Latar belakang: Kanker ovarium menyumbang 152.000 kematian di seluruh dunia
setiap tahun. Apendik merupakan organ intraperitoneal yang rentan terhadap
metastasis oleh kanker epitel ovarium. Penentuan keterlibatan apendik merupakan
salah satu penentu surgical staging. Surgical staging yang optimal merupakan
sebuah kunci untuk tatalaksana setelah operasi serta memperoleh prognosis yang
baik, serta peningkatan respon tatalaksana kemoterapi. Oleh karena itu, penelitian
ini dilakukan untuk melihat keterlibatan apendiks pada pasien-pasien dengan
kanker epitel ovarium di RSCM yang menjalani pembedahan primer.
Tujuan: Mengetahui prevalensi metastasis kanker epitelial ovarium ke apendiks
yang dilakukan pembedahan primer di RSCM
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong lintang menggunakan data rekam
medis pasien kanker ovarium epitelial yang menjalani pembedahan primer dan
apendiktomi pada bulan juli 2009-juli 2019 di RSCM Jakarta yang memenuhi
kriteria inklusi, dan dilakukan pengambilan data secara acak
Hasil: Didapatkan 80 subjek penelitian yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan
eksklusi. Dari 80 subjek penelitian, dengan rerata usia 48 tahun. Sebanyak 43
subjek (53,8%) sebagai stadium I, 7 subjek (8,8%) sebagai stadium II, 30 subjek
(37,5%) stadium III, dan tidak terdapat stadium IV (0%). Dari 80 subjek yang
menjalani apendiktomi, didapatkan 8 subjek (10%) anak sebar ke apendiks, 19
subjek (23,8 %) apendisitis kronis, 53 subjek (66,3%) tidak terdapat anak sebar.
Dari 8 subjek yang terdapat anak sebar ke apendik dengan temuan histologi 4
musinosum, 2 serosum, 2 endometroid. Sebanyak enam dari delapan subjek
terdiagnosis pada stadium klinis stadium III dan dua lainnya pada stadium klinis
satu. Dua subjek yang terdiagnosis dari stadium klinis satu memiliki temuan
histologi musinosum.
Kesimpulan: Terdapat 10 persen pasien kanker epitelial ovarium yang dilakukan
pembedahan primer di RSCM memiliki metastasis ke apendiks yang terbagi atas
jenis musinosum, serosum, dan endometrioid. Oleh karena itu, apendektomi dapat
dipertimbangkan dilakukan pada pembedahan baik stadium awal maupun stadium
Background: Around 152,000 women were death every year because of ovarian
cancer. Appendix is an intraperitoneal organ which prone to ovarian epithelial
cancer metastasis. Appendix involvement is one of surgical staging scoring.
Optimal surgical staging is one of key point to determine post operation treatment,
accurate prognosis, and better chemotherapy response. This research was done to
see appendix involvement from primary surgery in ovarian epithelial cancer at
Aim: To determine prevalence of metastasis to the appendix from primary surgery
in ovarian epithelial cancer at RSCM
Method: This cross sectional study used ovarian epithelial cancer patient medical
record which primary surgery and appendectomy were conducted on July 2009-July 2019 at RSCM. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were counted and consecutive
random sampling were used.
Result: Eighty subjects which were taken from inclusion and exclusion criteria has
average age on 48 years old. Out of 80, 43 subjects (53.8%) were defined as stadium
I patient, 7 subjects (8.8%) as stadium II, 30 subjects (37.5%) as stadium III, and
none of them as stadium IV. Appendectomy were done and eight subjects (10%)
has metastasis to the appendix. On the other hand, 19 subjects (23.8%) have chronic
appendicitis and 53 subjects (66.3%) doesnt have metastasis to the appendix. From
eight subjects which has appendix involvement, four were defined have mucinous
histology, two serous, and two endometrioid. Six out of eight were diagnosed at
clinical stadium III and two were diagnosed at stadium I. These two stadium I
subjects has mucinous histology.
Conclusion: There are 10 percent appendix metastases from primary surgery in
ovarian epithelial cancer at RSCM which consist of mucinous, serous, and
endometrioid histological types. Based on this research, appendectomy can be
considered done on surgery whether in early or late stadium.