ABSTRAK Anemia remaja umumnya terjadi karena kurangnya konsumsi makanan mengandung zat besi karena mempertahankan body image untuk berpenampilan ideal. Masalah anemia yang tidak diatasi akan berdampak pada prestasi belajar di sekolah dan bagi remaja putri, anemia akan mempengaruhi fungsi reproduksinya. Masalah anemia yang ditemukan pada remaja putri perlu penanganan yang serius. Praktik Spesialis Keperawatan Komunitas menuntut perawat untuk dapat memberikan solusi pennyelesaian masalah dan pencegahan anemia remaja melalui ?Gerakan Remaja SeTiA?. Kegiatan ini merupakan suatu bentuk intervensi pencegahan dan penyelesaian masalah anemia pada remaja di SMP X Kota Depok Jawa Barat. Gerakan Remaja SeTiA memberikan hasil yang positif dengan bukti dapat meningkatkan rata-rata kadar hemoglobin pada remaja dengan nilai rata-rata hemoglobin pemeriksaan awal 11.42 dan akhir adalah 15.15, nilai p=0,019. Nilai ini lebih kecil dari 5%, sehingga disimpulkan terjadi kenaikan hemoglobin. Intervensi ?Gerakan Remaja SeTiA? diharapkan dapat diterapkan di berbagai sekolah.
ABSTRACT Anemia in adolescents generally occurs due to lack of consumption of iron contained foods. It is because adolescent girls tend to maintain ideal body image for dressed. Anemia problems that are not addressed will have an impact on learning achievement at school and for girls it will affect reproductive function in the future. Problems found in adolescent girls need to be solved. Practice of Specialist Community Nursing requires nurses to be able to provide solutions and anemia prevention through ?Movement of Healthy Teenager Free from Anemia-SeTiA". This movement is a form of intervention to prevent and overcome the problem of anemia in adolescents at junior X Depok, West Java. SeTiA movement gives positive results with evidence that may increase average of hemoglobin levels in adolescents. Rate of initial hemoglobin value was 11:42 and the final was 15:15, p = 0.019. This value is smaller than 5%, so it can be concluded that there was an increase in hemoglobin value. Movement of Healthy Teenager Free from Anemia-SeTiA in X junior high is expected to be implemented in various schools.;Anemia in adolescents generally occurs due to lack of consumption of iron contained foods. It is because adolescent girls tend to maintain ideal body image for dressed. Anemia problems that are not addressed will have an impact on learning achievement at school and for girls it will affect reproductive function in the future. Problems found in adolescent girls need to be solved. Practice of Specialist Community Nursing requires nurses to be able to provide solutions and anemia prevention through ?Movement of Healthy Teenager Free from Anemia-SeTiA". This movement is a form of intervention to prevent and overcome the problem of anemia in adolescents at junior X Depok, West Java. SeTiA movement gives positive results with evidence that may increase average of hemoglobin levels in adolescents. Rate of initial hemoglobin value was 11:42 and the final was 15:15, p = 0.019. This value is smaller than 5%, so it can be concluded that there was an increase in hemoglobin value. Movement of Healthy Teenager Free from Anemia-SeTiA in X junior high is expected to be implemented in various schools.;Anemia in adolescents generally occurs due to lack of consumption of iron contained foods. It is because adolescent girls tend to maintain ideal body image for dressed. Anemia problems that are not addressed will have an impact on learning achievement at school and for girls it will affect reproductive function in the future. Problems found in adolescent girls need to be solved. Practice of Specialist Community Nursing requires nurses to be able to provide solutions and anemia prevention through ?Movement of Healthy Teenager Free from Anemia-SeTiA". This movement is a form of intervention to prevent and overcome the problem of anemia in adolescents at junior X Depok, West Java. SeTiA movement gives positive results with evidence that may increase average of hemoglobin levels in adolescents. Rate of initial hemoglobin value was 11:42 and the final was 15:15, p = 0.019. This value is smaller than 5%, so it can be concluded that there was an increase in hemoglobin value. Movement of Healthy Teenager Free from Anemia-SeTiA in X junior high is expected to be implemented in various schools.;Anemia in adolescents generally occurs due to lack of consumption of iron contained foods. It is because adolescent girls tend to maintain ideal body image for dressed. Anemia problems that are not addressed will have an impact on learning achievement at school and for girls it will affect reproductive function in the future. Problems found in adolescent girls need to be solved. Practice of Specialist Community Nursing requires nurses to be able to provide solutions and anemia prevention through ?Movement of Healthy Teenager Free from Anemia-SeTiA". This movement is a form of intervention to prevent and overcome the problem of anemia in adolescents at junior X Depok, West Java. SeTiA movement gives positive results with evidence that may increase average of hemoglobin levels in adolescents. Rate of initial hemoglobin value was 11:42 and the final was 15:15, p = 0.019. This value is smaller than 5%, so it can be concluded that there was an increase in hemoglobin value. Movement of Healthy Teenager Free from Anemia-SeTiA in X junior high is expected to be implemented in various schools.