggi, dan banyak menyerap tenaga kerja. Dari uraian di atas tersebut dapat dikatakan pertumbuhan PMA/PMDN pada tahun 1997 menurun, sedangkan kasus pencemaran Iingkungan meningkat pada tahun 1997. Untuk itu BKPMD sangat berperan di dalam mencegah terjadinya pencemaran lingkungan, melalui bidang Perizinan dan bidang Pengawasan yang terdapat di BKPMD dan wajib memberlakukan kebijakan AMDAL beriandaskan PP 51/1993 tentang AMDAL dan UU 23/1997 tentang pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup, sehingga peningkatan jumlah PMA/PMDN dimaksud mestinya setara kemampuan melestarikan lingkungan. Karena BKPMD membina perusahaan yang berpasilitas PMA/PMDN perlu kiranya BKPMD diberikan kewenangan yang lebih luas lagi dalam menindak perusahaan yang mencemari lingkungan, khususnya perusahaan PMA/PMDN, mengingat saat ini telah ada ± 4.000 perusahaan PMA/PMDN yang beroperasi di DKI Jakarta.
Untuk selalu terjaganya kelestarian lingkungan utamanya dalam rangka ketertiban pengendalian pencemaran oleh industri dan perorangan, perlu dibentuk polisi lingkungan atau layaknya seperti polisi kehutanan (jagawana) dan polisi pariwisata, yang dapat langsung bertindak di lapangan bila melihat langsung perusahaan yang mencemari lingkungan serta membuang limbahnya dengan sembarangan.

Several Factors Which Affect The Implementation Of The EIA Policies In DKI Jakarta (Period 1993-1997)DKI Jakarta is one of the provinces in Indonesia which is very attractive to many investors foreign as well as domestic, to establish and develop their business in the from of Foreign investment/Domestic Investment. To Attract the PMA/PMDN investment the Government issued various policies related to Investment, the latest being the issued various policies related to Investment, the latest being the issuance of the Decree of the President of the Republic Of Indonesia No. 117 Year 1999 re the Second change on the Presidential Decree No. 97 Year 1993 re the Procedures on investment, Based on said Decree it was stipulated that application for approval and the permits for implementation on Investment was transferred to the Chairman of the BKPMD (Regional Investment Coordinating Board) in the name of the Governor as the Head of the Region. Based on the number of projects and investment of PMA/PMDN business which are generally of the medium and large scale, the capital investment in DKI Jakarta directly have a positive impact in the expansion of work opportunities and increase the opportunity to engage in business or do business on small scale, However, it will require early preventive measures through instruments for organizing the space, AMDAL (Environmental Impact Analysis) the decision for the standard quality of the economic environment and environmental audit the mechanism of which is implemented through construction permits.
In accordance with the identification of the problem, this research is focused to the problem of several factors which affect the implementation of policies on AMDAL in L'KI Jakarta. Based on the scope of the problem, the problem to be researched for a solution and to obtain the answer on how far is the relationship between the roles of the BKPMD (Regional Investment Coordinating Board) with the implementation of the policies on AMDAL in DKI Jakarta. While this research has the purpose to:
  1. Explain the growth the PMA/PMDN in DKI Jakarta in the period 1993 up to and inclusive 1997.
  2. Review the impact of the growth of the PMA/PMDN on the living environment.
  3. Analyze the relation between the BKPMD with the in-effectiveness of the AMDAL implementation in DKI Jakarta during the years 1993 up to 1997.
The research method used is the post-facto research method. In the post-facto research, the researcher does not manipulate the independent variable, more exactly the independent variable was determined earlier. The location of the field survey was in DKI Jakarta, among others at the industrial estate Pulogadung, the Bonded Zone Nusantara and other locations where the PMA/PMDN business undertake their activities in production, altogether 15 (fifteen) companies.
The quantitative analysis to test the research hypothesis (ha) is done determining the research variable into 3 (three) independent variable, that are the AMDAL policies, the role of the BKPMD, and the attitude of the PMAIPMDN companies and 1 (one) dependent variable that is the ineffectiveness in the implementation of the AMDAL policies. The 3 (three) research hypotheses to be tested based on the Spearman Rho (p) sequential level correlation coefficient are:
  1. There is a relationship between the EIA policies with the in-effectiveness in the implementation of the EIA policies, which is shown by the figure P =-3,678.
  2. There is a relationship between the role of the EIA with the in-effectiveness in the implementation of the EIA policies, which results in the figure P=-0,534.
  3. There is relationship between the attitude of the PMA/PMDN companies with the in-effectiveness in the implementation of the EIA policies, based on 2 (two) measurement standards where:
    • the attitude reflected participation, showing the figure p = -0,713.
    • the attitude reflected commitment and agreement, showing a figure of p =-0,538.
The capital investment in DKI Jakarta in the period 1993 up to and inclusive 1997 for PMA/PMDN, research to lowest level of approval for PMA in 1994 with 98 project and planned investment of 1,290,830.20 (Thousand US$) and the highest PMA approval in 1996 with 294 project with planned investment of 3,752,123.50 (Thousand US$), while the lowest PMDN approval was in 1993 with 123 projects with planned investment of 7,652,394.10 (million Rp.) and the highest PMDN approval in 1996 with 193 project with planned investment of 16,660,415.60 (million Rp.). The existence of pollution and environmental damage during 1997 were 345 cases of environmental pollution could not be suppressed to a minimum. The cases of pollution and environmental damage in DKI Jakarta is clearly evident from the tendency to be stable in the years 1993-1994, but in 1996-1997 suffered a drastic increase, although the graphs 14 and 15 showed that investments suffered a decrease.
To overcome the problem of pollution and environmental damage and anticipate several main issues related with the problem of environment in DKI Jakarta, several steps were taken through various programs like Clean River Program (Prokasih), Management of the River Basins Program (DPS), which emphasizes on the orderliness of waste source located close to the river body, like the arrangements of the temporary waste disposal dumps and orderliness of the toilets alongside the rivers, so the waste source can decrease the burden of waste in said rivers, the roads, river banks and the one million tree program by the Regional Government or even through the cooperation with the local community, with certain Non-Government Organizations as well with other organizations. The BKPMD DKI Jakarta is one of the guiding and supervising institutions in the prevention of pollution and environmental damage, with the focus on the task and-responsibility to the development of capital investment (especially PMA/PMDN), so capital investment will increase and the environmental management can be executed as it should be or in accordance with the conditions in the permits. The task and the environmental management, related to the issue above, the BKPMD DKI Jakarta with the other related institutions in the DKI Jakarta Government among others the Regional Environmental Impact Agency (Bapedalda), especially in the handing of the AMDAL, Should maintain erase some negative images like:
the process for completing the EIA is relatively dragging on, so it is often heard that the EIA hinder the investment climate;
EIA which initially has the objective to control the environmental
impact, is just made into an administrative requirement to obtain a permit;
it is often discovered that an investment activity which were completed with the EIA documents, but in actuality continues to pollute the environment as a result of the production activities.
The BKPMD DKl Jakarta plays a role in the implementation of the EIA through the issuance of the PMA/PMDN principal permit, supervision in the field, also involved in the EIA Committee Team, so it occupies a very strategic position in the issuance of the principal permit for PMA/PMDN businesses which will invest in DKI Jakarta, in accordance with the policy of the land, does not consume to much ground water, does not generate pollution/pollute the environment, high technology and can absorb the labor force. From the analysis above it can be stated that the growth of the PMA/PMDN was declining in 1997, while the case of environmental pollution increased in 1997 for this the BKPMD has an important role to prevent the incidence of environmental pollution through the issuance of permits and supervision found at the BKPMD and should implement the AMDAL policy based on Government Regulation 5111993 re EIA and the law 23/1997 re management of the human environment, so the increase in the number of PMA/PMDN as meant should be equal to capacity of preserving the environment.
Because the BKPMD provides guidance to the business enjoying facilities of the PMAIPMDN in should be given more extensive authorization to take actions against companies which are polluting the environment, especially PMA/PMDN companies, considering that at present there are around 4,000 PMA/PMDN companies operating in DKI Jakarta.
To always maintain the preservation of the environment especially in the framework to organize the control over pollution by the industry and individuals, it is necessary to form the environmental police or more likely like the forest wardens and the tourist police, who can act immediately in the field if discovering a company which pollutes the environment and through away its waste haphazardly.

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Tesis Membership
No. Panggil : T5280
Entri utama-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama badan :
Program Studi :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2000
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer
Tipe Carrier : online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xxv, 151 pages : illustration ; 28 cm + appendix
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
No. Panggil No. Barkod Ketersediaan
T5280 15-19-016008855 TERSEDIA
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