Latar Belakang: Kasus kehilangan gigi karena pencabutan sering ditemui dan celah yang ditinggalkan karena pencabutan memberikan dampak buruk secara estetika. Sebagai rehabilitasi, digunakan gigi tiruan imediat (GTI) lepasan yang dipasang segera setelah pencabutan. Namun belum diketahui apakah penggunaan GTI lepasan mempengaruhi resorpsi residual ridge (RRR).
Tujuan: Menganalisis pengaruh pemasangan gigi tiruan imediat terhadap RRR pasca pencabutan.
Metode: Pada 3 ekor Macaca fascicularis, dilakukan pencabutan gigi premolar 1 dan molar 1 kiri dan kanan. Segera setelah pencabutan, dipasang GTI lepasan pada sisi kiri rahang Macaca fascicularis. Pengukuran posisi residual ridge dari sisi rahang Macaca fascicularis yang dipasang GTI lepasan dan yang tidak dipasang GTI lepasan menggunakan radiograf dental pada sesaat setelah pencabutan (0 bulan) dan 2 bulan pasca pencabutan. Selisihnya diukur sebagai RRR.
Hasil: Ditemukan perbedaan posisi residual ridge (p<0,05) antara yang diukur pada 0 dan 2 bulan paska pencabutan pada sisi rahang yang dipasang GTI lepasan dan yang tidak dipasang GTI lepasan. Namun tidak ditemukan perbedaan RRR (p>0,05) antara sisi rahang yang dipasang GTI lepasan dengan sisi rahang yang tidak dipasang GTI lepasan.
Introduction: Extraction caused tooth loss cases was often found in daily practice and gap left after extraction causes a bad effect on tooth esthetic. As a rehabilitation, a removable immediate denture (RID) was used immediately after extraction. But it was still not know if using RID does have an effect to residual ridge resorption. Purpose: To analyze the effect of using RID on residual ridge resorption after extraction. Method:The first premolars and first molars on both left and right side of 3 Macaca fascicularis were extracted. Soon after the extraction RID was placed on the left side of the arch of Macaca fascicularis. Residual ridge position was measured using the dental radiograph for bothside where ID was worn and where RID was not worn immediately after the extraction (0 month) and at 2 months after the extraction. Residual ridge position difference between 0 and 2 months after extraction was measured as the residual ridge resorption. Result: Significant difference (p<0,05) residual ridge position was observed between measurement done 0 month and 2 months after extraction, for both the side where RID was worn and side where RID was not worn. But no significant difference (p>0,05) was reported for residual ridge resorption measured between the side where RID was worn and side where RID was not worn.