Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kontribusi self-compassion terhadap subjective well-being pada remaja panti asuhan di Jakarta. Salah satu faktor yang dapat memengaruhi subjective well-being adalah tercapainya tujuan atau goal dan harapan Diener Scollon, 2003. Permasalahan di kehidupan panti asuhan menunjukkan kemungkinan tidak tercapainya tujuan dan harapan remaja saat mereka masuk ke panti asuhan. Saat tujuan dan harapan tersebut tidak tercapai, maka akan muncul emosi negatif yang dapat menurunkan subjective well-being Zessin, Dickhauser, Garbade, 2015. Self-compassion dapat mengurangi pengaruh emosi negatif yang ditimbulkan oleh kegagalan tersebut sehingga tingkat subjective well-being tetap baik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif, dengan jumlah partisipan 100 orang 51 perempuan berusia 14-18 tahun yang tinggal di panti asuhan di Jakarta. Alat ukur yang digunakan yaitu Self-Compassion Scale Neff, 2003 untuk mengukur self-compassion, The Satisfaction with Life Scale Diener, Emmons, Larsen, Griffin, 1985, dan Positive and Negative Affect Schedule Watson, Clark, Tellegan, 1988 untuk mengukur subjective well-being. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa self-compassion tidak berkontribusi secara signifikan terhadap kepuasan hidup R2 = 0.006, p =0.445, berkontribusi secara signifikan terhadap afek positif R2= 0.091, p = 0.002 dan afek negatif R2= 0.155, p = 0.000 pada remaja panti asuhan di Jakarta.
This research was conducted to investigate the self compassions contribution to subjective well being among orphanage adolescents at Jakarta. The factor that could influence subjective well being are goals and expectations Diener Scollon, 2003 . The troubles that occur in daily life of orphanages show the possibility of goals and expectations which do not achieved. When one experienced failure on goal achievement, negative emotion would appear and lowered the subjective well being Zessin, Dickhauser Garbade, 2015. Self compassion could alleviate the negative emotional influence of failure, so the subjective well being stayed positive. There were 100 participants 51 female from orphanages at Jakarta aged 14 to 18 for this study. The data were collected using Self Compassion Scale Neff, 2003 to measure self compassion, The Satisfaction With Life Scale Diener, Emmons, Larsen, Griffin, 1985 and Positive Negative Affect Schedule Watson, Clark, Tellegan, 1988 to measure subjective well being. Result from this study indicated that self compassion does not significantly contribute to life satisfaction R2 0.006, p 0.445, significantly contributes to positive affect R2 0.091, p 0.002 and also to negative affect R2 0.155, p 0.000 of subjective well being among orphanage adolescents in Jakarta.