Yellow puncak fish (Aplocheilus lineatus) is one of the unique freshwater fish origanated from Indonesia. The golden color of the male fish is a distinective property of this species so that it comes up with the "Golden Wonder Pancax" for the commercial name. This study aimed due the lack of the informations regarding the reproduction of this fish. The research was completely done during August 2008 to June 2009 at Research Center for Limnology -LIPI and focused on the reproduction patterns of the progenitor at the age 6 to 12 months. Number of ovulation (NOO) was 5 to 9 times, ovulation percentage (OP) reached 56-100 percent, with the range of total ovulated eggs (NOE) 9-27. Number of fertilization (NOF) varied 5-9 times, fertilization percentage (FP) was 56-100 percent fertilization rate (FR) counted 84-100 percent. The number of hatch (NOH) ranged 3- times, hatch percentage (HP) 33-100 percent and the hatching rate (HR) went from 64 to 100 percent. The average time of egg incubation was detected 8-10.7 days. The survival rate at day-7th (SR) was counted 50-100 percent. The progenitor of 6-8 month gave a more promissing results compared to thatof 11-12 month which exhibitied relatively lower ovulation ability, hatching rate and survival rate.