ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan mengenai perilaku menyimpang
anggota Polri dan permasalahannya dengan menganalisis pelanggaran kode etik
profesi Polri pada Polres Aceh Utara dari tahun 2010 hingga 2012. Secara
kualitatif penelitian ini akan menerangkan penyebab terjadinya perilaku
menyimpang, proses pembinaan personil, dan peran pimpinan dalam
menanggulangi perilaku menyimpang. Perilaku menyimpang yang dilakukan oleh
anggota polisi pada Polres Aceh Utara disebabkan oleh lemahnya inner
containment dan outer containment. Lemahnya Inner containment disebabkan
oleh kurangnya pemahaman mengenai kepolisian, menurunnya kesadaran moral
dan etika, adanya gaya hidup hedonisme, berasosiasi dengan orang yang lebih
dulu menyimpang. Sedangkan lemahnya outer containment disebabkan oleh
kurangnya peran organisasi Polres Aceh Utara dalam hal kurang efektifnya
manajemen pembinaan personil, dan kurang efektifnya peran pemimpin, dan
disebabkan juga karena adanya pengaruh lingkungan komunitas.
ABSTRACTThis study aims to explain the deviant behaviour of members of the national
police and the problem with analyzing the violation of code of ethics of the
national police in northern Aceh police from 2010 to 2012. This qualitative study
will explain the causes of deviant behaviour, process guidance to police officers
deviating behaviour, and the role of leadership in dealing with deviant behaviour.
Deviant behaviour committed by members of the police at the police station north
Aceh caused by weak inner and outer containment. Weak Inner containment is
caused by a lack of understanding of the police, declining moral and ethical
awareness, their hedonistic lifestyle, associated with the person who first deviated.
While the outer containment weakness caused by lack organizational roles
northern Aceh Police in terms of the lack of effective management of personnel
development, and the lack of effective leadership role, and due also because of the
influence of the community environment, This study aims to explain the deviant behaviour of members of the national
police and the problem with analyzing the violation of code of ethics of the
national police in northern Aceh police from 2010 to 2012. This qualitative study
will explain the causes of deviant behaviour, process guidance to police officers
deviating behaviour, and the role of leadership in dealing with deviant behaviour.
Deviant behaviour committed by members of the police at the police station north
Aceh caused by weak inner and outer containment. Weak Inner containment is
caused by a lack of understanding of the police, declining moral and ethical
awareness, their hedonistic lifestyle, associated with the person who first deviated.
While the outer containment weakness caused by lack organizational roles
northern Aceh Police in terms of the lack of effective management of personnel
development, and the lack of effective leadership role, and due also because of the
influence of the community environment]