ABSTRAK Berdasarkan UU Nomor 44 tahun 2009 tentang Rumah Sakit Rumah Sakit didefinisikan sebagai institusi pelayanan kesehatan yang menyelenggarakan pelayanan kesehatan perorangan secara paripurna yang menyediakan pelayanan rawat inap rawat jalan dan gawat darurat Pada akhir tahun 2010 RSUP Fatmawati tercatat menjadi Rumah Sakit kelas A Pendidikan dan mendapat Akreditasi Penuh Tingkat Lengkap 16 Pelayanan Paripurna Kemudian tahun 2011 mendapat sertifikat terakreditasi ISO 9001 2008 dan OHSAS Kegiatan kegiatan yang berlangsung di RSUP Fatmawati adalah bagian Non Farmasi Klinik dan Farmasi Klinik Farmasi klinik meliputi pelayanan pengkajian resep penelusuran riwayat penggunaan obat rekonsiliasi obat pelayanan informasi obat PIO konseling visite pemantauan terapi obat PTO monitoring efek samping obat MESO evaluasi penggunaan obat EPO dispensing sediaan steril dan pemantauan kadar obat dalam darah PKOD
ABSTRACT Under law No 44 of 2009 on the hospital the hospital is defined as a health care institution that organizes personal health service in plenary that provides inpatient outpatient and emergency department At the end of 2010 Fatmawati Hospital recorded into A class hospital fully accredited education and complete 16 levels of service plenary Then at 2011 certified accredited to ISO 9001 2008 and OHSAS The activities take place in a non Fatmawati Hospital is part of clinical pharmacy Pharmacy clinics include services assesment recipes and search history of drug use drug reconsiliation drug information service DIS counseling visite therapeutic drug monitoring TDM monitoring of drug side effect MDSE evaluation of the use of drug sterile dispensing preparation and monitoring of drug level in blood MDLB ;Under law No 44 of 2009 on the hospital the hospital is defined as a health care institution that organizes personal health service in plenary that provides inpatient outpatient and emergency department At the end of 2010 Fatmawati Hospital recorded into A class hospital fully accredited education and complete 16 levels of service plenary Then at 2011 certified accredited to ISO 9001 2008 and OHSAS The activities take place in a non Fatmawati Hospital is part of clinical pharmacy Pharmacy clinics include services assesment recipes and search history of drug use drug reconsiliation drug information service DIS counseling visite therapeutic drug monitoring TDM monitoring of drug side effect MDSE evaluation of the use of drug sterile dispensing preparation and monitoring of drug level in blood MDLB ;Under law No 44 of 2009 on the hospital the hospital is defined as a health care institution that organizes personal health service in plenary that provides inpatient outpatient and emergency department At the end of 2010 Fatmawati Hospital recorded into A class hospital fully accredited education and complete 16 levels of service plenary Then at 2011 certified accredited to ISO 9001 2008 and OHSAS The activities take place in a non Fatmawati Hospital is part of clinical pharmacy Pharmacy clinics include services assesment recipes and search history of drug use drug reconsiliation drug information service DIS counseling visite therapeutic drug monitoring TDM monitoring of drug side effect MDSE evaluation of the use of drug sterile dispensing preparation and monitoring of drug level in blood MDLB