Intrauterine growth retardation is still a problem in the world, and the cause are complex and multiple. Deficiency in vitamin A has been associated to low birth weight and intrauterine growth retardation. Nevertheless, the study about transfer of vitamin A from mother to fetus in intruterine growth retarded newborns is scarce
The study report is described in three parts.
Part 1. Includes the background of the study, problem statement, rationale of the study, literature reviews, hypothesis, objectives, and variable-indicator matrix. The literature review is focusing on intrauterine growth retardation, and vitamin A in general and in pregnancy, nutrient transfer throug the placenta, as well as nutrition during pregnancy.
Part 2. Is the manuscript for publication, which was prepared to be submitted to the Journal of Nutrtion. This study found thaht in a population where the mother do not have vitamin A deficiency, the condition of inadequate vitamin A status in intrauterine growth retarded newborns caused by problem in the transfer of the nutrient.
Part 3. contains questionnaire used in data collection, form used in the placental abnormalities assessment, detailed methodology and result that have not been presented in the manuscript, references and curriculum vitae.
With this preliminary research in the transfer of vitamin A, hopefully there will be more further research which can come to a recommendation as how to manage inadequate status of vitamin A in IUGR newborns.