Tujuan dari Penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji hubungan antara supervisor negative emotions dan team positive energizing climate terhadap cognitive work engagement baik langsung maupun melalui mediasi serial perceived leader effectiveness dan self-efficacy. Studi ini menggunakan desain penelitian konklusif dengan jenis formal study yang memiliki tujuan penelitian causal-explanatory study. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross-sectional studies dilihat dari dimensi waktunya dan mendapatkan responden sebanyak 303 responden. Dalam pengolahan data, peneliti dibantu SPSS 26 dan Lisrel untuk pengujian hipotesis menggunakan SEM. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa supervisor negative emotions hanya berpengaruh langsung terhadap cognitive work engagement. Namun, team positive energizing climate berpengaruh baik langsung maupun tidak langsung terhadap cognitive work engagement melalui mediasi serial perceived leader effectiveness dan self-efficacy. Penyebarluasan kuesioner di era COVID-19 yang terhambat sehingga peneliti tidak dapat memberikan pertanyaan lanjutan serta tidak adanya pilihan jenjang jabatan untuk dianalisis uji beda One-Way Anova merupakan keterbatasan penelitian. Dengan menggunakan hasil penelitian ini, praktisi dapat menyadari bahwa organisasi perlu menciptakan lingkungan yang positif dan dinamis karena hal tersebut akan berpengaruh pula terhadap efektifitas pemimpin yang dipersepsikan bawahan dan keterikatan kerja anggota organisasi tersebut. Studi ini adalah salah satu yang menggunakan self-efficacy sebagai sumber daya pribadi bawahan yang terdampak sebagai hasil dari emosi negatif supervisor.
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between supervisor negative emotions and team positive energizing climate to cognitive work engagement either directly or through serial mediation of perceived leader effectiveness and self-efficacy. This study uses a conclusive research design with a formal type of study that has a causal-explanatory study objective. This research is a cross-sectional study in terms of the time dimension and has 303 respondents. In data processing, researchers were assisted by SPSS 26 and Lisrel for hypothesis testing using SEM. The research findings show that supervisor negative emotions only have a direct effect on cognitive work engagement. However, team positive energizing climate has a direct or indirect effect on cognitive work engagement through serial mediation of perceived leader effectiveness and self-efficacy. Dissemination of questionnaires in the COVID-19 era which was hampered so that researchers could not provide further questions and the absence of a choice of position level for analysis in the One-Way Anova test were limitations of the study. By using the results of this study, practitioners can realize that organizations need to create a positive and dynamic environment because this will also affect the effectiveness of leaders perceived by their subordinates and the work involvement of members of the organization.