Selama pandemi Covid-19, PT Pertamina RU III mengubah metode pelatihan pegawai yang tadinya dilaksanakan secara langsung menjadi pelatihan online (e-Training). Selain metode, turut terjadi tiga perubahan, yakni dalam hal sistem di mana e-Training dilaksanakan secara sentralistik oleh holding PT Pertamina, unifikasi karena pelaksanaannya digabung dengan subholding PT Pertamina lain, serta pendekatan yang menghilangkan unsur experiential learning karena adanya pembatasan sosial. Kondisi tersebut menjadi tantangan karena e-Training yang diadopsi di PT Pertamina RU III hanya bersifat mendadak dan temporal saja, yakni pada saat pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas penyelenggaraan e-Training pada PT Pertamina RU III selama pandemi Covid-19 (November 2019 – Desember 2021) menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah mixed method yakni menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif secara bersamaan melalui survey, wawancara, dan studi kepustakaan. Terdapat 303 responden yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini dan merupakan pegawai dari PT Pertamina RU III yang mengikuti e-Training selama pandemi Covid-19. Berdasarkan hasil akumulasi dan pengolahan data, hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa e-Training yang dilaksanakan di PT Pertamina RU III selama pandemi Covid-19 adalah tidak efektif. Mayoritas responden menyatakan bahwa perusahaan sudah efektif dalam melaksanakan sistem asesmen kebutuhan (48 persen) namun tidak efektif dalam mengaplikasikan pengalaman pembelajaran yang positif (45 persen), memberikan kontrol kepada peserta (49 persen), serta menyediakan waktu dan ruang saat melaksanakan e-Training (54 persen). Penelitian ini menyarankan adanya prosedur e-Training kepegawaian khusus yang dirancang secara komprehensif dan turut melibatkan holding, subholding, serta pegawai sebagai langkah perbaikan.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, PT Pertamina RU III changes its employee training method from offline to online (e-Training). Aside from the method, there are other three changes: the system in which the e-Training is implemented, which is a centralistic system, by PT Pertamina holding, unifications with other PT Pertamina sub-holdings, and the approach that omits experimental learning due to the social restrictions. These conditions are challenging as the e-Training adopted in PT Pertamina RU III is abrupt and temporal, which is only during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research aims to analyze the effectiveness implementation of e-Training in PT Pertamina RU III throughout the Covid-19 pandemic (November 2019 – December 2021) using a quantitative method. This study uses the mixed-method technique, which utilizes quantitative and qualitative methods at the same time through surveys, interviews, and literature reviews. There are 303 respondents in this research, and they are the employees of PT Pertamina RU III who participate in the e-Training during the Covid-19 pandemic. According to the data accumulation, this study indicates that the e-Training implemented in PT Pertamina RU III during the Covid-19 pandemic is not effective. The majority of the respondents stated that the company has effectively executed the needs assessment system (48 percent), but they were not as effective in applying a positive learning experience (45 percent), giving control to the participants (49 percent), and providing time and place for the e-Training (54 percent). Therefore, a particular employee e-Training procedure is needed, which is designed comprehensively and involves holding, sub-holding, as well as employees as measures towards improvement.