ABSTRAKTujuan tesis ini dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi kebijakan P2KPDT di Kabupaten Barru. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan metode kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan cara menyebar kuisioner kepada para ?expert? sebanyak 32 responden yang terdiri dari pelaksana kebijakan dan dianggap paling tahu permasalahan kegiatan P2KPDT di Kabupaten Barru.
Fokus penelitian ini adalah memberikan penilaian pada bobot fokus dan kriteria kegiatan yang disusun secara sistematis dalam suatu hirarki melalui skala perbandingan. Fokus kegiatan yang diberikan bobot terdiri dari : peningkatan kandungan lokal, pelibatan stakeholders secara substansial dalam suatu kemitraan strategis, peningkatan ketahanan dan kemandirian ekonomi, pembangunan berkelanjutan, Pemanfaatan hasil pembangunan oleh sebagian besar masyarakat lokal, pengembangan usaha kecil dan menengah, penguatan kapasitas dan peningkatan kualitas SDM. Sedangkan kriteria kegiatan yang diberikan bobot terdiri dari : Efektifitas, Efisiensi, Kecukupan, Responsifitas dan Ketepatan. Alternatif kebijakan yang dipilih adalah : Status quo, Kegiatan dialihkan dengan modifikasi dan Kegiatan dihentikan.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kegiatan P2KPDT di Kabupaten Barru lebih menonjol pada sisi peningkatan kandungan lokal, hal tersebut ditunjukan dengan bobot prioritas tertinggi dalam analisis (0,337) dibandingkan dengan 6 fokus pelaksanaan kegiatan yang lain. Secara umum pada setiap fokus kegiatan kritera efektifitas merupakan kriteria yang paling penting dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan. Bobot tertinggi (0,451) adalah pada fokus Penguatan kapasitas dan peningkatan kualitas SDM. Hasil sintesa hirarki dan analisis keseluruhan menujukan bahwa rekomendasi alternatif kebijakan yang disarankan di masa yang akan datang adalah kegiatan dihentikan dengan bobot tertinggi sebanyak 0,498.
ABSTRACTThe aim of thesis is to evaluate the policy of P2KPDT in Barru Regency. The research approach with quantitative method and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). This Research was conducted by spread questionnaire to 32
respondents as expert which consisted of policy implementer and respondent that
considered know the problem in P2KPDTproject at Barru Regency.
This research focused on assess project focus and criteria which sistematically arranged in a hierarchy with pairwise comparison. Project focus based on : increasing endogenous value; Involving stakeholders substantially in a strategic partnership; increasing an economic security and independence, suistanable development, Utilize results of development by most local community, Developmet of small enterprise; Human resources capacity building. While project criteria consist of efectivity, efficiency, adequacy, responsiveness and accuracy and policy alternative consist of: status quo, project modification, and discontinued project.
The Results showed that P2KPDT project in Barru Regency more prominent in increasing endogenous value as the highest priority in analisys (0,337) compared to the other 6 project focus. In general, the effectiveness criteria is the most important criteria for each project focus. The highest value (0,451) is on effectiveness of human resources capacity building focus. The Results of hierarchy synthesis and overall analysis shows that the reccomendation is discontinued project (0,498)
, The aim of thesis is to evaluate the policy of P2KPDT in Barru Regency. The research approach with quantitative method and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). This Research was conducted by spread questionnaire to 32
respondents as expert which consisted of policy implementer and respondent that
considered know the problem in P2KPDTproject at Barru Regency.
This research focused on assess project focus and criteria which sistematically arranged in a hierarchy with pairwise comparison. Project focus based on : increasing endogenous value; Involving stakeholders substantially in a strategic partnership; increasing an economic security and independence, suistanable development, Utilize results of development by most local community, Developmet of small enterprise; Human resources capacity building. While project criteria consist of efectivity, efficiency, adequacy, responsiveness and accuracy and policy alternative consist of: status quo, project modification, and discontinued project.
The Results showed that P2KPDT project in Barru Regency more prominent in increasing endogenous value as the highest priority in analisys (0,337) compared to the other 6 project focus. In general, the effectiveness criteria is the most important criteria for each project focus. The highest value (0,451) is on effectiveness of human resources capacity building focus. The Results of hierarchy synthesis and overall analysis shows that the reccomendation is discontinued project (0,498)