ABSTRAKPermasalahan gizi berupa gizi lebih maupun gizi kurang dapat berpengaruh pada derajat kesehatan dan produktivitas kerja terutama pada kalangan mahasiswa. Mahasiswa Program Studi Gizi yang merupakan calon tenaga kesehatan tentunya memiliki peran yang cukup besar dalam mengatasi permasalahan gizi di Indonesia dan diharapkan dapat menerapkan perilaku gizi seimbang dalam kehidupan sehari ndash; hari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran dan hubungan antara pengetahuan gizi seimbang, perilaku gizi seimbang, serta faktor lainnya terhadap status gizi pada Mahasiswa Program Studi Gizi FKM UI. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel 118 mahasiswa. Data dikumpulkan melalui pengukuran tinggi dan berat badan, wawancara 24-h food recall, dan pengisian kuesioner mandiri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proporsi status gizi lebih pada responden sebesar 34,7 dan hanya 5,1 responden yang menerapkan perilaku gizi seimbang. Terdapat hubungan antara persepsi citra tubuh p-value : 0,002 dan pemantauan berat badan secara rutin p-value : 0,030 dengan status gizi, serta variabel persepsi citra tubuh sebagai faktor dominan terhadap status gizi mahasiswa.
ABSTRACTOvernutrition or undernutrition in the terms of nutritional issues can affect one rsquo s state of health and work productivity, more particularly among college students. Students majoring in Nutrition studies who are bound to be the prospective candidates of health workers certainly have such a crucial role in the help of overcoming nutritional problems in Indonesia. Furthermore, they are also expected to apply a balanced nutrition behavior on a daily basis. This study aims to critically examine and identify the relationship of the knowledge and the behavior of balanced nutrition and other factors toward the nutritional status of the students in Nutrition Studies FKM UI. This study applied a cross sectional research design on 118 students as sample. Data were collected by measuring their height and weight, conducting the 24 h food recall interviews, and distributing self administered questionnaires. The results indicated that 34,7 of the students turned out to be overnutritioned and there are only 5,1 of the total respondents who actually implemented the balanced nutrition behavior. Moreover, there is also a correlation between perception of body image p value 0,002 and the weight monitoring routine p value 0,030 with the nutritional status, and perception of body image variable shown as a dominant factor to student rsquo s nutritional status.