Good governance plays a critical role towards the sustainable of economic development in Indonesia. This is simply because it determines the efficiency, integrity, and effectiveness of public sector management, and also accountability and transparency of corporate and financial governance in the private sector. However, the direct concern on this matter seems to be limited only on the bureaucracy reform as it can be seen from the issuance of the presidential instruction no.14,2010 (Inpres no.14/2010) Whilts the above bureaucracy reform is no doubt necessary, but it is considered insufficient to make the good governance work well. Other reforms aspects such as political office, civil society and economic society are, therefore, cannot be avoided. This paper aims at discussing the concept and the policies of good governance for Indonesia particularly from economic perspective. It was argued that in order to make good governance from the economic stand point, it is a must for the government to establish economic and financial management focusing inter alia towards macroeconomic stability, commitment to social and economic equity, and the promotion of efficient institutions through structural reforms such as trade liberalization and domestic deregulation. Also, it is argued that there is a need for Indonesia to justify her own ways rather than only by adopting the best practices of the good governance available in other countries.