ABSTRAKWaste water treatment efforts from the batik industry both by the Government through the Environment Agency already exist, as well as implemented by existing batik craftsmen who apply, but this has not been able to contribute to improving optimal water environment conditions, because only a few craftsmen who have implementing wastewater treatment plants within its industry.
For example wastewater treatment from home batik industry (home industry) or wastewater treatment or indvidual batik industry, in resindetial areas both in Pekalongan city and Garut city in general have not been processed and discharged to recipient water bodies. Field information obtained from the Environmental Agency of Pekalongan City and Garut city recently made an effort to inventory the number of home batik industry scattered in urban settlement areas and waste handling efforts. Indeed, waste water from this home batik industry make a significant contribution to surface water pollution and shallow groundwater. Very real indicators of the develoment of pollution levels of ground water are among others from the wells of the original population as drinking water source after the development of the batik industry is only used for dyeing only. The water supply is supplied from the PDAM or from a refill installation. Another visual indicator, the level of contamination of surface water / open channel that functional as enviromental drainage has function to drain industrial waste water batik. These conditions contribute to pollution in addition to groundwater as well as to the surrounding air quality.