ISBN is an International Standard Book Number. The ISBN is a unique international identifer for monographic publication, assigning a number replaces the bandling of long bibliographic descriptive records. The objective of this study are to analyze of publsiher's staification on website wualty of ISBN online. the average yield of the overall perception and expectations of the publisher, the degree of conformity was 83.7%, this score is below the scale of 100%, which suggest that generally speaking, publisher are dissatisfied with the website quality. All attributes have a negative gap, the average gap was-0.6, which indicates that the overall perception that respondents have of the system is that performance scores lower than importance. To develop the findings of the IPA analysis, the created a prototype in accordance with the expectations of the publisher, the prototype was created using adobe dreamweaver cs6 and tested using black boc method . testing result showed that the prototype can fulfill all functional requirements