Artikel Jurnal :: Kembali

Artikel Jurnal :: Kembali

Ketika korban menjadi 'setan': kasus pengadilan penyerangan Ahmadiyah di Cikeusik

oleh Ade Armando (Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2011)


The attackers who killed and savagely persecuted the Ahmadiyyas in Cikeusik was punished lightly. Prosecutors, defense lawyers, and judges argue, they could not be entirely blamed for the assault because it was occurred as a reaction to the action of the victims. The tragedy of the legal process was occurred because the construction of image that has been built on Ahmadiyya before the trial was started.

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Jenis Koleksi : Artikel Jurnal
No. Panggil : MK-Pdf
Entri utama-Nama orang :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
Majalah/Jurnal : Dignitas : Jurnal Hak Asasi Manusia
Volume : Volume VII No. 2 tahun 2011
Institusi Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 4
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MK-Pdf 03-20-292832207 TERSEDIA
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