Hipertensi merupakan salah satu penyebab utama kematian dini di seluruh dunia. Data WHO menunjukkan sekitar 1,13 miliar orang di dunia menyandang hipertensi, artinya 1 dari 3 orang di dunia tidak menyadari bahwa mereka memiliki hipertensi dan 1 dari 5 orang dengan hipertensi yang tidak terkontrol. Pada tahun 2025 sekitar 29% orang dewasa diseluruh dunia memiliki hipertensi dan diperkirakan setiap tahunnya 10,44 juta orang meninggal akibat hipertensi dan komplikasinya. Asia Tenggara berada di posisi ketiga tertinggi dengan prevalensi 25% terhadap total penduduk. Di Asia Tenggara, beberapa negara sudah melaksanakan skrining hipertensi pada usia produktif, namun penelitian yang dilakukan masih sedikit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pelaksanaan skrining dalam penemuan jumlah kasus Hipertensi pada usia produktif (15-59 Tahun) di Asia Tenggara. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kualitatif menggunakan metode
Literature review dengan basis data
Google Scholar, PubMed, dan PMC. Pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu
Input Process Output (IPO) agar penelitian lebih terarah. Hasil pencarian yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi hanya Vietnam, Thailand, dan Malaysia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa skrining efektif dalam menyaring pasien hipertensi yang tidak terdiagnosis dan tidak terkontrol yaitu studi di Vietnam 28,7% penduduk usia produktif terdiagnosis hipertensi dan 37,7% dari mereka tidak terkontrol, di Thailand 40% penduduk usia produktif tidak menyadari bahwa mereka hipertensi dan 50,8% dari mereka tidak terkontrol, serta di Malaysia 32,4% penduduk usia produktif terdiagnosis hipertensi dan 40,5% dari mereka tidak terkontrol. Peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa skrining terbukti efektif dalam menemukan kasus secara dini dan menentukan penanganan serta diagnosis lebih lanjut.
Hypertension is one of the worldwide leading causes of premature death. The WHO data shows about 1.13 billion people on hypertension in the world, that means 1 of 3 people in the world is unaware that they have hypertension and 1 of 5 people with uncontrolled hypertension. In 2025, about 29% of adults worldwide are having hypertension and are estimated that each year 10.44 million people died from hypertension and its complications. Southeast Asia is in the third highest position with a prevalence of 25% of the total population. In Southeast Asia, several countries have already carried out hypertension screening at their productive age, otherwise the conducted reasearch amount are limited. The objective of this research is to analyze the implementation of screening for the hypertension cases discovery in the productive age (15-59 years) in Southeast Asia. This research is a qualitative study using the Literature review method with Google Scholar, PubMed, and PMC databases. The study approach used in this research is Input Process Output (IPO) to produce more directed research. The countries which met the inclusion criteria were only Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia. The research shown that screening was effective to detect any undiagnosed and uncontrolled hypertension patient. The study in Vietnam shown that 28.7% of the productive aged inhabitants had hypertension and 37.7% of them were uncontrolled, in Thailand 40% of the productive aged inhabitants were unaware that they were having hypertension and 50,8% of them were uncontrolled; and in Malaysian 32,4% of the productive aged inhabitants were having hypertension and 40,5% of them were uncontrolled. The researchers concluded that screening proved effective in finding cases early in order to determine any further treatment and diagnosis.