The picture of persisting massive unemployment, which affects educated is predicted to get worse in 2005. To ease the impact of 1997 economic crises, in 1998/1999, the Government of indonesia introduced a program, namely, social safety net (Jaring Pengaman Sosial, JPS). One of the project empowerment training addressed for PHK victims (laid-off workers), caried out by community development organizations. Despite the question on whether program is successful or failed, and effective or not, it is identified that these trained people have been running their own businesses.
The research objectives were (1) to identify factors affecting change behavior the subjects of unemployed PHK victims turned out to be small operators; (2) to describe the impact of the workshop to the extent of change entrepreneurial behavior; and (3) to formulate a better strategy for entrepreneurial workshop program.
Quantitative survey research was conducted in Bogor area and successfully 100 small enterprise operators, clients of six workshop organizations in 1998. Three of them were employed as informants for qualitative data collection. The result shows that (1) several internal factors (needs for power and autonomy, motivation, and their-perception about innpvation) and external factors (regulation/policy and family support) signihcantly change their entrepreneurial behavior and (2) the training had contributed greatly to the change of both 41% clients of low- and 59% clients of high-entrepreneurial unsupportive (38%) and supportive (62%). The training also affects clients’ cognitive domain higher than affective and psychomotor domain.
It was concluded that training organizations should rearrange their organizations in some areas of clients selection pattern, competent instructor human resource, methods and techniques for adult education and sodality/convergence communication between clients and instructors. Program sustainability was expected in light of the importance of monitoring and evaluation
based the failures and accomplishment of the previous training programs.
Finally, as contribution to all parties involved and have concern with this matter, while sidering some important issues learned from SWOT analysis, a strategic planning for enabling workshop organizations for PHK victims is proposed.