Diabetes mellitus is comma only hereditary metabolic disorder. The signs were hyperglycemic and glucosuric with or without acute or chronic clinically symptoms. It was cause effectively insulin deficiency. The primary was carbohydrate metabolism disorder which followed lipid and protein metabolism disorders. The increase of blood. Glucose concentration could increcesing salivary glucose concentration. Glucose was a good media for the growth of microorganism, for example: candida albicans. The most frequently infection on oral mucous diabetes mellitus patients was candidacies. The purpose of the study was to determine the relation of blood glucose concentration and C. albicans griwth on oral cavity diabetes mellitus patients. The subject consisted of 8 non regulated diabetes mellitus, 8 regulated diabetes mellitus, and 8 normal patients, respectively. The assessment of blood glucose concentration used Bio-Rad Diastat Halmoglobine AIC method. The growth of C. albicans was determined using swab on oral mucous. The result of swab was into culated on sabaurond agar, than gram sainning and glucose test was done. Data was analyzed using speaman test. The result indicated thet the growth of C. albicans was eughen on non regulated diabetes mellitus than regulated diabetes mellitus. It's also on regulated diabetes mellitus that normal patient.