Menurut SDKI (2007) AKI saat ini adalah 228/100.000 KH, sedangkan AKB sebesar 34/1.000 KH. Angka ini masih jauh dari target yang harus dicapai pada tahun 2015 sesuai dengan kesepakatan Sasaran Pembangunan Millenium (Millenium Development Goal/MDG) yang ditetapkan WHO yaitu sebesar 102/100.000 KH dan AKB sebesar 23/1.000 KH. Sementara itu AKI di Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah adalah 241,84/100.000 KH dan AKB sebesar 60/1.000 KH, dan Sulawesi Tengah menempati urutan ke-5 tertinggi di Indonesia. Bidan di desa sebagai ujung tombak pelayanan di tingkat dasar diharapkan mampu memperluas jangkauan pelayanan KIA sesuai dengan tugas pokok dan fungsinya yaitu meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat khususnya dalam upaya pencapaian target cakupan k4. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kinerja bidan di desa serta faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kinerja bidan tersebut dalam pencapaian target cakupan K4. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional. Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa perlu adanya pelatihan yang bersifat teknis serta manajemen yang berkesinambungan dan merata bagi bidan di desa, penambahan dan pemerataan tenaga bidan sesuai kebutuhan masyarakat, serta mempertimbangkan reward bagi bidan yang cakupan K4 nya mencapai target dan sanksi tegas bagi bidan yang cakupan K4 nya menurun.
According to SDKI (2007), in this time the number of MMR (Maternal Mortality Rate) is 228/100.000 live birth, while the number of IMR (Infant Mortality Rate) is 34/1000 live birth. Those number still far away from target that must be achieved in 2015 based on Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) which is appointed by WHO that is 102/100.000 live birth for MMR and 23/1000 live birth for IMR. Meanwhile, the number of MMR in Central of Sulawesi is 241.84/100.000 live birth and the number of IMR is 60/1000 live birth, and also refers to those number, Central of Sulawesi becomes top five rank in Indonesia. Midwifes in village as principal point of basic services are supposed to be able in expanding maternal and child health based on main task and the function for increasing public health status, especially in achieving K4 scope target. Aim of this research is to know the description and relating factors of midwife?s village performance in K4 scope target achievement. This research is quantitative research with cross-sectional design. Result of this research recommends that technical training and also continual and balance management is needed for midwifes in village. Besides that, the recommendation of this research are to improve and generalize midwifes that appropriate with public needs and also to consider about reward for midwifes which their K4 scope can achieve the target, while punishment for midwifes that their K4 scope is decreasing.