ABSTRAKStudi constructivist grounded theory ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan
pemahaman mengenai perspektif orang tua dan guru mengenai kelas tari khusus
penyandang Down syndrome di Gigi Art of Dance berdasarkan pengalaman mereka.
Walau kelas tersebut terbukti menyediakan banyak kesempatan bagi para murid ini, ia
juga memiliki makna yang signifikan bagi orang tua dan guru yang terlibat. Berdasarkan
observasi partisipan selama tiga bulan, delapan wawancara mendalam dan memo writing,
studi ini berhasil menemukan tiga kategori emergent: ?Mewujudkan Rumah?,
?Menginginkan Anak Bersosialisasi? dan ?Mengubah Persepsi?. Hasilnya berkontribusi
terhadap manfaat kegiatan seni, khususnya tari, bagi orang tua dan guru penyandang
Down syndrome. Ditambah lagi, studi ini menggarisbawahi pentingnya memperhitungkan
pengalaman partisipan dalam memahami proses konstruksi makna. Yang terakhir, ia
menunjukan penggunaan dari constructivist grounded theory yang sebelumnya mungkin
jarang dihubungkan dengan metode tersebut
ABSTRACTThis constructivist grounded theory study aims to develop a deeper understanding
of parents and dance teacher?s perspectives on Down syndrome dance class in Gigi Art of
Dance based on their experiences. Although the class itself proves to provide great
opportunities for these students, it also means a great deal for the parents and teacher
involved. Drawing on three months of participant observation, eight in-depth interviews
and memo writing, this study manages to reveal three emergent categories: ?Realizing a
Home?, ?Wanting the Children to Socialize? and ?Changing the Perception?. The results
contribute to the benefits of the arts, particularly dance, for parents and teachers of people
with Down syndrome. In addition, this study highlights the importance of accounting for
participants? experiences in understanding the process of meaning construction. Finally, it
demonstrates the use of constructivist grounded theory in the field of communications,
which might be rarely associated with the method before;