Keikutsertaan aktif dalam tim Agent of Change di PT X merupakan organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) karena tidak adanya reward formal dari pihak perusahaan. Akan tetapi, terdapat anggota Agent of Change (AoC) yang bergabung atas penunjukan dari perusahaan (assignment). Mereka tidak mendaftar secara suka rela sebagai AoC karena tuntutan pekerjaan (job demands) yang sangat tinggi menghambat mereka untuk menjalankan peran lain di luar pekerjaan utama mereka. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menguji hubungan antara job demands dan OCB. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa job demands yang memiliki korelasi negatif paling tinggi dengan OCB adalah work-family conflict (r = -0.42; p< 0.05), sementara job demands lainnya (quantitative demands, work pace, dan cognitive demands) tidak ditemukan korelasinya terhadap OCB. Dari hasil tersebut, dirancanglah suatu program intervensi yang diberi nama “IMPRESS” untuk membantu AoC mengelola work-family conflict yang mereka hadapi sehingga para AoC dapat tetap menampilkan OCB. Intervensi ini meningkatkan keterampilan peserta intervensi untuk melakukan penjadwalan, pembuatan skala prioritas dan mindfulness dalam rangka menurunkan work-family conflict.
Active participation in the Agent of Change team at X Company represents organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) because there is no formal reward from the company to engage in such behavior. However, there are members of the Agent of Change (AoC) who join the team by direct assignment instead of voluntarily involved in the Agent of Change team. They did not register voluntarily as AoC because very high job demands prevent them from carrying out other roles outside of their main work. Therefore, this study examines the relationship between job demands and OCB. The results showed that the job demands that had the highest negative correlation with OCB were work-family conflict (r = -0.42; p <0.05). Other job demands, such as quantitative demands, cognitive demands, and work pace were not correlated with OCB. From these results, an intervention program called "IMPRESS" was designed to help AoC manage the work-family conflict they faced so that they could continue to display OCB. The intervention increased participant’s skill on scheduling, priority scale, and mindfulness in order to reduce the work-family conflict.