ABSTRACTEnvironmental problems such as pollution, damage to natural resources, depreciation of forest reserves, destruction of various biological species, erosion, flooding and even types of diseases that develop at this time can no longer be said to be merely natural, because humans provide a factor a very significant cause is variable for environmental events. There is no denying that environmental problems are born and developed because human factors are far greater and more complex than the natural factors themselves. This study uses a qualitative-descriptive method in the subject's natural constituents with research informants taken by purposive sampling, they are the people who know the most information about the Implementation of Environment-Based Policies and curricula, such as Principals, Wakasek, Teachers, School Committees, Administration , and students. From this research, it is obtained an illustration that: 1). Environment-based policies are carried out referring to the school's vision and mission and school strategic plan; 2) Environmental based curriculum is carried out in an integrated manner into various teaching materials or teaching materials in normative, adjective and productive subjects; 3) improve the conditions of teaching and learning environment that are more comfortable and conducive for school residents; 4) increasing efforts to avoid various risks of negative environmental impacts in the future. Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the Implementation of Environment-based Policy and Curriculum in Realizing the Care and Cultured Schools in Sukabumi City 3 Vocational Schools runs well and is able to improve environmentally-cultured activities and behavior in an effort to manage effective learning activities as a basis the success of the education of the living environment carried out at school.