SIRS merupakan salah satu sub-sistem penting dalam pelayanan rumah sakituntuk menghasilkan informasi yang cepat, tepat, dan berguna untuk segenap ldquo;stakeholder rdquo; di rumah sakit. SIRS yang telah berjalan wajib untuk dievaluasi,agar sesuai dengan perkembangan kebutuhan pelayanan. Di era jaminan kesehatannasional JKN , rumah sakit harus memiliki SIRS yang mampu terintegrasidengan sistem informasi BPJS. Untuk menganalisa manfaat penggunaan SIRSpada proses klaim pasien JKN, peneliti mengadopsi kombinasi berbagai modelevaluasi sistem. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran implementasiSIRS di RSU Kertha Usada terhadap ketepatan pengklaiman pasien JKN.Penelitian ini bersifat studi analitik berdesain cross sectional, dengan sampelpenelitian sebanyak 100 sampel. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuisonerdengan dilakukan analisis data univariat, bivariat chi-square test , dan multivariatlogistic regression menggunakan aplikasi SPSS. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkansampel penelitian valid dan reliabel digunakan sebagai sampel penelitian, dengannilai R tabel > 0,3610 DF 28, 0,05 . Berdasarkan data demografi 75 sampelperempuan, dengan rata-rata usia 24-40 tahun sebanyak 68 , dan sampelterbanyak 84 pada jabatan pelaporan. Semua indikator variabel independendipersepsikan baik oleh responden.. Hasil analisis Chi-Square, variabelindependen : kualitas sistem, kualitas layanan, kualitas informasi, kepuasanmemiliki hubungan dengan dampak individu. Hasil analisis multivariatmemperlihatkan hanya variabel kualitas sistem yang berpengaruh terhadapdampak individu dengan sebesar 3,378 kali OR 3,378 . Hasil penelitianmengemukakan terdapat pengaruh SIRS terhadap ketepatan pengklaiman pasienJKN RSU Kertha Usada Singaraja Bali
Hospital information system HIS is one of the important sub systems in hospitalservices to produce fast, precise, and useful information for all stakeholders inhospitals. HIS that has been running must be evaluated, to fit with the servicedevelopment. In the era of national health service coverage NHS , the hospitalsmust have HIS that can be integrated with BPJS information system. To evaluatethe effect of HIS benefit on the NHS claims process, researchers adoptcombination of information evaluation models. The aim of this study was to knowthe description of HIS implementation in Kertha Usada General Hospital with theaccuracy of HIS claims. This research is cross sectional design with analyticalstudy by using 100 samples. The research instrument used questionnaire withunivariate data analysis, bivariate chi square test , and multivariate logisticregression using SPSS application. The result of the research shows that the datais valid and reliable used as the research sample, with R table 0,3610 DF 28, 0,05 . Based on demographic data 75 of female samples, with mean age 24 40years as many as 68 , and 84 samples are in reporting position. All of theindependent variable have good perception by the respondent. Chi Squareanalysis results, independent variable system quality, service quality,information quality, and satisfaction has good relation with individual impact p value 0.05 . Multivariate test shows that only system quality impact individualimpact, 3,378 times OR 3,378 . The result of study indicates that there isinfluence of HIS on the accuracy of NHS claims.