eBooks :: Kembali

eBooks :: Kembali

Treatment planning for person-centered care : shared decision making for whole health / Neal Adams, Diane M. Grieder

Grieder, Diane M. (Academic Press, 2014)


Treatment planning for person-centered care, second edition, guides therapists in how to engage clients in building and enacting collaborative treatment plans that result in better outcomes. suitable as a reference tool and a text for training programs, the book provides practical guidance on how to organize and conduct the recovery plan meeting, prepare and engage individuals in the treatment planning process, help with goal setting, use the plan in daily practice, and evaluate and improve the results. case examples throughout help clarify information applied in practice, and sample documents illustrate assessment, objective planning, and program evaluation.

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Jenis Koleksi : eBooks
No. Panggil : e20427747
Entri tambahan-Nama orang :
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Penerbitan : London: Academic Press, 2014
Tautan : www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123944481
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e20427747 TERSEDIA
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