ABSTRAK Nihilisme dalam perspektif Nietzsche adalah keadaan tertentu dimana tidak ada yang baik
maupun benar, semua hal menjadi tidak berarti. Sesuatu yang buruk dapat dianggap benar
dan sebaliknya. Konsep ?Kematian Tuhan? yang dinyatakan oleh Nietzsche memainkan
peran yang penting dalam film The Dark Knight Rises yang membuat film ini menjadi lebih
muram dibanding film-film Batman sebelumnya. Penulisan ilmiah ini akan menganalisa
bagaimana nihilisme mempengaruhi alur cerita film ini. Film ini akan dikontekstualisasikan
dengan membandingkannya ke situasi di Amerika Serikat setelah kejadian 9/11. Pada film
ini, teroris tidak selalu menjadi yang jahat, dan pahlawan tidak selalu menjadi yang benar.
Semua orang mengalami depresi.
ABSTRACT Nihilism in Nietzsche perspective is the condition where there is neither right nor wrong inparticular condition, everything has no meaning. The bad can be considered good and viceversa. The concept about ?The Death of God? which is stated by Nietzsche plays animportant role in The Dark Knight Rises that makes the film gloomier than the previousBatman movies. This research paper will analyse how nihilism affects the flow of this movie.The film will be contextualised by comparing it with the situation in U.S. condition after 9/11accident. In this movie, terrorists do not always become the evil ones, and the hero does notalways become the good one. Everyone has experienced depressions., Nihilism in Nietzsche perspective is the condition where there is neither right nor wrong inparticular condition, everything has no meaning. The bad can be considered good and viceversa. The concept about “The Death of God” which is stated by Nietzsche plays animportant role in The Dark Knight Rises that makes the film gloomier than the previousBatman movies. This research paper will analyse how nihilism affects the flow of this movie.The film will be contextualised by comparing it with the situation in U.S. condition after 9/11accident. In this movie, terrorists do not always become the evil ones, and the hero does notalways become the good one. Everyone has experienced depressions.]